Archived How do you read labels from repacks and softlines?

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Aug 23, 2014
When im on the line during the unload process I have hard time reading these labels.


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for stocking just flex it and run like hell

for unloading, just put it on a flat and deny all knowledge

im a bad employee lol
If it's clothes, it goes with the 15s if its housewares, it goes with the 4s. If it's causing difficulties for everyone, have your E/TL contact the DC.
My store, it is broken down where any Red goes directly up to the guy breaking out HBA/OFCE/PHAR. Any box circled 1-9 or combo go to the guy in DOM/BEDS/BATH, where he might then bring some to the guy in HBA. Anyone circled on the bottom row goes to Soft-lines. A.S.A.N.T.S, but this works at about a 95% success for us. You get a random one or two that goes somewhere else, but thats to be expected.
Ignore the barcode and the numbers beneath it. You only need the ones on top where that "15" is circled. If you're on the line you should know what number repacks go where, or at least the ones for your bay and the one before you (so you can catch any they miss). Sometimes you'll have to open one up if its circled weird or marked "RR" (Rapid Repack) but most the time that works. Plus sometimes there'll be that sort-of pick label and it'll have the item description, which if you know where that product goes, you know where it goes.

For hardlines at least; I've never worked a softlines bay so I'm not sure how those work.
I've never worked a softlines bay so I'm not sure how those work.

Different stores break it down differently. Some do one pallet for clothes, one for shoes and one for baby. I've seen lines that distinguish between hanging and tables and have pallets accordingly.
Different stores break it down differently. Some do one pallet for clothes, one for shoes and one for baby. I've seen lines that distinguish between hanging and tables and have pallets accordingly.
Yeah, I know we separate shoes, hanging and non-hanging but have no idea how to tell which is which. Too busy trying to spot the stationery repacks that are actually candles and need to go further down the line.
The rule of thumb I typically go with is usually, hanging is in regular brown boxes and tables is in repacks. You can usually tell by the custom block and whether or not it has a schematic number but the surefire way to know would be to learn your softlines department numbers. If a repack is circled sloppily then the easiest method is to open it.
Honestly... just open the repack and start sorting...

The DC are supposed to send repacks pre-sorted. That's why they "circle a number". It's to indicate what fill group the items are part of. Honestly, the odds of repack being sorted properly are pretty slim. I've found all sorts of stuff in the 2+ years I did hardlines breakout. It was comical. Course, I didn't see the humor in it, at 4am. I've retooled the process at my store and created a guide based off the numbers I knew. Then, during my last few months as breakout, the DC changed the numbering system. So, whatever I thought a number meant, was completely useless. Only a handful of numbers remained unaltered (our hardlines textiles... bath towels, drapes, kitchen towels... was always number 3 and in a large black repack).

If you don't know what the numbers mean, ask a more senior TM who's been breaking out to tell you. But ultimately, it's just easier to open the box and look.

A guide to repacks:
Large black repacks: Hardlines textiles and softlines everything.
Medium red repacks: Hardlines everything else
Medium white repacks: Electronics/security (these should be put in the cage/lockup).
Small red repacks: Entertainment media, cds, movies...

Putting repacks away... if you do anything to help receiving and backroom, when you empty a repack, please put it away properly. There's a nice diagram on every repack that explains the process. Simple and extremely helpful, especially for SWEEP day!
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