Archived Cashiers and salesfloor TMs, what do you wish you could tell the GSTL/GSA at your store?

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Yes, please make sure your cashiers get their breaks, not just the unpaid meal break.
My GSAs and GSTLs are pretty good at this. Every cashier is given a break card that also has information for the day. They won't let me forget about my breaks, even if I try to skip them.
My GSAs and GSTLs are pretty good at this. Every cashier is given a break card that also has information for the day. They won't let me forget about my breaks, even if I try to skip them.

Our GSTL and one of the GSA's forget cashiers breaks all the time. The other 3 GSA's are good about it.
When I bring up DVDs or toys to hang on the check lane side cap pegs and say "these are for check lanes" please don't toss them in reshop. It just goes back to me, I notice, and get annoyed that I literally handed you only like, 2 mins of work, and you didn't bother.

And learn to manage cashiers effectively, all are different. My best GSTL knew I enjoy getting a break to move around, enjoy zoning and doing a CAF every now and then, so he'd pull me to do a gum/Candy CAF or to zone one spot, or grab the coupons and checks at close. Usually req'd me a drink or something to for the extra effort. But some cashiers will hate you for this. Learning what makes the cashiers tick helps you make the most of the staff. It's like chess, know the pieces and when to use them and for what, and you'll be a pro.

Be nice to your cart attendant. I know you need the carts, but understand they're managing a variety of things all over the store and work their ass harder than most other TMs. Our cart attendant can't stand the one GSTL who's riding him to get carts when he's doing something urgent, like cleaning a spill. That's what that cashier learning is for. Send someone like me for that carry out if need be. 😉
When you're standing over my shoulder to see if I'm asking every guest if they want a redcard and I ask and they say, "no," don't ask them again.
Don't criticize me in front of guests, that's unprofessional and demeaning and not your place anyway.
Don't give me my weekly cashier review when I come in for a sales floor shift. I have a ton of shit to do in those 4-4.5 hours and talking to youfor 15 minutes about how I can be a better cashier isn't on that list.
One of our GSA's quit without giving his two week notice and I was asked to cover two of his shifts. I have never worked as GSA but I know the front end/service desk really well and I have supervisor access. I agreed to take his shifts and I hope all goes well.
One of our GSA's quit without giving his two week notice and I was asked to cover two of his shifts. I have never worked as GSA but I know the front end/service desk really well and I have supervisor access. I agreed to take his shifts and I hope all goes well.
You will do well.
Don't arrange all the reshop carts right in the middle of the aisle which is already crowded by Bullseye's playground and water pallets. It was packed and guests were having a really hard time getting around them.

By the way if you're going to leave a reshop cart in my zone can you at least communicate that to me?
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