Archived How much do you care at Target?

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I've been at Target since the Christmas season of 2008 and I would say that right now my apathy while at Target is at an all time high. I have never cared as little as I do right.

When I first started at Target, I was extremely naïve and gullible and thought that if I had great attendance and did a good job that I would get noticed by management. It took me probably until 2010 or 2011 to realize that.

I think when I started to actually care less is when I got into an argument with the boss of the store and he wrote me up and even asked me to sign a voluntary termination form. That was in 2012 and I will never forget it. He told me that I was a problem and that he didn't want to give another store "a problem" when I asked him if I could transfer. That moment right there is when I started to care less. Now in 2015, my apathy is at an all time high. It actually feels good to feel apathetic at Target. I basically do the bare minimum now at Target. I don't set the line in the backroom. I think I stopped doing that probably 2 or 3 years ago. I don't even move soda pallets anymore. I used to have this bitchy grocery ETL that would make me put every soda pallet up in the steel and take out every empty vendor pallets outside and put the empty vendor pallets up against the wall. I was so glad when that bitch left Target. It meant less work for me. I make bales only when it's convenient for me. I'm like that when people bug me about other shit such as the baler and bags. I'm not gonna drop what I'm doing and walk over there just so it's easier for you. You and I both know that you wouldn't do the same for me.

When I pull CAF batches, I do whatever is the least stressful and most convenient way for me to pull them. Lately, I've been burning a lot of batches simply because I don't care and because I know the lazy ass grocery and hardlines team members won't work the stuff to the floor. When I go into the freezer, I basically just throw whatever I pull onto any tub or cart available in the freezer. I'm not gonna bend over backwards for anyone anymore at Target. I don't even make 10 dollars an hour and I've been with Target since 2008.

People that read this rant may say "why don't you quit" or "you can't handle retail". My response to the quitting aspect is I am working on that and I hope to be departing Target forever in 2016. I have been at Target since 2008 and work at one of the worst Targets in America so it's clear I can handle retail. Besides, most of the people that say that shit are the types that have the cushy Monday thru Friday office jobs. They wouldn't know manual labor if it snuck up and bit them on the ear. Those types can shut the fuck up. And this is retail. This is sweatshop work. Does anyone honestly get any joy, satisfaction, meaning, and a sense of purpose by signing someone up for a red card, helping a guest find Trojan condoms, or pulling 10 pallets of price change?
I personally get nothing intangible from Target. All I get is about maybe 1100 dollars after taxes per month from Target. That's it.
I just can't believe how badly I have let Target mess me up in the head. I feel pathetic that I let a shitty retail job affect me so much. It's embarrassing.

So how much do you care at Target? Do you care a lot? Do you care a lil bit? Do you care the bare minimum or do you not give a shit at all?

I would say I care the bare minimum right now. I hope to be not at all or close to not at all by January.
Wow. Just wow. You won't even do your job and set the line and other such things? I feel bad for your coworkers. I definitely don't care as much as I used to...but I still do my job. I don't take pride in not doing my job and leaving it for someone else. That says a lot about your character...and not in a good way. You're setting yourself up for a tough life if that's how you operate. Good luck with that.
Back stock, setting the line, putting up soda pallets, pull price change batches, pulling flexible fulfillment orders? You're going to tell me that you can get all of those done from 7pm to 830pm? Do you have super powers? I'm not gonna stay past 830pm to put up soda pallets or clean up the messes made by vendors. If anyone has a problem with it, deal with it yourself. You move them if it's such a big deal.

The morning team can clean up the line and move soda pallets. It's not gonna kill them.

I used to give a shit at Target and it got me nowhere. It's not worth it. I'm going to take it easy and just try to get through the holidays and hopefully be out of this shitty joke of a company by April/May. My condolences to the rest of you especially the lifers. There are people at my store that have been with Target for 20 plus years. I have no idea how they have done it but they have my sympathies. I'm at 7 years and I hate Target with a fiery passion. I have never hated anything more than Target and the turd of a store that I work at.

And to any haters, I challenge any of you to work at the store I work for a week and tell me how you feel after a week. You would be begging to go back to your old Target store or quit.
Oh brother. It's retail. You're choosing to work there, you're being paid for your time. If you don't like what's requested of you for what they're willing to pay, then either speak up, or leave. What kind of cry baby logic is it do make the lives of others miserable because you don't like your job. The one you're choosing to go to. What total, weak ass bullshit.

Target doesn't really know what to do with its' team members who have been around for 3+ years and who don't want to promote. It used to be they would get solid raises and get rewarded for their experience and hard work...if the hard work is there. Effort in, reward out. Regardless of position. An experienced team member was an asset.

