Does this hurt my chances at becoming a leader?

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Anything an ETL knows, you can bet the SD knows, and when the ETL-HR pulls you into his office to have this type of little chat, you are considered to have been coached whether they tell you that specifically or not.

Was just going to say the above. You've definitely been coached and IMO your SD definitely knows, particularly if you're interested in moving up (who do you think interviews you for TL? Not just your ETL, the SD does also and maybe even your ETL HR.) With your behavior and attitude towards others you're a lawsuit waiting to happen and no company wants that on their leadership team.

If you're not willing to forego parties and be mature in regards to people you should be leading then you're absolutely not ready to be a TL, on the bench, or even a trainer. You just took 20 GIANT steps back. NONE of these TM's that you're partying with will ever respect you and your leadership knows that.

Also, FYI, you might want to be careful who you're running your mouth around, because they're obviously telling upper management. You're on the fast track right out the door.
has op talked about how they literally threw a mydevice on the ground and yelled at their etl one time and then still had the gall to keep making posts like this on the subreddit
Plus wanting to date someone at their store.
Partying with TM's isn't a problem until someone makes it a problem... which is what Cartoon Penguin is already doing. They'll end up ruining a good thing for the other TM's and TL's - which is very likely why CP is being told on to HR.
How am I the one making it a problem? I just show up and hang out. I’m not the one snitching to HR.
A couple of nights ago, I went to the apartment of one of my GM co-workers and she was basically just hosting a get together for some people at work to hang out and have some fun. There was about 10 of us ( a mix of some members from GM, electronics, and the front end) and it was basically just a casual night of video games and adult party games. During the night, we got to the point where we all took turns saying which TM we would fire if we had the chance. I mentioned this one fat little weirdo at guest services who just plain annoys me. He's in his early twenties and he's constantly changing his hair style every week. He'll come in one week with his hair spiked up and dyed purple, then the next week he'll come in with a green mohawk. The word from the front end team members is that this guy genuinely thinks that he's being cool by doing this and he's trying to get himself noticed and get invited to a lot of the parties that we like to hold. On top of that, there's something about his voice that just annoys me. I don't know what it is, but whenever I hear his voice on the walkie, my blood just starts boiling and I want to yell at him to shut up. The bummer is that he's apparently a really hard worker and he's still generally pretty nice to everyone, but I didn't hesitate to say that I would fire him purely because of his voice.

Today I came into work and my HR ETL pulled me into his office. He somehow found out about not only the get together, but also my comments about the weird porky pig look-alike at the front end. He first told me that I need to be more mindful about how I speak of my peers and he said that these comments won't fly from someone who's aspiring to become a TL. He also warned me to tread lightly in terms of the parties and get togethers. He said that I'm still allowed to attend them as a TM, but that I won't be allowed to as a TL. He gave me a whole lecture about being careful of what relationships I form with some TM's and that I need to keep in mind that I'm suppose to lead in a professional and unbiased way. He mostly just kept warning me about "conflicts of interest" but I didn't get coached or written up or anything like that.

The whole conversation just kind of shook me and it has me worried about my development as a GM Leader. I'm worried mostly about my comments towards the weirdo at guest services and I really hope that my SD doesn't find out about them. Does this whole incident sound like it'd be enough to derail my shot at a lead role?
Ok let me indulge you just in case you aren't a trolly troll troll:

Bruh. You asked a question and it has been answered. Just in case you missed it, the answer is yes, yes that incident could hurt your chances at promotion. Going forward, if something happens that makes you worry that you might be hurting your chances at a promotion, then it probably will.

You need to take your HR ETL's advice and be more mindful of your behavior around your fellow TMs and leaders. If you don't like that advice, then leadership is clearly not for you. And don't say but but doesn't matter what other leaders are doing or getting away with, that's between them and HR and the SD. For all you know, they could be on the chopping block too. One of our longtime GMTLs just got fired.
No, but we did already have a Starbucks leader get fired for hanging out with some of his subordinates. It was rougly a year ago to this date and it was under the same SD. Our current leaders are taking just as big of risk, if not more.
There ya go, answered your own question... "Time is the fire in which we burn"
"i know that i'm normal" in a world full of predatory evil men that's the first thing you've said that's absolutely true. go get em tiger
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