That's what I read it too. SCAM MAN. Then I looked at it again to find it states SCAN. But either way, what a coincidence with one exiting and the other joining as a guest on an employee site. Just incredible. Well, whoever you are I just hope you will help us win the battle. Everyday when I show up for work, I feel like I'm dying. It just drains the soul and what is left is not what I want to be but I am. Like something else is posessing you. Working here, was great years ago but this year, in particular the last few months have been grossly terrible that it feels worse than being in an abusive relationship. With an abusive relationship, you can run and get help at least. But here, you can't go to any leader anymore. They all are like talking to the wall. Then they retaliate against you in any shape or form, especially mentally/emotionally abusing you in the mind so you are damaged internally and not only that, but even when you do have physical pain they don't care. How many of us got corpal tunnel syndrome, plantar facitis, back pain, joint stiffness and being under 30 years of age? Enough abuse. Worse than being in the army by that I mean in civil standards where you are treating your workers harshly so how do you expect them to work with a smile on their face or even repect you as a leader? When you don't even say "thank you" when they take care of something you ask them or go above and beyond? True it is their job but little words like that go a long way and motivate workers if you really want to drive good results. Too many slackers are allowed to get promoted in this company and the hard workers are turned into slaves and keep getting pushed to their boiling point so that way they lose their mind and say something that gets them in trouble even though it is nothing bad, it's truth and nothing derogatory.