Archived Did anyone have to train themselves?

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I had a full 8 hour training shift for Ship from Store during the initial rollout. There were 2 others being trained at the same time as me (the TL did the same training over a few weeks with no more than 4 TMs at a time).

It went like this:

- Sit in the conference room and talk about the process
- Watch a video
- Hands on training with a guest pickup order (TL was the one who placed the order)
- In depth tour of backroom
- Tour of the Ship from Store workstation
- Q&A
- Backroom equipment training

And then we went home 4 hours early...
Sounds a lot like my training for electronics!

Generally I wasnt aware I was screwing stuff up until the TL came to yell at me.
When I worked in Electronics the biggest self-training I had to do was learn product knowledge. Target has some info but when I was there (3-4 years ago) it was up to me to learn what stats matter for a router, or which brand of camera takes the best pictures, or (remember, this is 2011ish) why you should never buy a plasma tv
OK so hear's my question. How many if you have signed learning plans that say you've been trained even though you really haven't?
OK so hear's my question. How many if you have signed learning plans that say you've been trained even though you really haven't?
Well that's something else entirely. There's a huge difference from what you 'should' know (the stuff in those learning plans) and what you need to know.
I have never signed a single learning plan...I assume someone did for me, but nothing I was ever trained in came with a learning plan that I laid eyes on.
Thought myself how to pull product from the BR for a guest request because the BRTM was always saying I was bothering him.
Pretty much the reason why he got TL, I was recommended for TL for similar reasons had to ask around about best practices but pretty much self taught myself how to operate everything/do things all over logistics. Really I'm surprised how little spot puts into training. Conversely our backroom is heavily trained even if there aren't hours allocated for training we'll give you all day to mess around to make sure you know exactly how everything should be before we let you actually work a backroom shift. Strong TLs back there both agree on rather have competent TMs than sloppy work done. I still have to talk people up on how things should be outside of the backroom, specifically on mistakes they are doing which they aren't doing because it's a shortcut they just don't know any better and are too afraid to ask. Taught a ton of people little things about the mydevices so they can do their job on them and free up the PDA for the few jobs that actually still require them.
I hope he at least went over security practices with you coming from a high theft store it irks me when they shove random people to cover electronics.
Yes this times a 1000.
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