Archived Goodbye Dollar Spot!

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There are probably many things that could be done to help See Spot Save.....especially having fewer shelving units.....we have 8 different planograms that get set.
I'm guessing that there will be some small remnants of completely get rid of SSS doesn't make much sense.

I've liked some of the stuff we've had there. However, recently I've noticed them putting more "personal care" items fingernail polish, scented bath items, make-up stuff, and tons of file folding envelopes!! Seems like they've had a lot of travel stuff there as well.

However, they have some great books for little kids, crafts, summer toys, games, desk items, seasonal rugs........not a bad place, mostly a messy space. SSS has to be one of the highest profit margins for probably costs them a few pennies per item and then they are sold at $1, $2, and $5.....huge profits.

Oh, I'll miss the little families of rubber duckies that they often have. Also, the gift bags are great.

Well, we'll just have to wait and see and hope that whatever the new idea is for the SSS area is a good idea......maybe they'll make some changes with the stores that had the remodel of IGS set-ups. Maybe they'll have a featured item there every week.

Are we really going to stop with Take Charge of Education? If they do stop it then our RedCards will be even more difficult to get. I mean, now most shipping is free. Then who knows what will happen if/when CVS takes over....will they continue the 5% after the prescriptions are bought.

Looks like Target might just be making their RedCards obsolete!
Oh, never mind about TCOE.....found the info!
>>Or have TMs stand there during their second 15 handing out RedCard brochures to guests. There will be singing and streamers... :V<<

Or have the second SB barista there passing out samples of pumpkin spice lattes and delicious pastries. Oh wait, we don't usually have a second barista. That's okay. The one on duty can run back and forth from there to the bar and from the bar to there and then back to the bar. Sure, that's a fine idea.
Or have the second SB barista there passing out samples of pumpkin spice lattes and delicious pastries. Oh wait, we don't usually have a second barista. That's okay. The one on duty can run back and forth from there to the bar and from the bar to there and then back to the bar. Sure, that's a fine idea.
Target fitness program.
Guests treat it like crap, our store doesn't backstock because we never get more than like half of the actual product that's set there but we get a ton of a few products, so we flex it out. Even when zoned and flex out well it gets trashed with just one busy weekend. After it's trashed the best you can do is designate area's of clutter, clean out other areas and fill it with product off the truck.

Customers treat most areas of the store like total crap. The only reason some areas look better than others are because the company is willing to keep some areas from looking like a tornado hit.

The company isn't willing to staff their stores so they can be run properly only because customers aren't complaining about the mess.
And even if it's signed correctly, not all of it will be purchased. There will be stuff mixed in with the carry-forward which people never realized was clearance and there may be boxes and boxes of salvage SSS sitting in the back, which never even made it out to the floor. At least those unopened boxes are pretty easy to process, it's still so wasteful.
We've been donating our SSS salvage for awhile now. It's been a few resets since I saw the rows of carts filled with junk piled up next to the compactor.
We did one time, but have been told to dump it the past 3 times. Even though the same person whos school we donated to had their tax id there and everything.
Ours gets sold on the missed salvage pallet to Goodwill. Apparently other stores do the same, as I always see stuff from other stores at our local Goodwill stores from dollar spot. (Usually at full price, to boot).
We had one of two problems at my old store: Too much product and not enough space, or not enough product and too many empty spaces. Flexing was a nightmare and a lot of the time, our flow team just dumped product on top of another product without caring if it was the same or even the correct price point. I feel like it has a lot of great stuff, but the space and organization just doesn't work. Maybe a reinvention is in order in a different area of the store.
I saw dollar spot items at big lots ( the 5.00 electronic items that is) so they are going there. Weird.......I saw someone mention ( in anothere thread)Spot wants clean and doesn't want it to become a wal-mart I guess this is ultimately why spot got rid of it. Spot thought it looked too wal-mart looking. Good-Bye Junk hello fresh flowers perhaps?? Maybe have a floral department right in the front!
I saw dollar spot items at big lots ( the 5.00 electronic items that is) so they are going there. Weird.......I saw someone mention ( in anothere thread)Spot wants clean and doesn't want it to become a wal-mart I guess this is ultimately why spot got rid of it. Spot thought it looked too wal-mart looking. Good-Bye Junk hello fresh flowers perhaps?? Maybe have a floral department right in the front!

Floral was not a profitable work center 15+ years ago when Supers had them. I don't foresee a return.
Floral was not a profitable work center 15+ years ago when Supers had them. I don't foresee a return.

One of the Target stores in my area has bunches of fresh flowers just around corner from the Dollar Spot in front of jewelry. New pilot? ?
One of the Target stores in my area has bunches of fresh flowers just around corner from the Dollar Spot in front of jewelry. New pilot? ?

Mine recently added the same adjacent to produce. Its a table of better flowers and mylar balloons, serviced by the vendor. The full service FTD partner floral shop is what I do not see returning. So far, the added table is not doing well. I put more down the compactor than what goes out the front door.
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