Being hired in August, can somebody give a short description of BTS? Like if a bunch of people say "bad things" about the store does that hurt the store or some of the Leaders or something? Or does it mean nothing at all?
Best Team Survey. It's a series of questions you answer ranging from "Strongly Disagree" to "Strongly Agree". The BTS is: 1.) Anonymous. 2.) Controlled by an outside company. 3.) Intended to determine how "engaged" the Team is w/ their Store, w/ their Leadership, and w/ Target as a Company.
The Stores are supposed to have nearly 100% participation in the Survey during the 2-week window. They need ALL TMs to answer to gauge areas of improvement. (you'd be surprised at how many TMs aren't "unhappy")
MOST large retail companies have the same/similar survey. Essentially, you'll be answering the
same 5-6 questions throughout the Survey.... they're just posed differently. The Outside Company "groups" the individual answers into "other"
categories: Communication, Retention, Development, Opportunities, etc.
The Outside Company administers their "Results" of the
categories to the "TOP"..... and it trickles down to the Store Leadership level. We never see the "actual" surveys. If comments are made; those comments may be taken completely
out of context to support one of the categories.
Your Leadership Team then has to develop an action plan to improve the categories w/ low scores. These action plans should be posted somewhere near your time-clock or breakroom. Usually titled, " You asked? We listened!". The District Team and Regional Team are also privy to this action plan.
So...... the moral of this (long) post is: While we answer the Survey questions with our
most personal frustrations, "Bob, the College Intern is a moron, who doesn't know shit" or " I've been here for 10 years and make the same $ as Newbie Sue"; none, NONE, of those personal answers will matter. The Outside Company will group those answers into Development or Opportunities. They take the "pain" right out of your "bite".