Archived Goodbye Dollar Spot!

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Looking at the two different pictures, I see one has the shipper on the base and one doesn't. Are those the bases your pmt received or used the previous ones? On mine the base was shorter like on second pic so my shipper didn't fit.
I think previous. They are not sending us the 22s until February.
I zoned my store's Bullseye's Playground last night and was shocked at how neat it still relatively was.
That looks like the same old Dollar Spot except with fancy graphics on top.

Yep, not much of an upgrade. Up close it's a bit less cluttered, with the exception of the Clearance signage. But I'll give it two weeks before it looks like One Spot again, only with a renaming.
They got ours done & got rid of the "L" so it's more accessible but still sloppy.
Ah, well...
So for those of you who kept the L shape, how many sections facing out? We have give but there's only four boxes to out there...? Thinking of ordering another empty box or even the plain brown topper for the middle section.

Also facing the dogs is really odd with the different orientation. Anyone have a pic yet? I feel like the back dog should face out not all forward, but it's hard to tell.
I'm looking forward to going in tomorrow to see the changes (if any) have been made to our dollar spot. I heard we were going to tear it down, but I wasn't told when.
Odd, I'm also at a former Greatland with the exact same front-end setup, but we got rid of the L and opened it up.

Ours looks so much nicer.

They're still working on the Planogram, if anything changes I'll post more. On the other side of the "L" at the entrance is the carts/child carrier carts and recycle cans, If they do open it up they'd have to move the carts and cans to a new spot.
Ours was never L shaped. It's up against an exterior wall. Specifically between the mens and womens restrooms.
Thank you for posting this! I was wondering the same thing! My base decks are like 14" or something crazy short.
I was looking on #BullseyesPlayground on Twitter and stores are posting pictures and a few have 14s, too for their base deck so we're not alone!
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