Does this hurt my chances at becoming a leader?

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I wouldn’t care because I’m not overweight and I don’t feel the need to impress people by doing a stupid new hairstyle every week. I know that I’m normal.

I hope that someday you will look back at this time in your life with some hard earned maturity and wonder what the fuck you were thinking.
Most of us who survive to a certain age and who manage to be half way decent human beings do exactly that.

If you are going to be a successful person and not just a constant teenager walking around in a grownup body, there are a few things you need to learn.
You need to know that empathy and kindness are going to be much more important than being normal.
That the weird people in your life will often be the ones who will stand up for you when no one else will.
You need to learn to value things other than looks and fitting in because those aren't going to serve you well.

There is a thing in Judaism called the Golden Mean that goes all the way back to the great philosopher Rabbi Maimonides also known as Rambam ( you probably know him for the "give a man a fish" quote)
One of his best quotes is about how that balance is our choice.
"We each decide whether to make ourselves learned or ignorant, compassionate or cruel, generous or miserly. No one forces us. No one decides for us, none drags us along one path or the other. We are responsible for what we are."
You are responsible for who you are going to become.
Can you be a decent, caring person?
I really don't know.
But from your posts it sure doesn't seem like it.
I wouldn’t care because I’m not overweight and I don’t feel the need to impress people by doing a stupid new hairstyle every week. I know that I’m normal.
What about trying to directly ask the ETL with whom you had the conversation if you still have a chance to be promoted? Several posters have suggested that you speak directly to leadership at your store but then something like this happens and things seem to go sideways.
At this point, that seems more productive than constantly asking us on this message board about your chances of becoming a leader since most of us don't work at your store. You don't seem to accept any suggestions that are given to you while talking negatively about other team members at your store.

Lastly, how would you feel if members of leadership "hated" your voice and wouldn't promote you because they hated the way you sound?

At this point, it feels like this is wasted effort on everyone's part because I can't tell if you're trolling us or just insane in believing that you can still become a team leader.
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How am I the one making it a problem? I just show up and hang out. I’m not the one snitching to HR.
I wouldn’t care because I’m not overweight and I don’t feel the need to impress people by doing a stupid new hairstyle every week. I know that I’m normal.

Every country in the world is full of people that think they're leaders when in fact they're actually narcissistic sociopaths who have unfortunately been handed a bit of power in some way, shape, or form. Some are actually in a leadership position and some just think they are. This is a problem.

Your goal as a potential future leader, even at something seemingly as minor as a TL at Target, should be anything but today's version of normal.
The second I feel like they are trolling, you know I'll end it 🤣
At first I thought this person was really bad at self evaluation, but after repeated threads and the way they are talking in this one, this person is no doubt a troll.

If they are not in fact a troll, I will just say this. Your chances of being a TL before this post were slim to none. Now I'd say you will never be a TL.

It's not only the fact that your HR found out about the party and what you said. I'm sure everyone has talked to people, in which they thought was in confidence, and said some stupid or mean things about co workers. But the biggest red flag is that someone who you thought was your friend, snitched on you. So you must not even have the respect of your peers and possibly some of them are sabotaging you behind your back.

All of your previous posts pointed to you being immature, but this one really shows your true colors and beyond without a shadow of a doubt proves you are never going to be a TL.

If you are a troll, good job giving us all enjoyment. If you are not a troll, do yourself a favor and quit your job and start over elsewhere if you really want to be a manager and work on yourself.
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Good thing it wasn't documented or anything like that! The important thing about leadership is learning to keep the same problematic behaviors, but not get caught doing them. You're well on your way.
I'll just leave this here for you @CartoonPenguin
It might give you something to think about.

I wouldn’t care because I’m not overweight and I don’t feel the need to impress people by doing a stupid new hairstyle every week. I know that I’m normal.
You as normal as the sunday cartoon page being found in wednesday mornings paper bud.
A couple of nights ago, I went to the apartment of one of my GM co-workers and she was basically just hosting a get together for some people at work to hang out and have some fun. There was about 10 of us ( a mix of some members from GM, electronics, and the front end) and it was basically just a casual night of video games and adult party games. During the night, we got to the point where we all took turns saying which TM we would fire if we had the chance. I mentioned this one fat little weirdo at guest services who just plain annoys me. He's in his early twenties and he's constantly changing his hair style every week. He'll come in one week with his hair spiked up and dyed purple, then the next week he'll come in with a green mohawk. The word from the front end team members is that this guy genuinely thinks that he's being cool by doing this and he's trying to get himself noticed and get invited to a lot of the parties that we like to hold. On top of that, there's something about his voice that just annoys me. I don't know what it is, but whenever I hear his voice on the walkie, my blood just starts boiling and I want to yell at him to shut up. The bummer is that he's apparently a really hard worker and he's still generally pretty nice to everyone, but I didn't hesitate to say that I would fire him purely because of his voice.

Today I came into work and my HR ETL pulled me into his office. He somehow found out about not only the get together, but also my comments about the weird porky pig look-alike at the front end. He first told me that I need to be more mindful about how I speak of my peers and he said that these comments won't fly from someone who's aspiring to become a TL. He also warned me to tread lightly in terms of the parties and get togethers. He said that I'm still allowed to attend them as a TM, but that I won't be allowed to as a TL. He gave me a whole lecture about being careful of what relationships I form with some TM's and that I need to keep in mind that I'm suppose to lead in a professional and unbiased way. He mostly just kept warning me about "conflicts of interest" but I didn't get coached or written up or anything like that.

The whole conversation just kind of shook me and it has me worried about my development as a GM Leader. I'm worried mostly about my comments towards the weirdo at guest services and I really hope that my SD doesn't find out about them. Does this whole incident sound like it'd be enough to derail my shot at a lead role?
So first off please, please, please have respect for everyone you work with at Target and everyone throughout your life.
Being disrespectful even though not directly toward your co-workers at work will not get you anywhere.
If the guy at the front wants to spike their hair then they can spike their hair...if they want to dye it purple, pink, orange, or green, then by all means they can do that because that's their choice. And if you aspiring to be a leader then let lesson one be to mutually respect everyone.
If you respect them they will more than likely respect you.
Now for the HR part, technically since you were off the clock when this happened and off of Target property HR doesn't have very much pull on what they can do to you for your off-the-clock comments, that convo you had is probably as far as that will go. However, as someone else in this thread said the conversation will probably be documented in Workday and the whole leadership team will probably find out about this so it's not looking good for you.
Personally, if you want to have any chance regarding your ability to become a leader you need to learn the respect part and you need to learn to be OPEN-MINDED...If I were you I would instead of hating on this person go to them in the break room or on the floor or just when you see them and talk to them. Learn about them and try to establish a positive relationship. Forget all the negative things you mentioned that you "don't like" about this person and find some things you do like.

I'm a leader at Target and I will tell you that just based on your post you have a very long way to go before you will be leader material. However, this does not mean you can't do it but you need to make some changes and re-think how YOU think about others. I wish you the best of luck...and please stop calling this person a weirdo that's just flat-out bullying and if you do that at work you will probably get fired.
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