Archived How much did yours drop?

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Went from 38-40 to 34 this week, 16.5 next week. No TM in our backroom is getting more than 20 next week.
we are still up, still selling 140K or more each day this week so far.
I've been above 30 the last few weeks due to backroom being shorthanded, but I dropped down to about 17 on the latest schedule.

I'm expecting single digits again in February.
I'm quite interested to see the schedule that comes out tomorrow because all the seasonals that aren't staying on will be gone by that schedule (mid of Jan).
I intentionally keep my hours under 30/wk, but lately they've dropped to 18, which is no bueno. I work mostly CO, and since I am a goddamned rockstar, I can usually finish the job in a little under three hours. They used to budget me 4 hours and I would usually spend the last hour of my shift covering GSTL/SD breaks or running random errands for the front end. Other days, I'd use the extra time to catch up on paperwork or clean and vacuum the CO. For 4th quarter, they cut my shifts to 3 hours. This is against Target policy, but I was assured that after the 1st I would get my 4 hour shifts back.

I didn't get my 4 hour shifts back.
40 this week, 40 next week, and 40 week past that. Down from 50 to 60 most of fourth quarter. It took signing with the promise to not drop in hours or pay from pa. Less than 38 and I'll just stay late.
Should have hours stay high this year, was informed yesterday we were doing a remodel of electronics and entertainment and getting extra hours from corporate as a result.
I'm backroom. I self-cap my hours at 28 (they ignore it) and I get 32 hours usually (40 a handful of times). No changes so far. We only have three dayside regulars. If we had one more, I'm positive my hours would be down a notch.
I am down from 39 to 31, with three days off for the next two weeks. Our HR girl even said that it's going to start slowing down, so they need to cut hours now. We have to leave on time as well, we got kicked out of the store at 11:00 (leaving behind a shit load of abandon for the openers) because we apparently didn't make sales, and yesterday was time and a half.
I just checked the 2 week out schedule, again at 16 hours. I'm cool with that though, since I've been working a lot over the past 6 months since I was taking 14 credit hours and working 30 hours a week. Especially with school starting back up soon, 16 hours is right around where I want to be.
I had 32.5 hours for next week, but I extended a 4.25 hour shift to an 8 hour p-fresh shift because why not (even tho I haven't worked p-fresh in like a year and I kinda hate it just a little but hours amiright 🙄) And the week ending the 16th, I'm back up to 38 hours. Management loves me lmao
Mine have been slowly going down went from 15 to 14.5 and the schedule printed today I have 10.5, is as 4.5 hr shift even worth the gas to come in?? Plus I just missed a call from them and they didn't leave a message, I wonder why?? Getting kind of worried, will be with spot a year next week 🙁
Went from 40 (during the holidays) to 33 this week, 30 next week, and 24 the next.

Dayside backroom.
Mine went down from 40 to 32 next week will go down to 25. I'm sure the next schedule will go down to 20. I might will transfer to warehouse soon. Waiting for interview coming up.
Sinking from close to 40 a week down to around 20-25 and I think I have one week of 15 somewhere in there. Works alright for me because I'm actually supposed to be part time. I just told them if they need me more to schedule me more and when they need me they do. I feel for TMs who rely on this job to pay the bills around this time of year as I know it can be difficult.

Softlines Brand TM
I usually get my 40 as a softlines team leader. But my work center only gets about 100-120 now. So between all my team members they would only get about a few hours each after I get my 40. So I've been cutting mine to give my team hours. My etl told me that as a team lead I need to work at least 32 hours and it flags on a report if I don't. Is this right? It doesn't feel right to have my team work so little hours while I get my full amount. I understand that I need to be there for certain things. But my work center isn't suffering because I can trust my team.
One of our TLs in softlines drastically cut her hours this week to support the team because we had 100 hrs for the week to share. Shoot, I only have 11 hours this week but such is the nature of the beast. I don't know if it flags on a report but I was told the same thing by former softlines TLs - that they have to work 32 hours a week. Sucks if you have 2 TLs in a work center at 32 hours each and you only get a hundred hours.... that's like 37 hours to share among the rest of the team. I still firmly believe that TL hours/pay should be covered by corporate. If they are going to mandate a certain number of TLs at a certain number of hours then it'd be nice if those hours were fixed into the system and the hours they gave based on sales were intended for the TMs that worked under them but then that'd make too much sense. 😛

I was told that for at least the next month there will be only about 90 hours per week between the two other backroom day team members and myself.

How can a backroom team member complete the Sunday night price changes by 645pm if it takes said backroom team member and his/her helper 30 minutes to get the 6pm CAF batches done? Magic?

6pm to 630pm - CAF batches
630pm to 645pm - pull price change batches, plug in all equipment and FF printer, turn in electronics key, and clock out.

When I hear bosses or any other higher ups talking about "this is retail" or "it's retail" or "hours are tight usually during this time of the year", I want to just yell at them and say "fuck you".

"This is retail" doesn't fucking cut it. We are talking about people's survival and whether or not they have electricity, running water, rent money, their car, etc..
While people's hours get cut I'm having to work with a brtm who was in the bathroom for an hour. He works great when the bosses are around but after 4pm he's a joke. He does this kind of crap on a daily basis. He's currently getting 36+ hours a week and off all Saturday's.
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