Archived Cashiers and salesfloor TMs, what do you wish you could tell the GSTL/GSA at your store?

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And if I come up to ring while you know I'm the FR - and you don't automatically get the phone handed to you; at least do your part to get me off the lanes in a reasonable amount of time. It is rude to not only me & the guest in front of me - but also those calling in, when I've got to juggle all the cashiering && try to answer and transfer across the store.

How can you backup at the lanes while you're the fitting room/operator? Do you have a cordless phone that allows you to transfer calls?
How can you backup at the lanes while you're the fitting room/operator? Do you have a cordless phone that allows you to transfer calls?

Some stores have a setup similar to this:

Operators desk has the normal Cisco phone and a cordless phone requisitioned from the floor like Electronics. This phone is not used when the operator is at the fitting room. When operator leaves fitting room, they press CFwd All and forward to the cordless extension. All calls will now ring to the cordless phone, which they carry with them. It is then possible to place a call on hold and announce it by pressing FLASH (or on red phones, tap the hook switch) followed by quickly entering 218# where # is the line (0 would mean 2280, 1 would mean 2281, etc.) and then announcing for example Toys, you have a call on 2280, please.
Having a cordless phone sounds so nice! I was told that our store tried having cordless phones, but it just didn't work and wasn't able to transfer calls. I remember how laughable that sounded; smart phones these days are basically little computers, but Target can't get a cordless phone that will allow the operator to do two things 1) answer a call and then 2) transfer the call?

Since there are fewer people on the floor these days the fitting room people are expected to zone even further away then normal and sometimes we have trouble hearing the phone and by the time we walk over to answer it the person has already hung up. Then you walk away to go back to your zone and it rings again which gets frustrating. Plus some operators use the lack of a cordless phone as an excuse to just stay by the fitting room and sit around. They just say there have been a lot of phone calls so they haven't been able to really zone even though some of leadership is suspicious and doubts the phone is really ringing off the hook like they say it is.
you have no idea how many people put in requests for un needed change. i've been a cashier. some people just aren't comfortable unless they have an extra set of 20's, 10's. and i would if i could. but we don't have money for that. i'm thinking long term. do i have enough in the safe? do i have the time to add more to the change fund?

some will insist you get change right away because they have a 3/4 full thing of quarters of pennies.
I've GSTLed multiple times, I'm aware of that. I'm also aware of how many times other areas of the store get ignored or forgotten.
I've GSTLed multiple times, I'm aware of that. I'm also aware of how many times other areas of the store get ignored or forgotten.
I never meant to ignore other areas of the store..I did better than most in remembering to check for requests, but unless my cashiers requested it and let me know they put in a request, it might be a while before the outliers get change.
I never meant to ignore other areas of the store..I did better than most in remembering to check for requests, but unless my cashiers requested it and let me know they put in a request, it might be a while before the outliers get change.

Knowing GSAs/GSTLs are busy people with many things going on at once, whenever I would put in a change request in a non-front lane register I would call them like so: "hey GSTL this is (name) in (department) letting you know I just put in an (urgent/non urgent) change request for register (number) in (department)"

To my new GSTL: Your walkie voice is like nails on a chalkboard. You talk too much and at a mile a minute so nobody can understand you. CHILL THE FUCK OUT. Also when I come up for backup, DO NOT LEAVE ME ON A LANE FOR AN HOUR BECAUSE YOU WANTED TO SEND TWO CASHIERS TO LUNCH, NEITHER OF WHOM WERE CLOSE TO COMPLIANCE. You do that again and I'm walking off as soon as the backup is gone, because I have my ETL's backing on this.

To all the GSAs and GSTLs at my store: please understand that Electronics is given a lot of leeway in this store to make things right for the guest. If I call you over, I have no way to resolve the issue without a supervisor, please respect this and respond within a timely manner. Waiting 15 minutes just to get a "you'll have to wait I'm in Guest Services" is not OK.
I was always glad when people let me know they put in a request...but if they did it over channel one, I always got coached...especially if it was a cashier who did it.

If they can't get away from where ever they are...and that does happen...I have gotten stuck at guest services and simply can't go any other place, I would immediately call for the LOD and ask them to help me out and go assist at the other place.
Having a cordless phone sounds so nice! I was told that our store tried having cordless phones, but it just didn't work and wasn't able to transfer calls. I remember how laughable that sounded; smart phones these days are basically little computers, but Target can't get a cordless phone that will allow the operator to do two things 1) answer a call and then 2) transfer the call?

Since there are fewer people on the floor these days the fitting room people are expected to zone even further away then normal and sometimes we have trouble hearing the phone and by the time we walk over to answer it the person has already hung up. Then you walk away to go back to your zone and it rings again which gets frustrating. Plus some operators use the lack of a cordless phone as an excuse to just stay by the fitting room and sit around. They just say there have been a lot of phone calls so they haven't been able to really zone even though some of leadership is suspicious and doubts the phone is really ringing off the hook like they say it is.

