Archived ETL rules/regulations on swapping shifts/giving up shifts.

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Sep 30, 2018
Front end ETL says there is a “new rule” that GSA’s are only allowed to swap shifts/give up shifts with other GSA’s. For an example, if a GSA is scheduled a cashier shift, or guest service shift he/she will still need to swap/give up their shift to another GSA. This “new rule” has recently been in act. Is this rule being implemented across other target locations? If not, is this something an ETL is allowed to do? It’s very inconvenient and causes a lot of call outs since there are a limited amount of GSA’s to swap/give up shifts to. So the target location that I work at would rather have call outs than a non-GSA take a cashier and/or guest service shift.
Front end ETL says there is a “new rule” that GSA’s are only allowed to swap shifts/give up shifts with other GSA’s. For an example, if a GSA is scheduled a cashier shift, or guest service shift he/she will still need to swap/give up their shift to another GSA. This “new rule” has recently been in act. Is this rule being implemented across other target locations? If not, is this something an ETL is allowed to do? It’s very inconvenient and causes a lot of call outs since there are a limited amount of GSA’s to swap/give up shifts to. So the target location that I work at would rather have call outs than a non-GSA take a cashier and/or guest service shift.
I’m sure it is a rule how could a cashier or a hardlines team member pick up a gsa shift? The knowledge is just not there . Is just like when I want to give up my shift I can only give it to a off-site or backroom Tl, but a hardlines tl or Plano or price change can not take it . Why you my ask? Because the backroom Tl and off-site are the only ones with keys besides flow or srtl . Not only that no one knows our priorities and how we run the team. Running the backroom is not just asking the team to stock a caf or pull opu , it is a lot more than that and none of the other Tls in the building knows .
I’m sure it is a rule how could a cashier or a hardlines team member pick up a gsa shift? The knowledge is just not there . Is just like when I want to give up my shift I can only give it to a off-site or backroom Tl, but a hardlines tl or Plano or price change can not take it . Why you my ask? Because the backroom Tl and off-site are the only ones with keys besides flow or srtl . Not only that no one knows our priorities and how we run the team. Running the backroom is not just asking the team to stock a caf or pull opu , it is a lot more than that and none of the other Tls in the building knows .

No, no, no. I don’t think you understood me. Our ETL is saying as a GSA, you are not allowed to swap or switch ANY shifts with anyone who is not a GSA. GSA’s are scheduled as cashiers and also as guest service TM’s. Even though being scheduled as a Cashier or guest service TM, GSA’s are being told they are only allowed to swap/give up those CASHIER or GUEST SERVICE shifts to another GSA.... even though it is a cashier or guest service shift and clearly a cashier or guest service TM can take those shifts.
No, no, no. I don’t think you understood me. Our ETL is saying as a GSA, you are not allowed to swap or switch ANY shifts with anyone who is not a GSA. GSA’s are scheduled as cashiers and also as guest service TM’s. Even though being scheduled as a Cashier or guest service TM, GSA’s are being told they are only allowed to swap/give up those CASHIER or GUEST SERVICE shifts to another GSA.... even though it is a cashier or guest service shift and clearly a cashier or guest service TM can take those shifts.

i mean, it does kinda make sense. even when i'm not scheduled as GSTL - GSA i still have to cover breaks for the scheduled GSTL/GSA and assist them. i've gotten pulled from hardlines and starbucks to support the lanes before. it's totally possible that you're being scheduled AT THAT time to provide support if necessary.
No, no, no. I don’t think you understood me. Our ETL is saying as a GSA, you are not allowed to swap or switch ANY shifts with anyone who is not a GSA. GSA’s are scheduled as cashiers and also as guest service TM’s. Even though being scheduled as a Cashier or guest service TM, GSA’s are being told they are only allowed to swap/give up those CASHIER or GUEST SERVICE shifts to another GSA.... even though it is a cashier or guest service shift and clearly a cashier or guest service TM can take those shifts.

Like RedCardJJ I think the reason he does it is to make sure someone is there to support the front . So if you are a hardlines that only backs up the front every now and then, and this gsa switches her shift with you and in that same day the gstl calls out. How would you fix it? Gsa is pretty much trained to act as a gstl
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I get getting a GSA to cover a GSA shift though I've done GSA shifts as a beauty tm but I have experience.

