COVID-19 During emergency, suspend the price-match policy, and other suggestions

It still pops up but if you press total, it will disappear. They don't have to tap on skip. Don't forget if they ask to put in the phone number and you already pushed total you can go back into the order then F7 and the phone prompt will re-appear.
Not yet in our store. However, our store has half the registers with the new POS interface (which has been a bit bug-prone in our store) and the other half with the legacy POS interface. All I can say is that yesterday, I still had to shepherd guests through the Circle prompt before it will allow me to finish the Total and then the payment. ASANTS?
Because to do that is to hold the consumer hostage. Target would get bad press for putting their profit over the needs of their guest, and the brand would take a hit leading to distrust and decreased hours and pay. It’s called doing the right thing. Maximizing profit during an emergency never the right thing, taking care of people is.
I think "doing the right thing" during a national, state and local emergency is streamlining procedures to assist our guests quickly. In my experience and my observations of teammates, at a store where price match is generally done at the registers and not at the S&E service desk, it can take between 1 and 3 minutes to verify a price match. Again, I'm looking at this in the context of an emergency. Our guests in the Seattle area are experiencing an urgency that may not be present in your store. Right now, the real importance of "the brand" is remaining open. In an emergency, the guest doesn't need price match, we have a lot of guests and are understaffed. No matter what Target does, there will always be people who complain even in an emergency. Our brand will emerge better if the focus is serving our guests efficiently at a time when (in our state) the vast majority of stores are closed, and when there's a price match request it's sometimes hard to determine if the item is actually in-stock at the competing retailer.
Not yet in our store. However, our store has half the registers with the new POS interface (which has been a bit bug-prone in our store) and the other half with the legacy POS interface. All I can say is that yesterday, I still had to shepherd guests through the Circle prompt before it will allow me to finish the Total and then the payment. ASANTS?

Yeah, I noticed yesterday that the new software won't skip the Circle prompt. It's bullshit.
I would work if we were closed. I am not afraid of work Or my team members. At this time I am afraid of STUPID PEOPLE. If we were closed I would go in and push, backstock, clean, set pogs/SPL, pick ANYTHING but ring sales/be next to the public. With so many people not working/going to school, they are wandering our aisles aimlessly. It worries me what other stupid things these people do before they get to our store.
I would work if we were closed. I am not afraid of work Or my team members. At this time I am afraid of STUPID PEOPLE. If we were closed I would go in and push, backstock, clean, set pogs/SPL, pick ANYTHING but ring sales/be next to the public. With so many people not working/going to school, they are wandering our aisles aimlessly. It worries me what other stupid things these people do before they get to our store.
You nailed it! Under the circumstances, it would be better if everything were pre-ordered by guests as ship-to-store, including all types of groceries.

Under the circumstances, Target should lower the age threshold for TMs to voluntarily stay home (self-quarantine) with pay for 30 days, just about anyone over age 40 is far more likely to become a burden on the health care system with this COVID-19 SARS virus than those under age 40. All guest-facing TMs - and in fact all TMs working in the stores - are facing one heck of a lot of exposure. Given that statistics are indicating that chronologically-mature workers (over 40) are disproportionately vulnerable to becoming ill, expanding the group of store-level TMs eligible for paid quarantine leave would do far more to generate good will and loyalty for the company than anything else, not only with TMs but with the general public. Does Corporate have the courage to do this??
I would work if we were closed. I am not afraid of work Or my team members. At this time I am afraid of STUPID PEOPLE. If we were closed I would go in and push, backstock, clean, set pogs/SPL, pick ANYTHING but ring sales/be next to the public. With so many people not working/going to school, they are wandering our aisles aimlessly. It worries me what other stupid things these people do before they get to our store.
Boy, do I love this idea. Guests seem to not be stupid so much at my store (except I find myself backing up for social distancing), but some of them lately have been so rude. I'd love to not have to deal with the rudeness, stressed out or not. Maybe I should take back that not stupid part; yesterday, I saw several families, two parental adult types plus 2 or 3 kids tagging along. Really? One of you come get what you need, the other stays home with the kids.
Boy, do I love this idea. Guests seem to not be stupid so much at my store (except I find myself backing up for social distancing), but some of them lately have been so rude. I'd love to not have to deal with the rudeness, stressed out or not. Maybe I should take back that not stupid part; yesterday, I saw several families, two parental adult types plus 2 or 3 kids tagging along. Really? One of you come get what you need, the other stays home with the kids.
That's the way it was at my store until two days ago, when things finally started noticably changing. Sunday and yesterday I saw more people with masks and gloves and more solo shoppers. Our state went into lockdown last night, only essential workers and solo shoppers getting supplies. I wonder how it is in the store today.

I don't even trust some of my coworkers, they aren't keeping their distance. Plus, we have a couple of TMs that are self-quarantining because they were in contact with someone who tested positive.
I think we should kill the TV displays and entertainment feed so as not to entice guests into that part of the store.
Replace the feed with Kurzgesagt video about coronavirus. Has nice colors to still display the TVs quality but also informative. But who am I kidding their systems don't even support 4k. So only 4 of our TVs are running at their native 1080p resolution. 🙁
If someone breaches, you kick them out. At least it's not an influx like we are getting every day.
Until they complain to corporate about the indignity of being told to leave and the absurdity that the store is not allowing shopping. Corporate's not going to investigate local ordinance and corporate needs lots of positive vibes right now to keep people from going to other stores.
Look at how a complaint like that would have been taken by corporate 3 months ago. Think they've all had a complete brain transplant? Look at what would have happened if the guest took the complaint to social media, and corporate's standard response 3 months ago. Again, no brain transplant. At best they will be more subtle in their response, such as drastically cutting hours of the TMs involved, or even laying off due to the excuse of reduced store hours requiring less people hours, but they won't have spines of steel in the face of Karen's wrath.
how they would have responded 3 months ago means literally nothing now. hope this helps
Do you think corporate has changed? Or just gotten sneakier and still guest ass kissing? What's cheaper and will garner more sales, sneaky propaganda or a "the customer is sometimes wrong and who cares how far and wide they blast their grievance?"

Karen will bitch to corporate, Karen Jr will bitch on all forms of social media and corporate will ass kiss somehow, local ordinance be damned. They will just find a new and inventive way to express their displeasure with the store over the negative publicity.

A national crisis isn't going to give businesses an economic heart transplant. If they were already a business that cared for their employees and their community, it will continue. If they put bad customers and every penny profit ahead of good customers and employees, they won't change course, they'll get worse.

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