Jiminy Christmas. I couldn't fathom how my store would function without a cordless phone. Unless I was utterly swamped with fr guests & front end reshop, I was generally expected to not spend much time hanging out in the fr. The only exception being if I or AP had flagged someone as being utterly suspicious. We end up with so much mess and theft because the floor is short as it is, and If I get through my zones I'm asked to help out in other zones further away or pulled to ring .... And come back to a literal disaster zone left, because guests feel like being extra lazy and rude when they think there isn't anyone out by the desk to know it was them.

My only complaint with the wireless phone is that it doesn't work well across the whole store. I can get probably 3/4 of the way across the floor with ok reception, beyond that it is really weird. Some spots are ok - like our frozen section is not bad, but the back (seasonal) and front (by tsc&offices) opposite corners are abysmal. Like the thing should work in the whole store. Because if I have to haul my behind to the opposite side of the store to check on toilet paper for a guest because no one will take the call && I don't have a my device or need to put it on hold - I don't also want to have to and find a red phone (esp when the nearby red phone has been no working for MONTHS (I just found out & the lod was like "yeah, we know. We just haven't done anything about it" -- to me and a guest who had attempted to use it....))

Honestly in my store no one except for FR attendants even knows how to use the Cisco phone. And even then we have some issues because the display is almost too dark to read. -- I also have been acknowledged as the reason all of sfs now knows how to use the cordless phone && 70%know how to at least make a announcements. Because if I need a break & you are my only other tm you are going to learn how to handle customer calls. Whether you "want" to or not. Just insane to me the stupid stuff stores. At least mine, don't train everyone on.

Sorry for the rant. I know it was somewhat off topic.
Go to another god damn channel for a conversation. Your voice makes me want to burst my own ear drums. When someone calls for you, say 'go ahead,' not 'go ahet,' you ghetto piece of trash. Wear a shirt that fits. You're not pregnant but you have a gut that would make an alcoholic question their decisions.

To the other gstl, whose daughter I'd gladly slip the Vienna sausage, quit playing that music when a cashier gets a red card. It sounds like shit coming over the walkie, cashiers don't have walkies, and it only brings more attention to the failure to meet red card goals by 75%, on average.
Id say get up on back up like everyone else, be firm but fair, and for the love of G-d... listen to team members and their concerns! 🙂
Also...if I am training someone, give me a little advance notice. Coming in for a shift, seeing an unfamiliar person just standing there and finding out I'm training them? Okaayyyyyy but couldn't you have let me know ahead of time?
There were many times *I* didn't know I had someone training that day until they handed off to me or a cashier trainer. That's on HR to figure out and communicate.
Id say get up on back up like everyone else, be firm but fair, and for the love of G-d... listen to team members and their concerns! 🙂

Unless the LOD or another TL is present to watch the lanes, we can't. We need to be ready in case an issue arises with a guest and we need to be speed weaving and directing guests to the shortest lines.
Great advice! I've been a GSTL for a while and while I've heard a lot of this feedback, some I have not and might take to my store.

But if I may... as a veteran GSTL here are some things I am going to say back to you... (disclaimer...this is not meant to be nasty, but something to look at from a different perspective). These come from experiences I have had in my own store.

- When I call for backup, answer. There's nothing worse than having 10 guests look at you with daggers because no one is responding to your (many) calls (and no, we don't use the headsets).
- The quicker you respond... the quicker you can get back to your work.
- If you are walking past the checklanes and there are lines... just jump on. It's even worse when people see you walking past and not doing anything to help. Remember... we all dress in the same color scheme and and have the same nametags.
- When you DO respond, turn on your lane light so people know you're open.
- Go to where the backup is. If the lines are near register 6, don't jump on at register 16. It's common sense.
- For the love of pete, don't yell REGISTER ## IS OPEN NO LINES... I've seen worse guest fights when this happens than I do on Black Friday.
- It can get very difficult to anticipate backup. Sometimes you can control it by speedweaving, sometimes it comes in a swarm. Guest traffic can be very unpredictable.
- When it comes to change... look before you request. I'll be the first to admit I forget change requests. Not because I don't care, but it's because I'll likely get stopped ten times (I'm slightly exaggerating here, mind you) on the way to get it so yes, I probably just forgot and need a friendly reminder. It's the reality people.
- About RedCards. Do you guys know the pressure we are under as GSTLs? It trickles down from above. I hate making those stupid announcements but they want me to. I make sure to give my cashiers a high five or a fist bump if they get one (and then make the announcement).

I know these are blunt, and I am sure there are more. I am sure there will be disagreements on some of these, too. Guests are my priority as a GSTL, and I want to ensure they get a great experience in the store. Cheers!
Id say get up on back up like everyone else, be firm but fair, and for the love of G-d... listen to team members and their concerns! 🙂
When I'm LOD, I ask the GSTL/ GSAs to stay off a check lane. I don't think we gain anything by having you ring while a minor is trying to ring up wine, and someone needs change. I'd much rather you call for code. That said, you will also work with LODs who want you to hop on--you will probably have to adjust based on who is working. Sorry.

