Archived Cashiers and salesfloor TMs, what do you wish you could tell the GSTL/GSA at your store?

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please keep up with the break schedule, there were times when i first started that i would go without breaks because i was never sent. now i make sure i get every single one. some cashiers are afraid to ask when it's their time to go so they go without it. i feel like a pain when i have to ask to go and i hate asking when it's busy and they only have one other cashier. it's sad because when the gsas go on break at my store and put the cart attendant in charge they do a better job at sending us on our breaks.

also, please don't send the cashier who hates being on lane away to do something else when we're crazy busy and there's only 3 of us. they were scheduled to be a cashier and that's what they should be doing. i understand if it's slow but when it's busy and you need to to call for backup it's not fair to who comes up for backup.
I read the title and I thought it was going to be about the gsa at your store, and for me that would be fuck off and go to hell, you evil prune.

But towards gsa's in general-
Please don't act like you own the store and you're the big boss, really annoys us when a gsa says one thing and the GSTL tells you that's wrong or made up.

Please don't "almost coach" us in front of guests (gsa at my store will pretty much act like they're coaching you, but can't pull you offstage) and they often do it while bringing change.

Try to be fair, don't send the same cashier to spot every day, unless they ask, try to send everyone on break timely, and not just the cashiers you like.

Don't let the cashiers boss you around, and try not to boss us around too much.

Long story short, don't act like tough shit, and try to be part of the team instead of just a boss.

We have a GSA who acts like she owns Target. It's really annoying.
Please, for the love of God, be organized.
Have a backbone, don't be a doormat.
Do not micromanage me.
Don't forget to give me a break.
I had one GSA and one GSTL who were both like this. One night I went OFF on my GSTL because of something he did. He pulled me into the office and I told him exactly what was on my mind. After that conversation, he actually became more conscious of the things I pointed out to him. As for the GSA, I would generally ignore him or tell him where to go. I repeatedly told him that he's not made to be in management. He was a constant whiner as well. Grated my damn nerves.
Wow! These are great! Thank you for taking time to respond. I will take to heart your feedback. I actually love being GSA and I'm hoping to be a TL someday. You guys are the best!

Please don't call the cashiers stupid in front of the Team Members. I am a GSTM and I am always hearing from two of the GSA's how stupid the cashiers are. Our cashiers aren't stupid, most of them work very hard, don't stand around during down times and do their best to get red cards.
Please don't harass cashiers about getting red cards, especially in front of guests. We all know how "important" red cards are, we all know that we need to get red cards. I prefer it if you tell me how many we are at when I come in for my shift and how many more we need to make our daily goal. It's a team effort to meet our goal.
Please have a backbone when I am denying a guest for a return when a guest has a high value, high theft electronic item.

The GSA I enjoy working most with makes sure people get their breaks, she treats all cashiers/GSTM with respect and doesn't call them stupid behind their backs. When things get hairy, she jumps on a lane and makes an effort to get red cards. She has a backbone and will back me up when I deny a return and a guest doesn't want to take no for an answer. She doesn't act like she owns Target.
At our store, the GSA/TL has little break cards that you pick up at the end of your shift and turn in at the end. Breaks and lunches are scheduled on it and you put it on your register. This is really helpful and then everyone knows exactly when to go on break/lunch.
You've gotten solid advice in this thread @BullseyeBabe. As someone who was a cashier for about 9 months before promoting to GSA, I knew what it was like to have shitty GSAs/GSTLs who did things like forgetting breaks, screaming about REDcards on walkie all day, etc. I kept all those things in my mind during my (brief) time as GSA and I hope you do as well.

Please don't call the cashiers stupid in front of the Team Members. I am a GSTM and I am always hearing from two of the GSA's how stupid the cashiers are.

