Does this hurt my chances at becoming a leader?

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I don't think target "encourages" fraternity between employees. Good way to get transferred if not fired cause also it sounds like your store has a mole. Who could have fun knowing someone s looking for Monday morning HR material.
Other TL’s secretly attend the parties. We’re going to be fine.
I'm not going to just stop attending parties. This Saturday is another party and it's going to be the biggest one yet. A bunch of people are pitching in for an Airbnb home and allegedly a whole bunch of people across our store are going to be attending. I'm not missing this.
Do you want to be a team lead or do you want to party? Based on all your posts here I wouldn’t want you as my team lead.
I seriously doubt that. We have a Style TL who occasionally attends our parties and I’m fairly certain that both of our Front End TL’s are attending Saturday’s party. I don’t think the ETL’s are the private investigators that they think they are.
I’ve been with Target long enough to know your wrong. Keep attending parties and see how fast you derail your chances of becoming a team lead.
I'm not going to just stop attending parties. This Saturday is another party and it's going to be the biggest one yet. A bunch of people are pitching in for an Airbnb home and allegedly a whole bunch of people across our store are going to be attending. I'm not missing this.
Then you're not going to be a leader... sorry. Figure your priorities out....
Let’s put it this way if I was your leadership you would never become a lead . You hate someone purely for the way they look . I dislike you for your ugliness that you have inside of you . I hope your parents never find out what an ugly character you have ,they would be very disappointed . One can hope
This has to be a joke. The guy is a joke. His entire scenario is a joke. He’s pulling our leg. Or he is the biggest dumbass ever.
They are going to be fine. They aren't trying to get promoted.
No, but we did already have a Starbucks leader get fired for hanging out with some of his subordinates. It was rougly a year ago to this date and it was under the same SD. Our current leaders are taking just as big of risk, if not more.
No, but we did already have a Starbucks leader get fired for hanging out with some of his subordinates. It was rougly a year ago to this date and it was under the same SD. Our current leaders are taking just as big of risk, if not more.
Cool so your SD fires TLs for hanging out with their TMs. You want to be a TL and you want to keep going to parties. And you're coming to us for advice on that.
No, but we did already have a Starbucks leader get fired for hanging out with some of his subordinates. It was rougly a year ago to this date and it was under the same SD. Our current leaders are taking just as big of risk, if not more.
If a leader at your store was fired for hanging out/partying, doesn't it stand to reason that any team member is taking a risk of meeting the same fate?
In one breath, you say everyone is going to be fine and in another, you said the above.
Look, I had some embarrassing, frustrating moments during my time at Target but at least I had the humility to know that I would never be a leader. I could understand some of your previous frustrations like certain team members not backing up on register or feeling like you were being given extra work without the recognition of being a leader. However, what you've posted in this thread crosses a line and reflects badly on your character. Judging people by their looks or their voice is something teenagers know better than to do.
My advice was in regards to my comments about the guy at guest service. I’m not so worried about the parties.
I know that this will probably be in one ear and out the other but if you're still concerned about trying to be promoted, why would Target want a leader who makes those kinds of comments about someone else? If the situation were reversed and someone else made a comment like that about you, how would you feel? It would hurt and you would justifiably be angry and want to get away from that person.
If a leader at your store was fired for hanging out/partying, doesn't it stand to reason that any team member is taking a risk of meeting the same fate?
In one breath, you say everyone is going to be fine and in another, you said the above.
Look, I had some embarrassing, frustrating moments during my time at Target but at least I had the humility to know that I would never be a leader. I could understand some of your previous frustrations like certain team members not backing up on register or feeling like you were being given extra work without the recognition of being a leader. However, what you've posted in this thread crosses a line and reflects badly on your character. Judging people by their looks or their voice is something teenagers know better than to do.
If a leader at your store was fired for hanging out/partying, doesn't it stand to reason that any team member is taking a risk of meeting the same fate?
In one breath, you say everyone is going to be fine and in another, you said the above.
Look, I had some embarrassing, frustrating moments during my time at Target but at least I had the humility to know that I would never be a leader. I could understand some of your previous frustrations like certain team members not backing up on register or feeling like you were being given extra work without the recognition of being a leader. However, what you've posted in this thread crosses a line and reflects badly on your character. Judging people by their looks or their voice is something teenagers know better than to do.
The TL was fired because it created a conflict of interest and it showed that he wasn’t leading in a fair or unbiased way. My HR ETL clearly told me that regular TM’s are allowed to hang out together.
The TL was fired because it created a conflict of interest and it showed that he wasn’t leading in a fair or unbiased way. My HR ETL clearly told me that regular TM’s are allowed to hang out together.
To tie this into your original question at the start of this thread: saying you would fire someone based on the sound of their voice is not leading in a fair or unbiased way.
The TL was fired because it created a conflict of interest and it showed that he wasn’t leading in a fair or unbiased way. My HR ETL clearly told me that regular TM’s are allowed to hang out together.
In another thread, you mentioned that you thought it was unfair that a 19-year old team member was promoted instead of you and you said that it would be difficult to get along with that newly promoted leader. Do you honestly think that your reaction to that was fair and unbiased?
I don’t hate him for his looks.

I hate him for his voice.

And I couldn’t care less what my parents think. We haven’t spoken in nearly two years.

I think most people reading this hate you for this trashy post and want to see you fired.

You have no business being a manager/leader of any kind anywhere.

People like you are everything that's wrong with target.
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