Archived Black Friday 2017

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@HRZone what do you mean ticketed TVs? What does GS do with those?

At mine every year we set the two ticketed TV's up at guest service against the wall and have gates up. 1 or 2 people behind guest service and usually 2 tms to assist with moving the TV's.

AP gives the tickets out in line. Then when those people are done shopping they come up to guest service, hand the person at the register the ticket, person pays for the TV and then the guest service TM tells the TM(s) standing on the other side of the counter which TV to give the guest.

At my store in the past you have 3 hours to come up to guest service and buy your TV. Once that 3 hours is up it's first come first serve for any remaining ticketed TV's that might be there still
What is BF like for GSTMs*? Is it just “no we don’t price match” over and over? Is it busy over there or just cashiers?

*by GSTMs i mean service desk specifically
It was pretty slow last year. We had the large doorbuster tv's there last year and had to verify receipts.
Posted dates at my service desk say November 1 through December 24. No price match to anywhere except
If that is the case they should update the policy at under exclusions it says:

  • Price matches and adjustments to competitors will not be allowed for prices from Thanksgiving Day through the entire week after Thanksgiving. (11/23/2017 – 12/2/2017).
Wow....closing at midnight......I think that it's a good idea. Gives stores a chance to clean up and be presentable at 6am on Friday.

Just feel bad for the kiddos who have to be back at 6am sharp, good luck getting any semblance of sleep.
Don't be afraid to call on AP if there's a problem.

One year I had angry guests come up to me to tell me there was a woman who put 4 tvs in her cart and was posted up near the tv flat trying to "sell" them to people. They expected me to go over and do something about it so when I confronted her she said she wasn't doing that and that she was going to buy them. After that I had no clue how to handle it so I just called AP. Should have done that from the beginning lesson learned.
Well, I certainly won't complain about not having to work overnight. Though I will say doing 'bux last Turkey Day was kinda cool, and my coworkers and I had a good time. No angry guests, just everyone trying to join the rush. We were told as long as we didn't make it too obvious to guests, we could drink whatever we wanted for the overnight to help keep us going.

My first store actually sat everyone down just before Halloween and asked about preferred availability through the holidays, and made up at least a tentative schedule by the beginning of November. My new store isn't doing that, but this one is probably twice the size, so that would probably be a nightmare to accomplish. I was told not to expect the schedule any earlier than normal, so I guess I'll find out at the end of this week. I've actually moved near family that I like to associate with, so I hope we can coordinate some kind of dinner time.

Another tip, though it won't apply to many:
If you ride a motorbike to work like I usually do, don't do it on Black Friday. In terms of driver attention and aggression, it'll be worse than riding around an area with a lot of bars at closing time, and people will try to move your bike if they want your parking space (I speak from experience). Walk, bus, cage it, or hitch a ride. Riding on Thanksgiving is not as bad, but you'll still want to be extremely careful about where you park. In fact, when I ride to work (where ever I happen to work) on a day like that, I usually seek out special permission to park in a corner somewhere I'm not usually allowed to, simply to stay out of the way of everyone else, and have AP/security keep an extra eye out when they're able to. If you've got extra locks or alarms, use all of them.
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What is BF like for GSTMs*? Is it just “no we don’t price match” over and over? Is it busy over there or just cashiers?

*by GSTMs i mean service desk specifically
At our store super easy, we don't do any returns on black friday. We are just here to fix any receipt issues and we also have the tv's at guest service. At my store we get paid to baby sit TV's. 😛. GSTM also cover cashier breaks and lunches.
by law, in at least my state, you are required at least 8 hours off between shifts

Obviously not in my state when they scheduled me with a 4 hour gap between two 8hr shifts a couple years ago for Black Friday.

I slept inside my car at the parking lot
I must be lucky! I'm in the backroom and we don't work on Thanksgiving. We come in at midnight on Black Friday for the usual truck, autos and backstock. . Looking forward to having Boston Market for dinner as well. I won't complain at all.
I'm still salty that they just made us pancakes and bacon breakfast last BF instead of catered food like years previous.
Yeck. I would rather work the overnight shift again like I did for the last two years. Not nearly as many guests to deal with, and I could have dinner with the family and get a couple hours rest before work.
We were told as long as we didn't make it too obvious to guests, we could drink whatever we wanted for the overnight to help keep us going.
Too bad that couldn't be extended to all the TM's working on that day.
Obviously not in my state when they scheduled me with a 4 hour gap between two 8hr shifts a couple years ago for Black Friday.

I slept inside my car at the parking lot

It's actually a Target policy that they have to offer team members 8 hours of off time between shifts. They have to ask for your permission to schedule you for something shorter.

You probably were happy to get the money and weren't complaining but know that you definitely didn't have to work that much.
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