Archived Goodbye Dollar Spot!

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I'm betting that while the area will go away and be used to drive other sales, the product will move to more appropriate locations in the store. Toys already has a vendor section filled with 5 dollar toys that are one spot esque so.
I hate to be the pessimist, but I don't know if I believe this.... However I do see it fitting into the new scheme of things, but its a huge sales driver..... The company comp'd 50% in dept 234 last year and are on track to beat that this year.... I don't know if he'd get rid of a money maker.... But who knows what will come out of the National Sales Meeting..
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Dollar spot is go idea that makes money but, it looks like crap at the entrance. They should keep it a move it to the back of the store near the seasonal are. People buy tons of that crap during the holidays. Before Dollar spot we used to have open season on what we put there. So we could lots seasonal merchandise right before a holiday cutting down on clearance. That place is golden for selling anything you put there.
I had heard this too. It is just so labor intensive to really make a profit. Zoning it is a true pain in the ass. When it finally goes salvage it takes forever to clear it out. Its always dirty, the stuff in there is always falling out of its packaging. Then there is the setting! Boxes inside of another box inside another box and then wrapped in
The profit margin is huge, BUT the work that goes into it (payroll hours) eat that shit right up. Then the people that are buying the cheap Chinese shit aren't buying the normal price merchandise. What looks like a great profit margin actually winds up costing you. Lets face it most of that stuff is crap.
If I never ever see a big box of little boxes containing miniature planters, shedding peat moss all over everything including me it will be too soon. My sincere thanks and apologies to anyone tending onespot as appropriate.
I was always afraid of $1 Spot. The place just reeked of lead poisoning and weird crap from China. I'd cringe every time I saw little children putting that crap in their mouths.
I'm okay with this. I like the idea of putting a bunch of cheap seasonal stuff up at the front but it's in a weird place at the door and not before you check out (at my store at least). One Spot's always been a mess to push or research here except for the brief window after a reset. Maybe we can use that area for something better like short-term salesplanners or flexing d-code?

This is a bad business move. Dollar stores in this country are doing a booming business & Target is being very shortsighted if they don't compete in that area!

People love a bargain & people love rummaging through kitschy stuff looking for something that catches their eye - when something is 'just a dollar' people are very willing to open their wallets.

I think moving Dollar Spot to another area might be the smarter decision. Doing away with this completely is a big mistake.

The only reason Dollar Spot is always a mess now is because Spot doesn't devote enough floorspace to present it properly. If they made it a little bigger - they'd have a neater area & customers would be thrilled.
One side of me is glad to see it go because One Spot is always messy, always has cartfuls of go-backs, and a PITA to zone. The other side of me is sad to see it go is because so many of our guests buy these little items as gifts for parties, classrooms, etc. and we are losing that business.
We never have enough product for it. We sell 7-8 K a week of one spot. If it was full, it would look a hell of alot better.
I don't think it should go completely. They just need to stock less stuff, and revamp how it is merchandised.

I'd keep a section of snacks, and then two aisles of seasonal product, but the rest should go (ie cheap electronics crap, thin socks, etc.)
This is true. Anyone with access to the PICC report under the CBAR tab in FM2GO can confirm this. There's little available information about what they're going to do with this space right now, but a lot of stores are listed as having something happen to their One Spot space on 11/1/2015.
Aww, I love one spot. dollar stores (specifically dollar tree) are my fave, though. I like the little cheap crafts and seasonal decor. I've seen people go in dollar tree and spend hundreds on tons of chintzy Christmas junk. It's fascinating to me for some reason.

It makes sense that they're getting rid of one spot, though. They get fancy mannequins, the new home innovation thing, the sephora-y cosmetic upgrade, and a new focus on visual marketing but keep the often messy dollar store? Nah, that wouldn't make sense.
Drop some pallets of water there while they are at it.

No. There's already so much palleted grocery on the electronics side cartel in my store that we can't plug the power scooters in because they're blocking the ports. It just looks 8 kinds of cluttered these days.
Knew teachers who bought the hell out of those file baskets & organizers.
Summer and BTS time the place was empty with all the teachers buying up the organizers, folders, pencils, etc.
Oh, and the cheap shower caddys and such for the college kids.
Get a lot of parents buying a lot of the Frozen/TMNT/etc stuff for birthday parties.
Honestly I wish they wouldn't get rid of One Spot, just find a way to make it prettier.
I say re-locate it to the end of lanes or 1st aisle. I think if the travel/sample items and Dollar Spot merged it would sell better. But I hated defecting One Spot items back in the day.
Fucking finally!! I have hated that area ever since its inception. It always looks like crap and properly zoning it takes FAR too long to be worth the payroll. It takes away sales from equivalent higher dollar items. It's the complete antithesis of the brand we supposedly try to display.
The One Spot is where the cheapskates graze...
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