I had a GSTL who would say the cashiers needed "babysitting," calling them "children." I disagreed but this is definitely a common sentiment shared by many GSAs/GSTLs for some reason. Maybe they've forgotten what it's like to be a cashier!
I hate how people make it seem like cashiering is so beneath them. I even have some TMs of mine that belittle the job. What do I do? I send them for back up and I make sure that they ask for Redcards, oh a guest had a price challenge? I thought you would know what to do since it's such an easy job. Once they come back, they have a change of heart.
Too many people think cashiering is beneath them Truth is, a cashier can make or break a guests shopping experience. They are the last persona guest deals with. They can have a great trip, found everything they wanted and even on sale, but if the cashier is disinterested or rude THAT is what they will remember. On the other hand if the guest couldn't find a few things but the cashier was fantastic, quick and personable that guest will leave with that image. Treat them with respect and let them know their job is important. They are not JUST a cashier. They ARE a guest service team member
My gstls are pretty cool, but we do have a gsa who thinks she's higher positioned than what she is... She tries to make me do things, mind you I'm not even front end... I usually just tell her no.
If you call me to back up cashier, please -

- make sure the lane is stocked with bags (all sizes,) pens, a highlighter, gift card envelopes, promo gift cards, receipt tape, and coupon tape. It would be nice to have stickers for the kids, paper towels and cleaner, too.
- empty the hanger bins routinely -- looks terrible when there are hangers piled up, and spilling out onto the floor. I judge cashiers who leave hangers & trash all over the floor at their lane. Just asking for an accident to happen.
- empty the go-backs, too
- clear out the empty hand baskets
- if the lane isn't working, put an Out Of Order sign up on the screen -- very embarrassing to have to move a guest who is unloading their cart onto the conveyor belt and to hear the cashier next to me say "Oh, that lane has not been working all week."
- keep the coupon printer ink changed.
- get me off the lane ASAP
- confirm that you actually need backup as opposed to me walking up to find no 🙄

- and if you no longer need me, as I am walking up from the Very Back of The Store -- please let me know you appreciate my response, but the lanes are "ok"

we are busy. a sincere "thank you" is appreciated.
if the lane isn't working, put an Out Of Order sign up on the screen -- very embarrassing to have to move a guest who is unloading their cart onto the conveyor belt and to hear the cashier next to me say "Oh, that lane has not been working all week."

Yes! Especially because backup cashier often just pick a lane. It was happening so much at my store for a while that I would tell the guest to wait a moment so I could see if I could log-in and scan one item before telling them to take everything out of their cart. Although it doesn't help if it is at the end of the transaction and it won't take card payments.

Unless a cashier/GSTM is wrong about the policy; try to have their backs. If they tell the guests 'no' and then they ask to speak to someone higher up it is extremely frustrating to have the GSA/GSTL allow it. From my experience we give it to the person if the request is reasonable so it feels like why even have a policy if someone higher up to allow it.

I know this was mentioned before, but a 'thank you' and 'I appreciate your help with the backups/dealing with that rude guest/refilling bags/helping clear the line at guest service" goes a long way. I think that is the number one complaint that TM mention when speaking to each other, no appreciation. Its so rare at my store that when we do get a thank you we are sometimes confused like maybe the leader was being sarcastic when thanking us. I know it is our job to do these things, but everyone likes being verbally appreciated.
When sales floor TM's get called to back up we usually ask which lane they'd like us on and they tell us so that we don't get on a lane that isn't working.

I agree with more appreciation. Usually they say "thank you [name] for backing up and helping guests" to the sales floor TM's doing the back up but rarely do I hear "great job!" being said to the cashiers unless they get a Red Card.
When sales floor TM's get called to back up we usually ask which lane they'd like us on and they tell us so that we don't get on a lane that isn't working.

We used ask as well, but most of the time the GSA/GSTLs were slow to give us a lane, wouldn't respond, or would just tell us to pick a lane. So after a while people stopped asking as much because they figured it was better to get on any lane than wait for someone to give them a lane. One GSTL will normally pick a lane when someone responds to the backup and have a guest waiting which seems like a better system then having the person backing up ask the GSTL to give them a lane.
There is a lot of wisdom in this thread and a lot I whole heartedly agree with. That said, many times if I couldn't back up a cashier or GSTM, it was because I knew the next person up wouldn't back me up. It's a vicious cycle.
I know someone already mentioned this but please please PLEASE don't forget about other people that need change throughout the day. If I ask for change at 11am and it's 3pm and both of my Starbucks registers are almost out of change, we have a problem. I will go up and find you, or if I'm slammed, I'll hit additional assistance until you come up to find out what I need. I understand I'm not a cashier but I do need change and short changing people doesn't make them happy.

