Archived Guests that tie up the lines with Cartwheel

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Jun 6, 2013
More and more, guests are creating long lines with cartwheel. Either they have it and wait to scan everything as they put it on the belt or they say they have no idea what it is. We never have enough cashiers so there isn't time to spend 10 minutes with every guest showing them how to install Cartwheel.
I think the worse ones pretty much order the cashiers to use cartwheel on their phones. Many if our cashiers do it and so do I. We don't have it available on our my devices. (Not that we ever them)
How do you guys handle this?
More and more, guests are creating long lines with cartwheel. Either they have it and wait to scan everything as they put it on the belt or they say they have no idea what it is. We never have enough cashiers so there isn't time to spend 10 minutes with every guest showing them how to install Cartwheel.
I think the worse ones pretty much order the cashiers to use cartwheel on their phones. Many if our cashiers do it and so do I. We don't have it available on our my devices. (Not that we ever them)
How do you guys handle this?
They are right up there with the guests who come to do a return and once they get to GS they open of their purse to see if they have a receipt.
It should be on the my devices. ours have it

If your cashiers get mydevices your store must rock. Our front end usually gets one or two total, one at service desk and one for GSTL thats it...

I know I can use my cell phone but if a rude guest asked I would tell them I dont have one. Its pretty ridiculous to need to use my phone at work and not get reimbursed for it. You think anyone at corporate is paying for their own phone?
If TMs got a special code that unlocked infinite slots in Cartwheel and automatically added all the deals into those slots every time the deals updated, I'd be willing to regularly use my Cartwheel for Guests. As it is, I only do it when they're super nice and they happen to check out at the Deli...
After I had a run-in with a nasty guest where I was nice enough to use my cartwheel for her, I chose to never use it for a guest again. Because after I had taken the time to scan everything in and add all applicable deals, she flipped out and started yelling at me because this thing is SUPPOSED to be on Cartwheel and I must just be trying to scam her of her rightfully earned savings.

Yeah, fuck that shit.
I think your right Firefox.. a couple of weeks ago our store put signs ups about 15% off if you use your cartwheel... apparently the a lot of the non smart phone users didn't undersee the cartwheel word or didn't understand cartwheel but at check out they all wanted the 15% off... on one day the gsa over rode and gave them the discount,, but 2 days later another gsa said no...
the other day in the mail,, I recd a ad from Kohls and they said they would only give an 15% discount if you used your Kohls card.... i think maybe we should remember their guidelines... if you don't have the card or the tech then unf you are not eligible. all these cards codes and tech are just nuts...
So your GSTL/GSA can add offers to the Cartwheel on their mydevice. I can't do that at my store.
I'll teach a guest how to use Cartwheel IF there's no one in line.
I will not use my phone for them, and if I'm not service desk, then I don't have access to a my device and if I'm busy, I send them up there.

I hate the fuck out of times when someone from the floor will tell a guest "just tell the cashier to do it". Do what??? Download an app to their phone? Teach them to read a sign? What???
Then the guest gets all shitty when I try to explain what Cartwheel is. "but the sign says" Yeah, it does, WITH CARTWHEEL.

If they don't have a smart phone they're SOL. The ads are specific for a reason and if their reading comprehension is that of a 4 year old, that's not my problem.

Ohohoh, and the ones that scan everything standing in front of me! I'll sometimes *ask* them to move aside so that I can ring up the next person in line because that's just rude of them to hold up everyone else.
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Actually, you can print out a piece of paper with the bar code from cartwheel. Back before I had a smart phone I'd do that. I did have a Kindle Fire but my husband did the grocery shopping and I'd print it out for him. All they had to do was scan it at the register. Hopefully, they still do that.
They can DEF do this.
I printed out my shop list & it had a barcode on it; when I printed out another list I saw that it was the same barcode so I cut it out & laminated it.
It's worked ever since.
I don't have a smart phone so I just add everything to my list at home off my desktop.
So here's my headache lately and maybe someone can clear this up for me. My cashiers will ring the entire purchase, scan the guests cartwheel, then the guest realizes no discount occurs after total. I get called in and notice the offers were not added to the guest's list properly. So I show the guest how to add the offers to the list, but even after I've done that the discount still doesn't work because it was scanned before the items were placed on the list. The real pain is, you can't void and put cartwheel back into a transaction.