But now? For the last 5 years, what has the raise difference between an E and an EX ? Hell, and IE and an EX? 1%? 1.5%? My EX team members were 3% raises this year, while my IE team members were 1.5%. Basically a dime difference.

Being excellent rather than status quo, if you're a full time team member(lol), will net you an extra 200 bucks for the year.

I'm not sure if it was an active decision by HQ, but now team members are perpetually stuck making entry level wages. Doesn't matter how long they've been there, they will never have anything above a fresh new hire. I've brought this up with some of my peers, and the feedback was was that it's an entry level position, they shouldn't expect to make more than minimum.

Which is an absurd concept considering how much Target touts about being rewarded for your hard work. I guess that reward comes in the form of a cheap fitbit that's probably a tax write off and Hostess Snacks day.

Unfortunately Target doesn't see any kind of value from having an experienced TM on the floor. A TM outside their 90 days is exactly the same as a TM who has been around for 5+ years and has chosen to not promote. There will not be anything to show for those 5 years of effort put in. It's frustrating and demoralized, but it's now become part of the culture.

Strangely though, Target can't understand why turnover is so high all of a sudden.....
I care enough if I see a knocked over side cap, I clean it up, without being told too.
They hired You,"Do" and not..

I definitely do not give a shit about target anymore. I do my job and I'll help coworkers out if they're behind on their stuff but I don't do extra anymore. No more 12 hours shifts or coming in on my day off.
I care a lot.
I work hard and take pride in my work.
I enjoy my fellow t m s and I want us all to do well
I don't like some corporate policies, but it is what it is. I Choose Radical Acceptance and mindfulness. I have to work very hard to overcome my depression and anxiety. The attitude I Choose , that's all I have control over.
I wish that you would see a doctor Jack. You do not have to live like this. You are an intelligent and articulate Young man. There are lots of ways to get help.
I will say a prayer for you. That is the only way I can think of to help.
You are so so interesting too! Let yourself enjoy your life!
I wish I could give you a hug
Like a lot of people, it seems, I used to care more. But corporate has really come down on their standards.

Used to be, no dust bunnies. Now, there is a whole warren on the tool and gadget aisle. "Well clean it." Yeah, but I had 115 revisions this week that HAD to be off the twt. And jackass etls who say, "I don't want your best, I want it done."

I used to be at a much lower volume store and everything was spic and span. Now the store I'm at is the busiest in the district and it's sooooo dirty.

I'd say my caring level for Target has gone from a 9 to a 3. I don't want it to close cause I care about coworkers, but other than that, meh.

I will say this, it's been a hoot seeing Target beat down people who used to care. My boss is one of them. He used to be all gung ho. Now he's just, oh well, does it really matter?

Oh, I found out a tl at my store has been working off the clock some. He just started a couple months ago. I thought to myself, you fool. Can't wait to see how he feels in a couple years. If he lasts that long.
I've been at Target since the Christmas season of 2008 and I would say that right now my apathy while at Target is at an all time high. I have never cared as little as I do right.

When I first started at Target, I was extremely naïve and gullible and thought that if I had great attendance and did a good job that I would get noticed by management. It took me probably until 2010 or 2011 to realize that.

I think when I started to actually care less is when I got into an argument with the boss of the store and he wrote me up and even asked me to sign a voluntary termination form. That was in 2012 and I will never forget it. He told me that I was a problem and that he didn't want to give another store "a problem" when I asked him if I could transfer. That moment right there is when I started to care less. Now in 2015, my apathy is at an all time high. It actually feels good to feel apathetic at Target. I basically do the bare minimum now at Target. I don't set the line in the backroom. I think I stopped doing that probably 2 or 3 years ago. I don't even move soda pallets anymore. I used to have this bitchy grocery ETL that would make me put every soda pallet up in the steel and take out every empty vendor pallets outside and put the empty vendor pallets up against the wall. I was so glad when that bitch left Target. It meant less work for me. I make bales only when it's convenient for me. I'm like that when people bug me about other shit such as the baler and bags. I'm not gonna drop what I'm doing and walk over there just so it's easier for you. You and I both know that you wouldn't do the same for me.

When I pull CAF batches, I do whatever is the least stressful and most convenient way for me to pull them. Lately, I've been burning a lot of batches simply because I don't care and because I know the lazy ass grocery and hardlines team members won't work the stuff to the floor. When I go into the freezer, I basically just throw whatever I pull onto any tub or cart available in the freezer. I'm not gonna bend over backwards for anyone anymore at Target. I don't even make 10 dollars an hour and I've been with Target since 2008.

