Archived Does anyone else's store have the jet engine hand dryers?

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Jan 24, 2019
I can understand having hand dryers. What I can't understand is these things.

It hurts the ears no matter where you are in the bathroom, and your nethers are going to get cooled too--even across the whole restroom.

I shouldn't be able to hear this damn thing halfway across the store. What gives? Are they trying to deafen the guests and us too????

I already have hearing trouble and wince every time someone uses these thing while I'm in there. It's one of the reasons I try to use the employee bathroom or the pharmacy one. The noise is just too much.
Great for people who are pooping and have fear of loud flatulence. You can time your exertions to the hand dryer.
100% true. I hate using hand dryers and much prefer paper towels, but this is definitely a bonus.
I wish we only had paper towels. I already have hearing damage, and every time one of these goes off I feel like someone's pressed a pillow over my ears when they stop.
I wish we only had paper towels. I already have hearing damage, and every time one of these goes off I feel like someone's pressed a pillow over my ears when they stop.
Doesn't your store have separate tm bathroom?
We have the paper towels and it sucks because the guests are animals and throw them all over the ground and in the sink rather than in the garbage can right underneath the dispenser. And then we run out and they complain lol
Our dryers frighten small children. On the bright side you can dry your freezer gloves quickly.
I thought all hand dryers are deafeningly loud

They're all pretty loud but these are the only ones where I feel a bit deafer after they're done. As said above, I can also hear them halfway across the store. I can be getting water from the fountain outside the bathroom and still wince from the pain of hearing those things.
I dont get why people are so self conscious about themselves while doing their business in the restroom? You all are in there to do one thing, who gives a shit about what noises you make?

We got the hand dryers with our remodel. Our PML hates them because they break all the time.
I don't mind MY sounds - I lol! I just hate other people's...
I dont get why people are so self conscious about themselves while doing their business in the restroom? You all are in there to do one thing, who gives a shit about what noises you make?

We got the hand dryers with our remodel. Our PML hates them because they break all the time.
Women are extremely self-conscious about it, but I always assumed men didn't care until my husband told me otherwise. I always figured they would just let it rip with no concerns, lol.
I get the concerns over paper waste, deforestation, etc. Etc. Etc. But I also see the switch to hand dryers as a brick wall. They exclude people with sensory processing issues or fragile skin. It also eliminates the ability to use your paper towel to open the door after you've washed your hands, and those foot handle things (assuming theyve even been provided) can be problematic for people with balance issues, like stroke victims.

My daughter with a sensory processing disorder won't even go into a public bathroom that has those Dyson dryers because they're so loud.
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