So I'm left with 2 choices. Have the cashier manually discount every item that's supposed to be on cartwheel OR void the transaction and rescan everything so we can use the updated barcode.

Is there something obvious I'm missing?
So here's my headache lately and maybe someone can clear this up for me. My cashiers will ring the entire purchase, scan the guests cartwheel, then the guest realizes no discount occurs after total. I get called in and notice the offers were not added to the guest's list properly. So I show the guest how to add the offers to the list, but even after I've done that the discount still doesn't work because it was scanned before the items were placed on the list. The real pain is, you can't void and put cartwheel back into a transaction.

So I'm left with 2 choices. Have the cashier manually discount every item that's supposed to be on cartwheel OR void the transaction and rescan everything so we can use the updated barcode.

Is there something obvious I'm missing?
Would suspending and retrieving the order not reload everything entirely?
Also, the barcode doesn't ever change, I'm surprised just re-totaling didn't update the cartwheel discounts.
Yeah I'm surprised re-totaling doesn't work too...but suspend and retrieve sounds like a great idea I totally follow the logic there! I'll try that next time for sure.
I just tell guests I don't have my phone with me. If they want help with installation while in line, I'll finish up ringing, suspend, ask if mind stepping aside, and call the GSTL over to help them. They'll help them at another register.
If your cashiers get mydevices your store must rock. Our front end usually gets one or two total, one at service desk and one for GSTL thats it...

I know I can use my cell phone but if a rude guest asked I would tell them I dont have one. Its pretty ridiculous to need to use my phone at work and not get reimbursed for it. You think anyone at corporate is paying for their own phone?

We have a guest service MyDevice and we are lucky if it stays in GS. I have an issue with having to use my phone at work to help a guest. Target should provide their employees with the equipment needed to do their jobs.
Then the guest gets all shitty when I try to explain what Cartwheel is. "but the sign says" Yeah, it does, WITH CARTWHEEL.
I was shopping yesterday and saw this exact thing happen. It's like "Seriously?" 9 times out of 10 it's older guests that still aren't with the 21st century.

When I'm cashiering and have already rang up the purchase and the guest is still interested in getting the app on their phone, I'll just give a quick rundown on how they can dowload it and tell them to practice with it at home before their next trip and send them on their way.
If your cashiers get mydevices your store must rock. Our front end usually gets one or two total, one at service desk and one for GSTL thats it...

I know I can use my cell phone but if a rude guest asked I would tell them I dont have one. Its pretty ridiculous to need to use my phone at work and not get reimbursed for it. You think anyone at corporate is paying for their own phone?

I'll use mine for guests, especially with the pilot of the perks program, gets me to my rewards faster without me having to actually spend any money at all. So for me personally, I gain from it.
I'll use mine for guests, especially with the pilot of the perks program, gets me to my rewards faster without me having to actually spend any money at all. So for me personally, I gain from it.
You know you're not supposed to use your own barcode right? (Especially with perks since you're taking advantage of other people's purchases to get your own rewards.) I'd be careful if I were you.
I just tell guests I don't have my phone with me. If they want help with installation while in line, I'll finish up ringing, suspend, ask if mind stepping aside, and call the GSTL over to help them. They'll help them at another register.
luckily my stl has my back. if you don't have cartwheel, tough luck. i just hate the people who expect you to scan all their items and tell them what's on cartwheel. no that's not how it works.
luckily my stl has my back. if you don't have cartwheel, tough luck. i just hate the people who expect you to scan all their items and tell them what's on cartwheel. no that's not how it works.

Or, they ask if any of their items are on Cartwheel. Seriously? I just tell them that there are hundreds of items on Cartwheel and they change daily. No way I can keep track of them all,
We've started the "We can suspend your transaction and you can scan everything in your app / download the app / whatever other thing you should have done before you got in line."

Lines are already long-even with every register running-we don't have time to hand hold every guest. Some end up just paying full price when we tell them it's on Cartwheel. Fine by me.
Or I had one yesterday: "Can you just give it to me, because I'm one of the few that doesn't have a smartphone."


Sorry, no. You can print a paper bar code and load your offers at home. I try to nicely explain it's like the coupons in the have to get/buy the paper, cut out the coupons you want, and then turn them in at the store. Same with CW, certain steps you need to do to save $$$$.
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