People that read this rant may say "why don't you quit" or "you can't handle retail". My response to the quitting aspect is I am working on that and I hope to be departing Target forever in 2016. I have been at Target since 2008 and work at one of the worst Targets in America so it's clear I can handle retail. Besides, most of the people that say that shit are the types that have the cushy Monday thru Friday office jobs. They wouldn't know manual labor if it snuck up and bit them on the ear. Those types can shut the fuck up. And this is retail. This is sweatshop work. Does anyone honestly get any joy, satisfaction, meaning, and a sense of purpose by signing someone up for a red card, helping a guest find Trojan condoms, or pulling 10 pallets of price change?
I personally get nothing intangible from Target. All I get is about maybe 1100 dollars after taxes per month from Target. That's it.
I just can't believe how badly I have let Target mess me up in the head. I feel pathetic that I let a shitty retail job affect me so much. It's embarrassing.

So how much do you care at Target? Do you care a lot? Do you care a lil bit? Do you care the bare minimum or do you not give a shit at all?

I would say I care the bare minimum right now. I hope to be not at all or close to not at all by January.

I personally find this about the average attitude for someone working retail.
I've only been here for 5 months, but I can say that I care a ton. After struggling to get a job for 3 years because anxiety always fucked me over and I was always to the point of tears in an interview, or could barely leave the house, Target finally gave me a chance. The people have been really nice and even when I need to sit in the restroom to calm down, or even that time I actually cried for 3 hours straight there before going home no one looked down on me. Even now they can respect that I still have hurdles to overcome regarding confidence and anxiety and in return for how well I believe they treat me as a person I work as hard as I can for them and for my fellow TMs. I'm not sure if any other job would have been the same, better, or worse but I'm totally glad I'm here and legitimately care
I have worked for a number of companies previously and I can honestly and easily say Target has been the best. It has been the most fair, most fun, and least stress of all places I have carried regular employment. People in my own store and in other stores have a hard time wrapping their heads around this, but for as bad as some seem to see things, this employer is absolutely nothing like so many others. For the record, I have held ongoing positions in many areas of the store, and all have had their ups and downs.

Fast forward to this last summer. I was one day reflecting how great my time with Target had been, and even thinking this could be an employer I could stay with for years and years to come. The following Monday I woke to find news that CVS was buying our pharmacies (the department I am in) and that we would not be employed by Target in the pharmacies following close of transaction. I was first in my pharmacy to find out and I found out from a news article. I found out within the same hour my Business Partner found out. Of course this was a shock to all. It was difficult to consider that our employment was being sold to a different company, as if we were nothing but commodities. Over the months with more information coming into light we are mostly feeling better about how this is being handled, but it was still a shock to the system for the first few weeks.

Honestly, I don't want to work for CVS. More than that however, I won't leave my team. That being the case, I will be leaving Target in the next few weeks/months and it's sad to see this go. All things said I still care at Target, I still enjoy the teams in the store, I still appreciate how great my time with the company has been, and I could only wish I had the opportunity to make my time with Target longer.
I have worked for a number of companies previously and I can honestly and easily say Target has been the best. It has been the most fair, most fun, and least stress of all places I have carried regular employment. People in my own store and in other stores have a hard time wrapping their heads around this, but for as bad as some seem to see things, this employer is absolutely nothing like so many others. For the record, I have held ongoing positions in many areas of the store, and all have had their ups and downs.

I have to agree on this one... I have had my ups and down's but I dont think there are many retailers I would rather work for.... Maybe Costco but even as "crappy" as it has got over the most recent years I still think its probably better than most.
Target doesn't really know what to do with its' team members who have been around for 3+ years and who don't want to promote. It used to be they would get solid raises and get rewarded for their experience and hard work...if the hard work is there. Effort in, reward out. Regardless of position. An experienced team member was an asset.

But now? For the last 5 years, what has the raise difference between an E and an EX ? Hell, and IE and an EX? 1%? 1.5%? My EX team members were 3% raises this year, while my IE team members were 1.5%. Basically a dime difference.

Being excellent rather than status quo, if you're a full time team member(lol), will net you an extra 200 bucks for the year.

I'm not sure if it was an active decision by HQ, but now team members are perpetually stuck making entry level wages. Doesn't matter how long they've been there, they will never have anything above a fresh new hire. I've brought this up with some of my peers, and the feedback was was that it's an entry level position, they shouldn't expect to make more than minimum.

Which is an absurd concept considering how much Target touts about being rewarded for your hard work. I guess that reward comes in the form of a cheap fitbit that's probably a tax write off and Hostess Snacks day.

