Archived Electronics transition 2016

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Our tv wall changes from 14 sections down to 11. They sent me a 14 section planogram. 5 days after I Mysupported the problem and the still haven't responded. Now I have to set the wall the same week as the rest of electronics. Good thing we are a little ahead. Does everyone else have to sfq every item?
The management at my store, the STL and ETL LOG decided when and who was doing the TV wall. 2 tm and the pmt. Which sounds great.

But we have to guest service because the electronics to is in toys. And every time I turned around, the pmt would disappear.

So by 230, we had all the tvs up but not signed. But we can't stay at all because of hours.

Do you know they let them stay unsigned for 2 full days?! No prices. No signing.
The management at my store, the STL and ETL LOG decided when and who was doing the TV wall. 2 tm and the pmt. Which sounds great.

But we have to guest service because the electronics to is in toys. And every time I turned around, the pmt would disappear.

So by 230, we had all the tvs up but not signed. But we can't stay at all because of hours.

Do you know they let them stay unsigned for 2 full days?! No prices. No signing.
The big makeup transitions one of my pog tms never changes price signs or puts up new ones. We went for months without a single price in Maybelline once...
Target hours for remodel for tv wall are crazy. Also it kinda sucks because we changed out black backer paper for the white one. No third party to help and pmt . Had to do it ourselves
Did anyone have expect more, pay less on tv wall signing for the new tv's? We did. We tried everything to match the tv. Do not work.
It does say in the transition manual. To use black. It also calls for black on the plano. And there was a red wire that said to use black. Plus when you scan the white it doesn't scan to the TV wall... why did any one use white on the TV wall.????
It does say in the transition manual. To use black. It also calls for black on the plano. And there was a red wire that said to use black. Plus when you scan the white it doesn't scan to the TV wall... why did any one use white on the TV wall.????
Ours scanned for only one section and that was where my store was supposed to have the Samsung focal. But that was the only location until everything else started getting tied.
Hey everyone, new here, and a brand new PPTL. With the electronics transition coming up this week i feel very nervous about the plan for the week. My store has electronics in the back and it is one of the ones that had a remodel a few months ago.

I am trying to finish the plan, but it is challenging to me!

If anyone knows what their day by day plan is for their electronics transition maybe it would help me a bit! thanks!
@PPTL95 Welp, not an innovation, but I might be able to help. You need to look at what is moving where obviously, and try to plan so that the aisle you're moving too is also stripped that same day. But, you don't want to leave that product demerchandised. Try to make sure you have a place on the floor to keep that product, even if it's just a temporary space for a day or two. You want to minimize the amount of staged product. Either use a TM or your own muscle to start cleanup an hour before shift end. Don't underestimate clean up time. I'm sure you already know, the goal is to get as much done as possible, and still leave a clean, brand sales floor when your day is over. If applicable, clear some space (probably an endcap), in or nearby electronics to merchandise clearance or unset, carry-forward product. If you're not setting until later in the week, I would advise your electronics/sales floor team to start pulling/pushing product to the pretied aisles now. ASAP. And remember, your PMT will have a lot of involvment as well, so make sure you partner up to ensure his job gets done. PMT workload is in the manual. Know what his workload is for the day, so that your team doesn't work uneccessary tasks. POG is coming in overnight Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at my store.
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It does say in the transition manual. To use black. It also calls for black on the plano. And there was a red wire that said to use black. Plus when you scan the white it doesn't scan to the TV wall... why did any one use white on the TV wall.????
Don't forget it was also on the list of common issues on mysupport lol.
I am still working on the TV wall. Did anyone else have issues with the Samsung TVs? We do not seem to have bolts long enough in any of the bolt kits we have or received. The closest we have are the m8 1.2×45mm bolts from the bolt kit, but that is too short.
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Leave poor @NitroKing2110 alone kids, & his pmt. IF you scan the box and ignore all the rest, the BOX scans for the aisle. I mean, yeah, 4ish other sources of info we have ALL overlooked a time or two. Just be glad it wasn't our mistake to take care of. Kinda wish it was my store so it looked bright and sunny!!!
We had 2+ pmt on tv wall (black backer stayed) only one day. And while I love the idea of overnight for this transition..... I think I've about had it with overnights.
Anyone else notice how the gondola height asks for 3"'s higher than it actually is? On the short ones? So it wants a peg hook @59 B and it's only 56" tall?
Guys I just saw our tv wall after a third party put up the equipment for the HDMI cables. Last week we were told to do the wall. But when opened the box it had white backer paper??? Check with PTL, LOD, they said change it... So we changed it. Messing with the coaxial cables, and plastic cover for power strips. Waste of payroll. Then the third party comes in removes the old power strips, plastic covers for,strips, and cables. The result not pretty. New equipment stands out with white backer.
If you haven't started on tv wall leave black backer alone.
Let third party remove old equipment coaxial cables on power strips, plastic covers
Let them install HDMI equipment for TV's
Then install and adjust new TV's in accordance to planogram.
FYI when we first look at pog and line listing it did say to use black backer paper, however the numbers did not match old black backer paper. And there was nothing mentioned in early set notes. We thought the new black backer paper might look like the white ones, just like the header used in the decks/streaming pog.
Leave poor @NitroKing2110 alone kids, & his pmt. IF you scan the box and ignore all the rest, the BOX scans for the aisle. I mean, yeah, 4ish other sources of info we have ALL overlooked a time or two. Just be glad it wasn't our mistake to take care of. Kinda wish it was my store so it looked bright and sunny!!!
We had 2+ pmt on tv wall (black backer stayed) only one day. And while I love the idea of overnight for this transition..... I think I've about had it with overnights.
Anyone else notice how the gondola height asks for 3"'s higher than it actually is? On the short ones? So it wants a peg hook @59 B and it's only 56" tall?
We noticed in the one aisle. Our pog even shows the one section being taller than the others...🙄
Let third party remove old equipment coaxial cables on power strips, plastic covers
Let them install HDMI equipment for TV's
Then install and adjust new TV's in accordance to planogram.
I don't think that's good advise. My HDMI hubs were set up before we set the new POG. You'll get screwed if you try to set the wall after the HDMIs are set up, because the techs place the equipment according to your current layout. We had to adjust their wiring and hub placement. It was kind of a bitch and the wires looked messier after we were done. It's much better to set it with coaxials first, and then just let them come in and change/clean up your cable system for you. They'll put back the TVs in the correct spots, and you'll likely just have to redo the signing. Definitely don't change the backer paper to white unless your POG calls for it.
on the apple hw planogram it says to keep the current apple fixture/display, but I received a new display legacy fixture. what did upu guys do? and we about to do a remodel in 1month 1/2.
on the apple hw planogram it says to keep the current apple fixture/display, but I received a new display legacy fixture. what did upu guys do? and we about to do a remodel in 1month 1/2.
I see it says onq and that we are to install it but the only onq thing I saw was for connected life
We had the E&E remodel about a year ago, they switched out peg hooks for a white bar with pegs. Now many aisles go back to just pegs. Anyone else experince this?
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