Archived Guests that tie up the lines with Cartwheel

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Or I had one yesterday: "Can you just give it to me, because I'm one of the few that doesn't have a smartphone."


No you do what people have been doing since long before smart phones, you work around it. I don't give a shit you don't have data, you work around it. Being able to do that means you are smarter than the whining bitch.
Sorry, no. You can print a paper bar code and load your offers at home. I try to nicely explain it's like the coupons in the have to get/buy the paper, cut out the coupons you want, and then turn them in at the store. Same with CW, certain steps you need to do to save $$$$.
Exactly. I don't give a damn that you don't have a smartphone. No Cartwheel, no savey money
Or I had one yesterday: "Can you just give it to me, because I'm one of the few that doesn't have a smartphone."


I had this very sweet little elderly lady hand me her phone and ask me if I could please help her with the "cartwheel coupons". She wasn't in line, she was just up at the front.

Poor thing had one of those huge button phones they used to advertise on TV for little elderly ladies such as herself.

I let her use mine and talked to her about the printed barcode. She said she'd bake her grandson a chocolate cake and he'd help her out with it.

She then proceeded to tell me she wished he liked something better than a chocolate cake because she was tired of making them when she needed help with her computer. HA!
They are blessing and a curse at the same time. I mean yes they save tons of money ( win) but at the same time they are a fail too because half the time guests never know how to use the things ( wait I didn't get the correct one??) how do use this?? What's a cartwheel? I don't have that.. 😵
luckily my stl has my back. if you don't have cartwheel, tough luck. i just hate the people who expect you to scan all their items and tell them what's on cartwheel. no that's not how it works.
I've had one or two guests that get pissy because you have to look it up yourself instead of it automatically just searching and magically giving you a discount. It's a business, they're not going to give you niceties out of pure goodwill and ask for nothing in return. You look for discounts and possibly impulse buy other things while browsing because hey, 50% off dragon dildos on Cartwheel.
I had a "guest" holler at me yesterday about cartwheel. Saying how could I even work here because I didn't know what cartwheel was and yelling "SO CAN YOU DO THIS CARTWHEEL OFFER OR NOT SO I CAN GO TO ANOTHER CASHIER?!!! " Claimed I couldn't help him because I didn't know what cartwheel was and I exclaimed firmly of course I know what cartwheel is!! He caught my lie when I said I didn't have cartwheel and I checked and said none of his items were on cartwheel. He then said ok softly and I could tell he felt bad about yelling at me after I went out of my way to go approach him with a smile and saying I could kindly help him at my stand. Fuck cartwheel when I am helping out guests. Seriously. It drives me fucking nuts sometimes...
I don't mind helping guests with Cartwheel when I have time to talk them through the download and an explanation of how it works. It's annoying at the checklanes when no one understands how it works and they want the cartwheel sale when they don't have the app. I started telling them I can suspend their transaction while they download the app. (Thanks TBR!)
Since target has really started advertising deals around the store with signage about cartwheel it has gotten out of control. People want the deals without making the effort.

Also the grey/white signs do not help with explaining to guests they need the app. i think honestly they should have a cartwheel command center or something in every store where people can go search for deals, print off the barcode, download the app and get help from a tm if there are issues, learn about cartwheel either by watching a short video or having a tm explain it. Expecting cashiers to explain what it is, help the guest with issues, then ring them up/check their items, while being f+f+f, and not getting a line? kinda nuts and at least in my store a lot of cashiers are backups who have other jobs to get back to. if target wants this program to succeed they need to invest even more $$$ in it.
Since target has really started advertising deals around the store with signage about cartwheel it has gotten out of control. People want the deals without making the effort.

Also the grey/white signs do not help with explaining to guests they need the app. i think honestly they should have a cartwheel command center or something in every store where people can go search for deals, print off the barcode, download the app and get help from a tm if there are issues, learn about cartwheel either by watching a short video or having a tm explain it. Expecting cashiers to explain what it is, help the guest with issues, then ring them up/check their items, while being f+f+f, and not getting a line? kinda nuts and at least in my store a lot of cashiers are backups who have other jobs to get back to. if target wants this program to succeed they need to invest even more $$$ in it.