As for getting a GSA to cover another GSA cashier shift- it makes sense if you need to use them to cover breaks or close down the lanes.
Front end ETL says there is a “new rule” that GSA’s are only allowed to swap shifts/give up shifts with other GSA’s. For an example, if a GSA is scheduled a cashier shift, or guest service shift he/she will still need to swap/give up their shift to another GSA. This “new rule” has recently been in act. Is this rule being implemented across other target locations? If not, is this something an ETL is allowed to do? It’s very inconvenient and causes a lot of call outs since there are a limited amount of GSA’s to swap/give up shifts to. So the target location that I work at would rather have call outs than a non-GSA take a cashier and/or guest service shift.
Hi! GSTL here. In my store, the GSTL/GSA work center only gets a certain amount of hours. We have 2 GSTL’s and 4 GSAS. there must be open to close coverage in the front. The GSAs get scheduled for cashier shifts because whoever is running the front needs to take breaks so the GSA that is scheduled will cover them. if The GSA gives their cashier shift to a cashier, then whoever is running the front can’t take a break (which is illegal) OR would have to pull a TL from the floor to cover the breaks. Keep in mind that even though they’re scheduled as a cashier, their primary job center is GSA and their ETL is probably expecting them to perform GSA duties and support the front no matter where they’re scheduled.
I see the point too but in terms of covering breaks they can just train a few more cashiers and all of the GS TM to cover breaks. GSA is a crappy job IMO and they should be able to swap with other non GSA TM when scheduled as cashier or GS.
Hi! GSTL here. In my store, the GSTL/GSA work center only gets a certain amount of hours. We have 2 GSTL’s and 4 GSAS. there must be open to close coverage in the front. The GSAs get scheduled for cashier shifts because whoever is running the front needs to take breaks so the GSA that is scheduled will cover them. if The GSA gives their cashier shift to a cashier, then whoever is running the front can’t take a break (which is illegal) OR would have to pull a TL from the floor to cover the breaks. Keep in mind that even though they’re scheduled as a cashier, their primary job center is GSA and their ETL is probably expecting them to perform GSA duties and support the front no matter where they’re scheduled.

I completely understand this point and it is a valid one. My only question is when something like this is not consistent. There are not always GSA’s to cover someone else’s breaks at my store.... most of the time they have to ask someone who is not a GSA/GSTL to cover shifts. As long as we are switching with someone who is capable of covering the lanes I don’t see the issue. But to make a “rule” that GSA’s aren’t allowed to swap/give up cashier or GSA shifts to another TM in my opinion is making work a lot more difficult especially when you literally can not come in for a shift and you have two people to ask to swap or give up shifts (GSA’s), who both do not want cashier/GSA shifts. So my question is, is this rule implemented at your store as well? Is this a rule that has gone from store to store?
Personally I would rather have the cashier coverage than the call out so if my GSA wants to give their cashier shift up it’s fine with me because I would rather have another TL cover my break than be calling for backup. The rule isn’t implemented in my store but my GSAs will ask the others if they can take it before asking a cashier.
I can see how this would be annoying especially seeing that there are only so many GSAs. I understand it, but I feel like as long as all of you aren’t getting rid of a mass amount of shifts to non GSAs, I’d think they should be willing to work with you. We don’t have this policy.

Now the night of the week that I usually close, I am generally completely by myself GSA/GSTL wise. Other nights of the week usually aren’t like that because I or another GSA will also be closing or at least late (service desk if not a GSA shift) along with the GSTL. I always wish I had someone as the night would be easier, so it does make sense in that regard, but it can be done solo (ETLs just have to cover a meal or sometimes a Salesfloor TL will kind of keep an eye).
Not GSA, but my store does this for Starbucks team members. The agreement Target has with Starbucks says that there should be two people that are Starbucks trained in the building during all operating hours--and considering the amount of hours the workcenter gets, it's not feasible to have that all scheduled in Starbucks, so they get scheduled in other workcenters. But if they do, they have to switch those shifts with another Starbucks Team Member to keep in compliance--and to ensure that Starbucks gets to take breaks. And I can guarantee that no ETL or TL is going to learn Starbucks just to provide that assistance, unlike covering GSTL.
This is seriously not a big deal. If it wasn't like that before it should have been.
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