Archived Digital Advisor

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Can anyone tell me where to find these two reports:

The one that shows the status of each mydevice like certificate status, etc. I heard it's called something equipment control?

And the report that shows me who signed in to what mydevice and when, if such report exists.

Thanks in advance!
Can anyone tell me where to find these two reports:

The one that shows the status of each mydevice like certificate status, etc. I heard it's called something equipment control?

And the report that shows me who signed in to what mydevice and when, if such report exists.

Thanks in advance!
It's called the iOS Equipment Control. It can be made a quick link. So edit your quick link box on the main page of WB and that will tell you every little thing about them: certificate status, out of date apps and specifically which ones, last seen status and who last signed in. I made a inventory list of all our myDevices' serial #s and which in store device number corresponds with it that way I can cross reference the serial number with the number to see what is going on with that number iPod. It has helped tremendously. I also made copies for our ETL-GE & HR TM.
We have 4 DAs and I'm not one of them. None of them know anything about support processes so everyone comes to me when they have issues. I think the DA title was given as a popularity contest.
I got selected to be a digital advisor. Kinda odd because I'm backroom and rarely use the my devices outside of the occasional Instocks shift.

I'll probably accept it in my constant chase of the carot to move up. Plus it's a good resume item
I got selected to be a digital advisor. Kinda odd because I'm backroom and rarely use the my devices outside of the occasional Instocks shift.

I'll probably accept it in my constant chase of the carot to move up. Plus it's a good resume item
You might be a picture & title on a wall.
District leadership will probably want to know who the digital advisors are when they visit. They might not necessarily want to talk to them, but they want to know they exist.

My store has been really big on pointing out who our DAs are and how they can help us on anything MyDevice or Target app related. Every TM is expected to be able to explain to guests how to use the Target app, item subscriptions, and Cartwheel.

I have no clue how to use the Target app so really can't explain it to a guest!
I have my picture as a trainer on the wall of trainers.

I need to remember to get a haircut before the next one.
The STL and ETLs talked to me about my role as digital advisor. Part of what they want is for me to talk about cartwheel deals on the walkie. Has anyone else been given this directive? Honestly, it's the last thing I want to do. It's already difficult to use ch 1 because of the constant screeching about RedCards. We miss call buttons because of it. Now I'm supposed to add to the chatter? Ugh!
If you are doing this, what do you say? I'll try to start doing it, but it feels awkward.
Will they be giving you time off stage to research each day what the big cartwheel offers are for that particular day?
The STL and ETLs talked to me about my role as digital advisor. Part of what they want is for me to talk about cartwheel deals on the walkie. Has anyone else been given this directive? Honestly, it's the last thing I want to do. It's already difficult to use ch 1 because of the constant screeching about RedCards. We miss call buttons because of it. Now I'm supposed to add to the chatter? Ugh!
If you are doing this, what do you say? I'll try to start doing it, but it feels awkward.
If you go on workbench, you get he weekly cartwheel deals. Print it out. Give it to GS & gstl. Keep a copy for yourself . Go on cartwheel, to collections, check out hot deals.
These people do nothing at our store... There's a board with four people on it saying they're the advisors... Two of them don't even work at our store anymore. The other two are gstls who rarely even show up to Huddles and when they do they don't say anything about it.
Thanks for your replies. I know where to find the deals I just feel weird talking about them on the walkie. We don't do huddles anymore.
I know where to find the cartwheel deals. I'm asking if anyone else has been asked to talk about them throughout the day/evening.
Also, we have tons of deals in infants now but almost no signing. We aren't making sales so I thought it would be a good idea to have more signs. TL was against putting signs up. She says we should educate the guests about the offers. Problem is that most of the time there is no one around because we're always on the front lanes. Once again I need to remind myself that I can't care more about this stuff than they do.
I know where to find the cartwheel deals. I'm asking if anyone else has been asked to talk about them throughout the day/evening.
it really depends on your dtl/gtl.

there was a time we cared a lot and i did a lot of things that got shout outs from my dtl, tweeted out. group on their next visit didn't care about cartwheel so we stopped anything other than having the corporate provided stuff on display somewhere.
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