Archived How much did yours drop?

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How does being "brand" with a set schedule insure you have hours when there are so few hours to give out? Just curious because my TL made a comment to me about how her hours went up for our area when she locked in my schedule on the newest one she just did. I'm also "brand". Is this a thing?
Different stores have different things they prioritize. Like my pfresh uses as many if not more hours than hl or sl. I have an opener, a closer, a mid and a c&s three days a week. All 8hr shifts. That alone is over a hundred hours. Plus the other four days of opener/mid/closer also all 8hr shifts. Now we're at over two hundred hours just for pfresh a week. Way lower level store than many cut to under a hundred. But it's a priority from the dtl level and we just throw hours at it. Ctl hours are all hl....
Should have hours stay high this year, was informed yesterday we were doing a remodel of electronics and entertainment and getting extra hours from corporate as a result.
Did ya'll finish the remodel yet?
Oh my gosh that's awful. I'm so sorry.

Looks like it was just for that schedule...We are back up to 90ish hours on the newest schedule...Which for market is STILL slim, especially since we usually help push C+S, do Mcclane Candy, backstock our own pulls, do reshop, go to huddle and working huddle, receive in C+S which sucks cuz we are usually first stop, and deal with all of dry market on a constant basis
It is, and not. For the past several weeks, only 2-3 HL TMs are scheduled and about 3-4 cashiers, but one has to man the SCO. So, I have to backup all the time, push in almost every dept and still be expected to pull product to fill all the empty end caps in my dept and my daily 4x4, maintain the moments and focals. And now, they want me to be SD trained so I can back up there. We're an ultra high volume store, so we get a lot of traffic.

In my store, from my understanding, pfresh gets hours from consumables and the unloading payroll. Market gets it from hardlines, we usually have 1 in the morning, 2 mid and 2 closers. Our CTL, who is a SrTL gets it from another dept.

Ya obv stores are all store is a lower volume store, not sure what type. We dont have a CTL, and we dont have "market". Pfresh and Market are all ruled up into consumables. At night we are responsible for zoning the entire grocery section which is G5-G40 or so plus the backwall. Its like 3/4 of the entire right side of our store and each aisle has 8 sections instead of 6 like most other areas
Total Scheduled Hours:35.75 hrs
Total Scheduled Hours:38.25 hrs
Total Scheduled Hours:31.75 hrs

someone save me

i was actually hoping for a break
I can't even imagine hours like that. Right now I'm averaging 60-65 hours a week. Being understaffed and so behind means i have to pick up slack. Then i have one night class a week and two online classes. I don't know what work/life balance even is
I can't even imagine hours like that. Right now I'm averaging 60-65 hours a week. Being understaffed and so behind means i have to pick up slack. Then i have one night class a week and two online classes. I don't know what work/life balance even is
Luckily since I'm not taking classes rn I can handle doing nothing but working and sleeping. Days off would be nice though, I've forgotten what they felt like. I imagine once I change my availability for next semester my hours will be hella cut
Question for long time employees (10+ years) who have always had benefits... Are your hours being cut at the same percentage as those who make less and/or do not get benefits?
At my store, the people that have been here for years seem to be getting hit just as hard as the rest of us. We were all close to 40 during the holidays, but now even the most veteran people on our team are getting less than 20.
Are they losing personal holidays and insurance?
When it comes to benefits I believe it is all about your "average hours". You can handle some low hour weeks and keep your benefits but if it continues too long it could eventually effect.
We just promoted two GSAs (one cashier, one 80% softlines 20% cashier and the latter is only going to be helping out with call offs and vacations and such), and while I'm super happy for them I know my hours are going to get kicked in the crotch.
Fuck my hours dropped from 37hrs to 31hrs to 26hrs.

Hopefully they would ask me to stay every truck day (I work every 4 truck days) and would still get more than 35hrs

This new CAF times is fucking up our hours
Best bet is to check the swap board & pick up shifts whenever possible.
I did it even when I wound up working 6-7 days in a week.
Also check the front end before you leave & see if they need someone to cashier for a couple hours.
We frequently had cashier call-outs & all they needed was someone to bridge the gap before the closers came in.
Do it consistently & they'll eventually stop brushing you off.
Open avail, trained in various areas, willing to stay/come in early were gold at my former store.
A bunch of people's hours in my store bottomed out around 20, while some people that were originally hired over the Christmas season are getting 30+ hours. 🙁
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