How about a short, bullet-pointed handout we can give the guest explaining the app and the steps needed to make it work.
It's only annoying when the guest with a full shopping cart comes up to the lanes at 5:15 in the middle of our busiest period, slowly takes out their phone, texts their best fuck buddy a story, slowly and calmly goes through cartwheel looking for deals, and then scanning all of their items, slowly, all while I'm getting dirty looks because I can't do shit because the LOD tonight obviously doesn't like me and if I said one somewhat rude or demanding thing to a guest and it's a coaching. Other than that, I don't mind helping guests with cartwheel if they obviously don't know what it is and it isn't busy.
I still think that cartwheel should go away and be baked into the redcard, giving card holders exclusive offers. This gets rid of the cartwheel confusion and gives another incentive to the redcard which it definitely needs after getting rid of the 1% to schools, which some shoppers still don't know about.
I still think that cartwheel should go away and be baked into the redcard, giving card holders exclusive offers. This gets rid of the cartwheel confusion and gives another incentive to the redcard which it definitely needs after getting rid of the 1% to schools, which some shoppers still don't know about.

Actually I think it should be the other way around. Cartwheel (especially the new test version) does more to create Target loyalty than anything I've seen. 5% is nothing. Download an app, accumulate 5000 perk points and start getting free stuff? Free jeans, free books, free $40 wicker baskets, free whatever? Guests at my store are all over it.
Actually I think it should be the other way around. Cartwheel (especially the new test version) does more to create Target loyalty than anything I've seen. 5% is nothing. Download an app, accumulate 5000 perk points and start getting free stuff? Free jeans, free books, free $40 wicker baskets, free whatever? Guests at my store are all over it.

The thing is they will never get rid of the red card. Target hangs their hat on getting people to sign up.
The thing is they will never get rid of the red card. Target hangs their hat on getting people to sign up.

Yup, they love that sweet, sweet revolving credit cash!! It's not about loyalty at all, but cash flow from being a credit card company. Not sure what they get out of debit cards though....
Any info on when the RedPerks program will expand to other areas?
Actually I think it should be the other way around. Cartwheel (especially the new test version) does more to create Target loyalty than anything I've seen. 5% is nothing. Download an app, accumulate 5000 perk points and start getting free stuff? Free jeans, free books, free $40 wicker baskets, free whatever? Guests at my store are all over it.
My market doesn't have the pilot.

But like you said. 5% is nothing. What other incentives do you have to get a redcard nowadays? Extra 30 days on return is pretty meaningless and the whole shipping thing isn't for a lot of people when you can get it for faster/cheaper on Amazon. Bake the cartwheel functionality into the Redcard and have the app as a way to monitor deals and progress towards that free stuff (where available). If the guest is interested in cartwheel, they'll be able to track what's going on and if they're not, they can continue shopping like normal and get some surprise sales on items.
Any info on when the RedPerks program will expand to other areas?
I'm in the Dallas area and didn't have RedPerks. Currently 300 miles south, shopped at a Target in Victoria and RedPerks popped on. It's awesome. People I'm visiting said they've had it for awhile. So whether it's expanding or I got it because I'm down here is the mystery.
With the perks program, I think that you can download it on your phone if you can put in a zip code from an area that has it and then once someone has it they can use it anywhere.

I think that perks has expanded to St. Louis and a few other places...but can't remember those other places...although a zip code from North Carolina ought to work.

In our store on Black Wednesday (and following thru Sunday) there were TMs telling guests about Cartwheel and guests came to the cash registers. Some guests were OK with Cartwheel, but many needed help.....and since Black Wednesday we have had a lot of people coming to our registers asking about Cartwheel and asking about how to use it. Let me just say that it seems like half of the people who have "heard about cartwheel" have no idea as to how to download the app and we cashiers (at my store) are expected to help these guests get started on Cartwheel.

One thing that happens pretty often is that people have their cartwheel all set and then they get logged out while waiting in line and then when they try to reload the program the app says something like "Oooops! There seems to be an error in loading....." that's really what sets guests off! It doesn't help me as a cashier either.....I mean, what can I do to help out?

I hate it that there are TMs that use their phones for Cartwheel. We now have guests ask if we can have someone "up front" that has their Cartwheel and can we have that person come....and use their barcode so they can get the discount? Really?

While there are good savings with is also quite a pain in the backside.
What makes this difficult for me is that I don't have a smartphone and that doesn't help when people need to get the app.....and then there are moments when I'm helping a guest and then something appears and I have absolutely no idea as to what to do! So, the light goes on and then I hope that whoever comes over knows how to "fix" the problem.
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