Unfortunately Target doesn't see any kind of value from having an experienced TM on the floor. A TM outside their 90 days is exactly the same as a TM who has been around for 5+ years and has chosen to not promote. There will not be anything to show for those 5 years of effort put in. It's frustrating and demoralized, but it's now become part of the culture.

Strangely though, Target can't understand why turnover is so high all of a sudden.....
Corporate is failing to realize that most of time employees live up or down to expectations. Corporate policies radiate arrogance and insensitivity to part time tms. We are the expendable, replaceable units. We aren't worth insurance, we're expected to be available for erratic schedules and the merit pay situations are bleak. This will continue and worsen as long as people believe the tacit but all too real messages corporate sends.
I care a lot.
I work hard and take pride in my work.
I enjoy my fellow t m s and I want us all to do well
I don't like some corporate policies, but it is what it is. I Choose Radical Acceptance and mindfulness. I have to work very hard to overcome my depression and anxiety. The attitude I Choose , that's all I have control over.
I wish that you would see a doctor Jack. You do not have to live like this. You are an intelligent and articulate Young man. There are lots of ways to get help.
I will say a prayer for you. That is the only way I can think of to help.
You are so so interesting too! Let yourself enjoy your life!
I wish I could give you a hug
This x ten. A lot of us really care about you, Jack. I believe 2016 will be a good year for you. I know you can make the changes you need to make to find some peace in your life. Hang in there!
Most people bashing TC don't understand that most BRTM can't even get to setting the line until the end of their shift. With 6pm cafs, your last 15 and price change and making a bale, it's easily 8:30pm

If I gave no fucks the line wouldn't get set at my store either and there's nothing they can do about it because of the workload I have. Me and the other closer choose to stay and do it past out shift and while we are expendable, most people looking for a quick buck wouldn/t do the same
I basically do the bare minimum now at Target. I don't set the line in the backroom. I think I stopped doing that probably 2 or 3 years ago. I don't even move soda pallets anymore. I used to have this bitchy grocery ETL that would make me put every soda pallet up in the steel and take out every empty vendor pallets outside and put the empty vendor pallets up against the wall. I was so glad when that bitch left Target. It meant less work for me. I make bales only when it's convenient for me. I'm like that when people bug me about other shit such as the baler and bags. I'm not gonna drop what I'm doing and walk over there just so it's easier for you. You and I both know that you wouldn't do the same for me.

When I pull CAF batches, I do whatever is the least stressful and most convenient way for me to pull them. Lately, I've been burning a lot of batches simply because I don't care and because I know the lazy ass grocery and hardlines team members won't work the stuff to the floor. When I go into the freezer, I basically just throw whatever I pull onto any tub or cart available in the freezer. I'm not gonna bend over backwards for anyone anymore at Target. I don't even make 10 dollars an hour and I've been with Target since 2008.

People that read this rant may say "why don't you quit" or "you can't handle retail". My response to the quitting aspect is I am working on that and I hope to be departing Target forever in 2016. I have been at Target since 2008 and work at one of the worst Targets in America so it's clear I can handle retail.

Complains that his store is the worst in the company, does his best to contribute to that. You're not doing the bare minimum required of you. You're faking it.

Besides, most of the people that say that shit are the types that have the cushy Monday thru Friday office jobs. They wouldn't know manual labor if it snuck up and bit them on the ear. Those types can shut the fuck up. And this is retail. This is sweatshop work.

No. You can't handle retail. I may have a M-F office job now and only work Target on the weekends; but having worked 20 years in retail, 10 of them at Target and a former Backroom TL, I can say for sure that you can't handle it. With that attitude, I would have made sure you worked the bare minimum of hours in my stockroom so you didn't infect the rest of my team.

I know it sucks. The constant gutting of hours along with piling up extra duties has gotten out of hand. Your store's leadership and team may suck but none of that is any excuse to just half ass it.

Does anyone honestly get any joy, satisfaction, meaning, and a sense of purpose by signing someone up for a red card, helping a guest find Trojan condoms, or pulling 10 pallets of price change?

I get some joy out of seeing the kids' jaws drop when I spank them on pull timers despite being almost twice their age. Other than that, I give zero fucks but I'm still there to do a job.
I used to be at a much lower volume store and everything was spic and span. Now the store I'm at is the busiest in the district and it's sooooo dirty.
At a higher volume store I'll concede to that. I have so many projects in the waiting because we simply have to sacrifice one thing or another so often to either get though bad times or catch up.

The sort of contempt the OP has is on leadership.
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After 2 years, I don't care at all, but I work my ass off anyway. Eventually I'm going to leave spot and get a degree in business or marketing and I want to be a good reference later on.
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