Archived Hourly pay related post.

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Jan 9, 2019
I have been working for Target since since August 30, 2017 – September 13, 2017 during Hurricane Irma hit South Florida. I started as seasonal, at $11.50 an hour as FLOW. Since then I have only received 1 raise of 9 cents!!! I'm making $11.59 currently in 2019. I have commented on this to the store manager along with the head of logistics,and both of them state they cannot raise my hourly wage. What made me write this post is because now we have seasonal workers entering Target making $12.00,while I still have not received a raise and still making $11.59. This doesn't seem right to me,so I'm writing this to hear any ideas or if anyone else is experiencing this same problem.
I have been working for Target since since August 30, 2017 – September 13, 2017 during Hurricane Irma hit South Florida. I started as seasonal, at $11.50 an hour as FLOW. Since then I have only received 1 raise of 9 cents!!! I'm making $11.59 currently in 2019. I have commented on this to the store manager along with the head of logistics,and both of them state they cannot raise my hourly wage. What made me write this post is because now we have seasonal workers entering Target making $12.00,while I still have not received a raise and still making $11.59. This doesn't seem right to me,so I'm writing this to hear any ideas or if anyone else is experiencing this same problem.
As a FYI, if you are underpaid, you will receive retro pay for the underpayment from the date it should have been $12. At least that is how it should be done if you have a good HR and is how it has been done previously when HROC played more of a role with HRs.
I guarantee you are making $12/hr at least. Look at your payslip in workday and do the math. Company wide minimum is $12/hr, there's no reason one random employee would be making under that.
So you're saying he's lying? Weird stuff happens. Target employs many thousands of people. It's not impossible, unless you have the means to verify the wages of all hourly employees, you have no cause to say he's wrong.
I'm saying I guarantee OP is making $12/hr. They may never have had a sit down conversation about being bumped up to $12, but they are making it. Not saying it's a lie, but I've had this kind of conversation hundreds if not thousands of times in my career, and never once has a person actually been being paid less than company minimum.
Pretty much anyone who’s given more than a year to Target has had this problem. I started as a TPS at $10 an hour. A year later we were hiring TPSs at $11 an hour when I was still at $10. They eventually decided to match me over the new guys pay but that took a while.
Check your paystub. You should be making $12.

If you aren’t, you need to talk to HR and get retro pay and get your pay corrected.

As to the amount of the raise, how was your review?
I have been working for Target since since August 30, 2017 – September 13, 2017 during Hurricane Irma hit South Florida. I started as seasonal, at $11.50 an hour as FLOW. Since then I have only received 1 raise of 9 cents!!! I'm making $11.59 currently in 2019. I have commented on this to the store manager along with the head of logistics,and both of them state they cannot raise my hourly wage. What made me write this post is because now we have seasonal workers entering Target making $12.00,while I still have not received a raise and still making $11.59. This doesn't seem right to me,so I'm writing this to hear any ideas or if anyone else is experiencing this same problem.

Minimum wage in Florida is $8.25 so technically you make more than the state requires. I'd recommend talking to HR to find out as to why your store hasn't raised the wage to 12 yet.
If they started in Sept 2017 then the raise last year was prorated. Worked less than 6 months then 9 cent raise was approx 1/2 of what the raise would have been if they worked the whole year. This situation is what I used to hate, having to give a good review with a crappy raise.
I have sat down with the store lead,also head of logistics and they claimed they could not do anything about it. Monday I will speak to HR to verify this. Thanks for your replies,this has been bothering me for months.
I'd rather not talk about my review,it was the most inaccurate assessment I have ever had on a job. Almost feels like they had to make something up in order to push their 9 cent raise on me. Claiming it had to do with not being there a year yet,when I was handling an entire side of the line as a FLOW member BY MYSELF for the longest. Been there since August/September 2017, I entered as seasonal so I had been working for 8-9 months before the review.
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I'd rather not talk about my review,it was the most inaccurate assessment I have ever had on a job. Almost feels like they had to make something up in order to push their 9 cent raise on me. Claiming it had to do with not being there a year yet,when I was handling an entire side of the line as a FLOW member BY MYSELF for the longest. Been there since August 2017,entered as seasonal.

I was told you will not get an amazing review in the 1st year because technically you haven't mastered your job. This is coming from someone who never misses a day and got DIO for attendance.
I was told you will not get an amazing review in the 1st year because technically you haven't mastered your job. This is coming from someone who never misses a day and got DIO for attendance.

What does DIO mean?
I was told you will not get an amazing review in the 1st year because technically you haven't mastered your job. This is coming from someone who never misses a day and got DIO for attendance.
Same cause I got ION for attendance and I’ve never been late or called out 😂
I got an ION in my review last year, despite otherwise being told I'm awesome, because I was there less than a year.

Presumably it's a way to make sure more senior TMs get more of the (tiny) raise pie, but since it was all wiped out by the move to $12, I don't quite get it.

It's the only negative review I've gotten in my life, and I'm still a little salty about it, on principle.
I got an ION in my review last year, despite otherwise being told I'm awesome, because I was there less than a year.

Presumably it's a way to make sure more senior TMs get more of the (tiny) raise pie, but since it was all wiped out by the move to $12, I don't quite get it.

It's the only negative review I've gotten in my life, and I'm still a little salty about it, on principle.
Don’t blame you for being unhappy. Store leadership made us give the lowest rating to all our new TMs every year. It’s bs. You’re either a hard worker or you aren’t. The fact that you haven’t been there long has nothing to do with your job performance. The review system should reward performance, not pit TMs against each other, and everyone should get the raise they’ve earned, instead of having them rationed to save money.
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