Also, if I go up for back up, please make sure I get off at a decent time if I have a line at Starbucks. I can't leave my coworker alone with a huge line when there's other sales floor TMs who can help you. Please just be aware we want what's best for the store just like you do and therefore we need help doing our job, like having change brought to us. I always thank my GSA/GSTL when they bring me change, and I'd love a thank you after I back up for them.
Pay attention to the registers that have been requesting 015's!! I don't know how many times I have to yell at my GSTLs/GSAs to not forget to bring my change. I've even gotten GSTL keys and gotten it myself when I'm there.
you have no idea how many people put in requests for un needed change. i've been a cashier. some people just aren't comfortable unless they have an extra set of 20's, 10's. and i would if i could. but we don't have money for that. i'm thinking long term. do i have enough in the safe? do i have the time to add more to the change fund?

some will insist you get change right away because they have a 3/4 full thing of quarters of pennies.
you have no idea how many people put in requests for un needed change. i've been a cashier. some people just aren't comfortable unless they have an extra set of 20's, 10's. and i would if i could. but we don't have money for that. i'm thinking long term. do i have enough in the safe? do i have the time to add more to the change fund?

some will insist you get change right away because they have a 3/4 full thing of quarters of pennies.
I had a cashier who, upon coming in for a shift, would immediately request 5s, 10s, and 20s. You don't need to request it every single time. Especially when the LODs didn't believe in doing advances from the safe. Thus, I needed them to only request change when they actually needed it. I simply didn't have the funds to fund everyone's cash addictions.
It is beyond annoying to see the GS crew (which can include GS tms, GSA/TL, LOD, CA, other tms getting carts of abandon) just chilling, talking, yukking it up while I'm stuck in my cashier box. What's even more annoying is when the line of guests keeps growing and you are STILL there, oblivious.
If you're a GSA/GSTL, actually watch your lanes instead of standing talking to off the clock TM's and the cart attendant. There have been several times where the GSTL has done this and a TM walking past will just hop on and not say anything. Then they wait for the GSTL to notice and ask how long they've been up there. I've also been on break and watched her talk to the Starbucks TM while I'm in line and have gone and pushed the additional assistance button bc she isn't bothering to watch.
just know if you are mean/rude from the jump off - you aren't going to get much sympathy or support from me. I will happily come up and ring when needed - but don't yell for a response as soon as the call has gone off .... I'm not just a magical backup fairy waiting for your call -- I'm busting my butt on the floor doing something & it's going to take me a second to respond and to get to the front. If I say I'm coming, trust that I am.
And if I come up to ring while you know I'm the FR - and you don't automatically get the phone handed to you; at least do your part to get me off the lanes in a reasonable amount of time. It is rude to not only me & the guest in front of me - but also those calling in, when I've got to juggle all the cashiering && try to answer and transfer across the store. I will do it to the best of my Ability and wont even be upset - but some acknowledgment / support in those situations goes a long way.

Treat me well && I will be in your corner. If I'm busy but nearby getting re shop & see you need help - I'll offer without prodding. I'll do the carry outs, heck I'll even try and help at gs (even though no one will take the time to just train me) ....but remember we are a team. I'm being part of your team && do my best to do that (and I know not everyone does, but you know who does && who doesn't / is insufferable) -- so try to be on my team when I need you too if you can.
I really appreciate your thoughtful responses. I'm doing my best and your suggestions will help me in so many ways. I love being a GSA and I work with amazing cashiers, cart attendants and GSTMs. You guys are great! Thank you! Thank you!
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