I don't know what's wrong with your District/Store, but the things you portray don't match mine. Heck, a STL in my district just left spot for a VERY high position in a Fortune 500 company, an ETL was promoted to STL just a couple months ago and a SrTL looks to be headed to ETL within the next month or so.
what does an stl promoting or srtl promoting NOW have to do with them being in an stl or etl position as of retirement age, which i thought was the point of my post? what age are the individuals you are referring to?
your stl left for another company. most do. have you seen an stl retire from target as an stl?
your etl was promoted... update us when he retires and we'll see if he made it to that age as an stl (or etl for that matter).
our stl out right told us we can't hire old people. given her background, it was a very stupid move. i hope she realizes she ain't no spring chicken.