I've been at Target since the Christmas season of 2008 and I would say that right now my apathy while at Target is at an all time high. I have never cared as little as I do right.
When I first started at Target, I was extremely naïve and gullible and thought that if I had great attendance and did a good job that I would get noticed by management. It took me probably until 2010 or 2011 to realize that.
I think when I started to actually care less is when I got into an argument with the boss of the store and he wrote me up and even asked me to sign a voluntary termination form. That was in 2012 and I will never forget it. He told me that I was a problem and that he didn't want to give another store "a problem" when I asked him if I could transfer. That moment right there is when I started to care less. Now in 2015, my apathy is at an all time high. It actually feels good to feel apathetic at Target. I basically do the bare minimum now at Target. I don't set the line in the backroom. I think I stopped doing that probably 2 or 3 years ago. I don't even move soda pallets anymore. I used to have this bitchy grocery ETL that would make me put every soda pallet up in the steel and take out every empty vendor pallets outside and put the empty vendor pallets up against the wall. I was so glad when that bitch left Target. It meant less work for me. I make bales only when it's convenient for me. I'm like that when people bug me about other shit such as the baler and bags. I'm not gonna drop what I'm doing and walk over there just so it's easier for you. You and I both know that you wouldn't do the same for me.
When I pull CAF batches, I do whatever is the least stressful and most convenient way for me to pull them. Lately, I've been burning a lot of batches simply because I don't care and because I know the lazy ass grocery and hardlines team members won't work the stuff to the floor. When I go into the freezer, I basically just throw whatever I pull onto any tub or cart available in the freezer. I'm not gonna bend over backwards for anyone anymore at Target. I don't even make 10 dollars an hour and I've been with Target since 2008.
People that read this rant may say "why don't you quit" or "you can't handle retail". My response to the quitting aspect is I am working on that and I hope to be departing Target forever in 2016. I have been at Target since 2008 and work at one of the worst Targets in America so it's clear I can handle retail. Besides, most of the people that say that shit are the types that have the cushy Monday thru Friday office jobs. They wouldn't know manual labor if it snuck up and bit them on the ear. Those types can shut the fuck up. And this is retail. This is sweatshop work. Does anyone honestly get any joy, satisfaction, meaning, and a sense of purpose by signing someone up for a red card, helping a guest find Trojan condoms, or pulling 10 pallets of price change?
I personally get nothing intangible from Target. All I get is about maybe 1100 dollars after taxes per month from Target. That's it.
I just can't believe how badly I have let Target mess me up in the head. I feel pathetic that I let a shitty retail job affect me so much. It's embarrassing.
So how much do you care at Target? Do you care a lot? Do you care a lil bit? Do you care the bare minimum or do you not give a shit at all?
I would say I care the bare minimum right now. I hope to be not at all or close to not at all by January.
When I first started at Target, I was extremely naïve and gullible and thought that if I had great attendance and did a good job that I would get noticed by management. It took me probably until 2010 or 2011 to realize that.
I think when I started to actually care less is when I got into an argument with the boss of the store and he wrote me up and even asked me to sign a voluntary termination form. That was in 2012 and I will never forget it. He told me that I was a problem and that he didn't want to give another store "a problem" when I asked him if I could transfer. That moment right there is when I started to care less. Now in 2015, my apathy is at an all time high. It actually feels good to feel apathetic at Target. I basically do the bare minimum now at Target. I don't set the line in the backroom. I think I stopped doing that probably 2 or 3 years ago. I don't even move soda pallets anymore. I used to have this bitchy grocery ETL that would make me put every soda pallet up in the steel and take out every empty vendor pallets outside and put the empty vendor pallets up against the wall. I was so glad when that bitch left Target. It meant less work for me. I make bales only when it's convenient for me. I'm like that when people bug me about other shit such as the baler and bags. I'm not gonna drop what I'm doing and walk over there just so it's easier for you. You and I both know that you wouldn't do the same for me.
When I pull CAF batches, I do whatever is the least stressful and most convenient way for me to pull them. Lately, I've been burning a lot of batches simply because I don't care and because I know the lazy ass grocery and hardlines team members won't work the stuff to the floor. When I go into the freezer, I basically just throw whatever I pull onto any tub or cart available in the freezer. I'm not gonna bend over backwards for anyone anymore at Target. I don't even make 10 dollars an hour and I've been with Target since 2008.
People that read this rant may say "why don't you quit" or "you can't handle retail". My response to the quitting aspect is I am working on that and I hope to be departing Target forever in 2016. I have been at Target since 2008 and work at one of the worst Targets in America so it's clear I can handle retail. Besides, most of the people that say that shit are the types that have the cushy Monday thru Friday office jobs. They wouldn't know manual labor if it snuck up and bit them on the ear. Those types can shut the fuck up. And this is retail. This is sweatshop work. Does anyone honestly get any joy, satisfaction, meaning, and a sense of purpose by signing someone up for a red card, helping a guest find Trojan condoms, or pulling 10 pallets of price change?
I personally get nothing intangible from Target. All I get is about maybe 1100 dollars after taxes per month from Target. That's it.
I just can't believe how badly I have let Target mess me up in the head. I feel pathetic that I let a shitty retail job affect me so much. It's embarrassing.
So how much do you care at Target? Do you care a lot? Do you care a lil bit? Do you care the bare minimum or do you not give a shit at all?
I would say I care the bare minimum right now. I hope to be not at all or close to not at all by January.