Archived How much do you think each ETL/TL position should make?

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From the info you guys provided it encouraged me to check available positions in my area and there is a store nearby with an etl position available so this week I’m working on my resume and applying wish me luck and that the offer I receive (if any ) is worth the transfer pay wise
Can Signing TM's chime in on this too? I am literally a mini PMT in my store, but only because I was barred from using a Drill, for some reason lol.

My PMT is hiding his old one for me, until Target forgets about that rule, or realizes they are stupid.

Heh. My signing said something about being a mini PMT a while back until I asked him to auger a dookie filled toilet and he noped outta there.

You guys already get paid well $19+/hr like Sr. TLs do.

With 100% set schedules and weekends off...

We’re in charge of multimillion dollar assets and we can be held liable if something fails and somebody gets hurt/killed as a result. I know there are a lot of PMTs who don’t do shit but change lighbulbs and hang out, but the majority of us handle dangerous/hazardous conditions regularly to keep guests and TMs safe.

That said, we aren’t paid much compaired to other Property Managment gigs.
Is it true that once the stores are fully modernized next year that there won't be any specialty position anymore and that every TM will be considered "experts"?
But what about cashiers? will they make the same pay as the sales floor TMs that have to push the truck, backstock, research, sales planners, revisions, transitions, price change, etc? That doesn't sound fair to me.

From what I hear, yes. The store will have full end to end teams and so will not require any specialty teams. No pog, pricing, back room (!), flow, signing specialist, etc.
And cashiers will probably make the same as everyone other than non team leads. This includes the GSAs, as well. So, you know, there goes any incentive to step into a gsa role. Not that there was much before. But I already feel that pain. I've been my store's PA for the last 7 years and just found out that the pay incentive for the role is completely gone. I now make the same rate as the team members who are technically still supposed to be following my example and taking my direction in our CTL's absence.

My store isn't fully modernized yet, though. So technically starting pay for non e2e areas is $12 an hour. Softlines, consumables, and starbucks starts at $12.50. Which is exactly what I'm making now, coincidentally. My 32 cent raise brought me to $12.38 an hour. (a product of years spent in a low volume store in a low minimum wage State) They then decided to equalize the new pay grades AFTER the merit increase, rendering it symbolic at best and a completely useless joke at worst.

I probably should be grateful for all the pay hikes, but it's already starting to feel like I'm being punished for my company loyalty when I make after over 8 years what a new team member can start with tomorrow.

But whatever. I honestly hope I'm wrong about the cashier pay. They absolutely do not deserve e2e team pay.
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If a store has a sales volume of around 22-25 mil based on that what area should a etl expect to make or anyone know ? Didn’t know if you guys store fell into that range and knew the answer or not
If a store has a sales volume of around 22-25 mil based on that what area should a etl expect to make or anyone know ? Didn’t know if you guys store fell into that range and knew the answer or not
That'd be one of the slowest stores in the company, but I'd guess a new ETL would make about $50k. Total guess though.
Can Signing TM's chime in on this too? I am literally a mini PMT in my store, but only because I was barred from using a Drill, for some reason lol.

My PMT is hiding his old one for me, until Target forgets about that rule, or realizes they are stupid.
I am a PMT in market. Lol. Fixing monarch labelers, assembling shipper displays, tightening screws that are loose on the silver banana carts.
New TL's shouldn't make more than $15. Make them work for it instead of them acting like they are superior to everyone, especially Flow TL's. We have to work for the raise, so do they and then some.
New TL's shouldn't make more than $15. Make them work for it instead of them acting like they are superior to everyone, especially Flow TL's. We have to work for the raise, so do they and then some.
You would be so stupid to take a TL position for $15. especially now that you have to be a tasker for a majority of your time, and follow up with your TMs, coachings, addressing metrics, talking to your peers about F'ing up your work center, and the countless other things we get pulled away to do on a daily basis. I'm not sure what they are going to make the TL minimum when everyone goes to $15, but you'd be foolish to take that now.
I think the ETLs, even the ones I hate, deserve their salaries. Seeing the shit they put up with, coupled with ~12 hour days, yeah, fucking take that salary. Having said that, I wish there were higher standards in place. In my store, there are ETLs that are crucial for keeping the store alive because they think of the store as a whole. They deserve their salary, and then some. They work harder than our STL.

Then, there are a few we'd be better off without. They don't think of the store as a whole. They may do enough for their title, but they otherwise don't do much to support the store, which I don't think is the role of an ETL. In that position, you can't just come in, put your head down, and do your work, without any regard for anything else. Do they deserve their salaries? Sure. But that's it.

Etls make more than enough especially in the retail field. Most of them have little to none experience in retail and don’t understand how to balance supporting their tls with administrative tasks. Tls are only allowed 40 hours a week and, are usually loaded with team member like tasks and, expected to coach team members. For the amount of sitting on their buts and barking orders they salaries should be distributed to the tls who really make it happen.
New TL's shouldn't make more than $15. Make them work for it instead of them acting like they are superior to everyone, especially Flow TL's. We have to work for the raise, so do they and then some.

Flow team lead is the hardest job in the building. Try throwing go 100mph during an 8 hours shift pushing and pulling freight, throwing pallets, training and coaching and power walking around 20 miles a day. That’s if your supporting your team and not sitting on your butt.
Etls make more than enough especially in the retail field. Most of them have little to none experience in retail and don’t understand how to balance supporting their tls with administrative tasks. Tls are only allowed 40 hours a week and, are usually loaded with team member like tasks and, expected to coach team members. For the amount of sitting on their buts and barking orders they salaries should be distributed to the tls who really make it happen.

I disagree with that for being a large, sweeping point, likely motivated by personal angst.
I disagree with that for being a large, sweeping point, likely motivated by personal angst.

It’s fact nothing personal I’ve experienced it and heard others stories. I had a etl that gave no support during trick unloads, would interfere by stopping me several times for conversations and doing this with flow team members. Then always complained about why we spent several extra hours on unload days with several team members who are on light duty and should be no where near flow team.

It’s fact nothing personal I’ve experienced it and heard others stories. I had a etl that gave no support during trick unloads, would interfere by stopping me several times for conversations and doing this with flow team members. Then always complained about why we spent several extra hours on unload days with several team members who are on light duty and should be no where near flow team.

Yeah, some are bad, some are good. Who would have guessed.
Yeah, some are bad, some are good. Who would have guessed.
But if your good I guess you deserve it but pay should be a reflection of interaction. If you want to be an etl that only wants to do operations I’m thinking $40k at best but if you do the physical part then $50 or $60k
Heh. My signing said something about being a mini PMT a while back until I asked him to auger a dookie filled toilet and he noped outta there.

I'd probably gag, for sure. However, lifting up one of the plexi fences on a PFresh Shelf, that had accumulated blood from leaking ribs, (With the liquidity, of Jello, blended with water, that was left to evaporate.). Once the smell hits you...... ugghhhh

Only time I actually ran to the bathroom to vomit. A smell that literally hits you for hours.

I am not sure it gets worse than that. And I literally scrubbed all the fans, and underparts of our milk cooler (By Scrubbed, I mean a painting knife).

Rotten potatoes don't even get close to the raunch of that.
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