Also, I give the front end the closing SF breakout. If the team is slow to respond for backup, you can call them up by name.
Former Hardlines TM in me: "I HAVE MY OWN F----NG WORK TO DO AND I AM THE ONLY ONE ON THE F----NG FLOOR!!! I AM NOT COMING UP FOR BACKUP! ONE OF YOU GET ON A REGISTER YOURSELF!!!" Don't get me wrong, I didn't mind going up to help, but things got pretty ridiculous. Look below for a bit more info.


I love my GSA's and GSTL's, they are good people, but they really don't seem to understand that the rest of the store doesn't always revolve around front end. The main issue I had when working Hardlines was that myself and the rest of my HL team would be the only ones that came up for backup. Softlines was pretty much ignored, and we'd have three GSA's plus a GSTL sitting around barking for backup while they sat around texting at the service desk. Even if I told them I was the only one on the floor and that I was helping someone, not a good enough excuse. I didn't mind going up, but the fact they refused to help themselves really aggravated me.

Since moving to AP, I've also realized how much of a threat my front end team is. Never checking BOB and LISA no matter how much I tell them, never using counterfeit scanners, never using detection pens, allowing the most obvious of bullshit returns...

Great people, not exactly great workers.
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I love my GSA's and GSTL's, they are good people, but they really don't seem to understand that the rest of the store doesn't always revolve around front end. The main issue I had when working Hardlines was that myself and the rest of my HL team would be the only ones that came up for backup. Softlines was pretty much ignored, and we'd have three GSA's plus a GSTL sitting around barking for backup while they sat around texting at the service desk. Even if I told them I was the only one on the floor and that I was helping someone, not a good enough excuse. I didn't mind going up, but the fact they refused to help themselves really aggravated me.

I wouldn't say we think the whole store revolves around us, but as GSTLs and GSAs we are responsible for the guest in the store having a great guest experience. Part of that includes calling for backup when there are lines. Now, we never have more than one of us on at a time, but when we do you bet your butt one of us is on the lanes backing up (something I made sure of when I came back to the role this past winter). Only time that doesn't happen is when it is so crazy busy that we need two of us to respond to calls (and with SCO and the service desk on opposite sides of the checklanes that happens more often than you would think).

Since moving to AP, I've also realized how much of a threat my front end team is. Never checking BOB and LISA no matter how much I tell them, never using counterfeit scanners, never using detection pens, allowing the most obvious of bullshit returns...

I agree with the BOB and LISA bit. But when it comes to bogus returns its a tough call. You know it is bogus, but as a service desk TM you can't accuse someone of stealing so you're only option is to accept the return if the system lets you. I've had consistent conversations with my ETL-AP on this very matter. Return fraud is pretty rampant where I am so there's always that sticky wicket you get yourself into (do I accept it or don't I, do I get AP involved, that sort of thing). 99% of the time I take it and them immediately give the reprinted receipt to AP to investigate (which is what our ETL-AP says to do in that situation).

We're getting the counterfeit scanners this week so we;ll see how that goes!
When I'm LOD, I ask the GSTL/ GSAs to stay off a check lane. I don't think we gain anything by having you ring while a minor is trying to ring up wine, and someone needs change. I'd much rather you call for code. That said, you will also work with LODs who want you to hop on--you will probably have to adjust based on who is working. Sorry.

Also, I give the front end the closing SF breakout. If the team is slow to respond for backup, you can call them up by name.
so how about you LODs get on register and help? or are you guys so busy with all your stuff you feel is more important you feel everyone else's work can be put on hold to help back up the front?
The quicker you respond... the quicker you can get back to your work.

Ha ha ha!

Not at my store.

I wish.

The quicker you respond, the harder it is to get your own work done as everyone else available is "pretending not to hear the backup call."

And we have seasoned GSA's, and cashiers that call out "I can help the next person" rather than walking over to get the next guest waiting in line.

:head desk:
When I first started as a SLTM, SL was always expected to respond first. I overheard a new HLTM telling a newer HLTM that he avoided ever going up for backup by just waiting until a SLTM responded. Evidently someone else caught wind of this because they started calling out non-SL areas for backup soon after and a while after that they made a first responder list that rotated within departments each 1 to 3 hours depending on how many people were scheduled.

A first responder list for backup can take a lot of pressure off of struggling to get someone up for backup... if you can get the LOD and TLs on board.

Edit: Jumping in before anyone comments on it... my point is that no one area should be expected to take care of all backup and that it creates a vicious cycle when new TMs realize that they can avoid ever going up for backup because of those expectations.
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so how about you LODs get on register and help? or are you guys so busy with all your stuff you feel is more important you feel everyone else's work can be put on hold to help back up the front?
I do.
It's a pet peeve at my store the GSTL is never where they are supposed to be. My GSTL is always either chatting it up with the starbucks crew or the other GSTL is chatting it up with her buddy at the service desk. Stay where you are seriously..... I get it if they need help at the service desk but if you are just there to chat it up with your buddy at the service desk that's not cool.
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