Archived How are ETL's LIke Religious Zealots?

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I understand the lack of hours, but not the lack of empathy. Also, ETLs get input into how the hours are divided up, at least in my store.

Nope, all from the STL and he is a young control freak so they are now a secret. They used to e-mail out to the TL's the allocation of hours, now even the ETL's dont' get that information since STL writes the schedule.
"And CTT, when he came out, saw many TMs, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as unemployed workers not having a job; and He began to teach them many things.

And when the day was now far spent, the ETLs came unto Him, and said, this is first quarter, and now the time is far passed: Send them away, that they may go into the country round about, and into the villages, and apply for jobs elsewhere: for they have no hours.

But He answered and said unto them, Give ye them more hours. And they said unto Him, Shall we go and give out sixty thousand hours of payroll, and give them to work? And He saith unto them, how many hours have ye? Go and see. And when they knew, they said, five, and two shifts.

And He commanded them to make all sit down by companies upon chairs in the breakroom. And they sat down in ranks, by hundreds and by fifties. And when He had taken the five hours and the two shifts, He looked up to Minneapolis, and blessed, and brake the hours, and gave them to the ETLs to set before them, and the two shifts divided he among them all.

And they did all work, and were paid. And afterwards the ETLs took up twelve baskets full of leftover hours, and of the shifts. And they that did work the hours were about five hundred TMs."

Verily verily I say unto you ... frikin awesome post 🙂
That's what surprises me. I haven't read an untrue post yet.

Why resent it, Bryan?
TBH, I was never promised a rose garden - but I've never worked anywhere that did.
That's what surprises me. I haven't read an untrue post yet.

Why resent it, Bryan?
You lump ALL ETLs into one pot. I worked my ass off 60-80 hours/week, for ultimately less of an hourly rate than the TLs, let alone a lot of the TMs. They worked us to the bone, burned us out, then kick you aside when you won't drink the Target Kool-Aid. I had enough and walked out. Several of my fellow ETLs did the same thing. I came in and listened to my team. I fought the STL and Sr-Merch on things (never won, but always fought). So please, do not say ALL of us are the same.

In that vein, then from an ETL standpoint all of you are pig-headed idiots who don't listen and can't complete the simplest of tasks. How would you like to be told that? I don't believe that, of course, but I make the comparison to show my point.
There is only one ETL in my store that I respect on occasion. The rest are truly over paid couch potatoes
Most of the current leadership at my store are gems. But I’m also aware that I’m lucky in that way. There’s some resentment towards past ones that liked to scream at people about finishing truck on time but would then retreat into the office to clean the fish tank from their desk. (Actual example. How that was allowed despite the smell, I’ll never know.) Most people in this thread understand there are good ETLs out there, but not all of them have been lucky enough to have ‘em at their store. Think of this thread as being like pro wrestlers trash talking each other before a match- most don’t actually hate the others.
You lump ALL ETLs into one pot. I worked my ass off 60-80 hours/week, for ultimately less of an hourly rate than the TLs, let alone a lot of the TMs. They worked us to the bone, burned us out, then kick you aside when you won't drink the Target Kool-Aid. I had enough and walked out. Several of my fellow ETLs did the same thing. I came in and listened to my team. I fought the STL and Sr-Merch on things (never won, but always fought). So please, do not say ALL of us are the same.

In that vein, then from an ETL standpoint all of you are pig-headed idiots who don't listen and can't complete the simplest of tasks. How would you like to be told that? I don't believe that, of course, but I make the comparison to show my point.

If it doesn't apply to you, then don't fucking worry about it? The fact that this hits such a sore spot for you, makes me think it must be true. Unless you're just the king of insecurity.
What was that about someone methinking, some lady protesting and too much?

It slips my mind...
You lump ALL ETLs into one pot. I worked my ass off 60-80 hours/week, for ultimately less of an hourly rate than the TLs, let alone a lot of the TMs. They worked us to the bone, burned us out, then kick you aside when you won't drink the Target Kool-Aid. I had enough and walked out. Several of my fellow ETLs did the same thing. I came in and listened to my team. I fought the STL and Sr-Merch on things (never won, but always fought). So please, do not say ALL of us are the same.

In that vein, then from an ETL standpoint all of you are pig-headed idiots who don't listen and can't complete the simplest of tasks. How would you like to be told that? I don't believe that, of course, but I make the comparison to show my point.

I know you probably can't, but I'd like any proof you worked the hours you stated. You say you worked "60-80 hours/week," that implies that every week you worked, you worked at least 60 hours or more. I have trouble believing that.
I know you probably can't, but I'd like any proof you worked the hours you stated. You say you worked "60-80 hours/week," that implies that every week you worked, you worked at least 60 hours or more. I have trouble believing that.
Maybe 60 hrs a week at the store. Sitting in a office is hardly working, but ETLs very likely put in at least 40, probably 50 and often 60.
Maybe 60 hrs a week at the store. Sitting in a office is hardly working, but ETLs very likely put in at least 40, probably 50 and often 60.
I was in the office to put up my coat (if I wore one) and put it back on when I left, MAYBE to take 15 minutes to eat on a shift. This was a AAA+ store we all worked our asses off. During the holidays we usually were in the store 7 days a week, 10 - 12 hours a day. I got out of retail as I was not about to put my self through that again, let alone make it a career.

My point - you can't lump everybody into the same pot. Please try not to do so.
My point - you can't lump everybody into the same pot.

Everyone else's point- WE KNOW.

Here, it's for the chip on your shoulder.
Damn there's more drama in this thread than an episode of FRIENDS. Everybody chill!

Also, to keep it on topic, they're exceptionally cheery for a bunch of people whom I know have had their entire soul siphoned out.
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