Archived How much effort do you currently give at work?

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Jan 26, 2013
Or do you still go above and beyond? I recently learned that a lot of our TMs are leaving. Some quit, others found internships and the like. In the process a lot of current TMs are pretty much doing the bare minimum. And so am I. Job is a lot easier when you stop trying to get the impossible done

Which side of the fence are you on, maybe the middle?
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I can't wait to see the responses for this one. Ok so I'm the "above and beyond" bunch. Most of the time I stay going above and beyond as I take pride in my work. With that being said, I do it not for "brownie" points or anything like that. As stated, I just take personal pride in my work. Anywhere I work, my "signature" if you will is a well done area. @Him just doesn't work an area and leave it "half-assed"
I used to care.
Nowadays I just keep my head down & work my ass off during my short, hacked-off shifts.
It keeps me from noticing the rest of the crap/politics & is usually an effective way to channel my frustration as opposed to going postal.
If it gets done, it gets done.
If not, give me more hours.
I'm a barista, not a @#$% miracle-worker.
I have been giving 110% from day one. I still do ,a year later. Unfortunately being in a leadership role puts me right in the middle of the politics. I try not get too involved, in my store there are alot issues with higher management and how they approach different work centers.
I still give them the benefit of the doubt. Not knowing the pressures they are under and performance expected of them.
I am merely a human though and sometimes frustrations do boil over. Which makes me question why am I still giving 110%. As @Him said, it comes down to personal pride and work ethic. I thrive on any tiny wins and try not to let loses and shortcomings take away from my work ethic.
That has become a challenge lately with what seems like utter incompetence of higher management, but, like I said maybe they are being pushed harder than I am....
I used to care so much, I wanted to be the best at everything I did I wanted people to notice me for being great and always going “above and beyond” and now I just do the bare minimum i can do that won’t get me “in trouble” lol. I don’t want to lose my job but I’m not going to pretend I care about anything I’m doing while I’m there, I clock in, suffer, then clock out
I used to care.
Nowadays I just keep my head down & work my ass off during my short, hacked-off shifts.
It keeps me from noticing the rest of the crap/politics & is usually an effective way to channel my frustration as opposed to going postal.
If it gets done, it gets done.
If not, give me more hours.
I'm a barista, not a @#$% miracle-worker.

This all day long.. Though I do ship from Store.. And I always thank my Barista!
I can't help but work hard. However, there is little to no incentive to go above and beyond. I can't be totally mad at useless TMs.
There are some days when I put in 110% and then other days I just do the bare minimum because I'm exhausted. My TL leaves our team notes of things that need to get done and I try my best to get them done, but if it's not something that needs to get done urgently, I leave it for another day. Things that need to get done always get done, they just don't happen all in one day. Lately, though, I'm just kind of meh about everything.
I give everything I have when I am on the clock. But I know that to the company I am just a tool to make money, so I don’t give much of myself emotionally, and I don’t take on extra responsibility for free.
I care a lot - probably too much sometimes, but I feel like it’s more of my personality. I’m very anxious and kind of a perfectionist. I try very hard, but I do find the time to joke around with others, which I think has made me a much better employee because I’m just happier while there.

Also, this may be weird, but I really like the team around me. I don’t really like to see my GSTLs and GSAs under all that stress, so part of my working hard is not wanting to disapoint them. They’ve grown to expect a certain standard from me, so I really don’t want to let them down given how nicely they treat me.
Interesting at the amount of people that still give it there all. Nothing against it. When I use to flbitch on this site people would say "oh, you're probably a shit worker" and I would challenge them by listing all shit I get done in a shift.

Not anymore lol, I ain't gonna hype myself up, I'm pretty shit at this point. Dropping from 40 hours to 6 a week dispite being crossed trained in all logistics areas have really put me off.

I asked about my hours for the last 3 months and was told they returned to normal a month ago, so when I looked, instead of 4 hours I got 7 broken into two 3.5 hour days

So I got a new job that works around my target shifts. I shit you not I've been sitting on the top ladder in aisle 14 for the last 3 hours on my phone only coming to down to do a guest pull. What are the leaders gonna do? Remember to write me up when I come in for my next shift 6 days from now at a time when no tls and only the busy stl is in the store?


Ive reached the final form of no fucks
Interesting at the amount of people that still give it there all. Nothing against it. When I use to flbitch on this site people would say "oh, you're probably a shit worker" and I would challenge them by listing all shit I get done in a shift.

Not anymore lol, I ain't gonna hype myself up, I'm pretty shit at this point. Dropping from 40 hours to 6 a week dispite being crossed trained in all logistics areas have really put me off.

I asked about my hours for the last 3 months and was told they returned to normal a month ago, so when I looked, instead of 4 hours I got 7 broken into two 3.5 hour days

So I got a new job that works around my target shifts. I shit you not I've been sitting on the top ladder in aisle 14 for the last 3 hours on my phone only coming to down to do a guest pull. What are the leaders gonna do? Remember to write me up when I come in for my next shift 6 days from now at a time when no tls and only the busy stl is in the store?


Ive reached the final form of no fucks
I feel you man, the system is fucking broken. If you know how broken it is , you dont have to do jack shit and still get paid, I give you props for slipping through the cracks, of which there are many.
I feel you man, the system is fucking broken. If you know how broken it is , you dont have to do jack shit and still get paid, I give you props for slipping through the cracks, of which there are many.
Yeah, I mean, it sucks I might be taking an extra 8 or so hours from someone else willing to work only 8 a week since I didn't quit but it's the eaieasi 160$ I've made in a while lmao
I go above and beyond everyday I'm clocked in since day 1 as a cashier to SCO ambassador then crosstrained in consumables/logistics/HBA/SFS and i did a little hardlines..
As a cashier i learned lots during the holidays then when I became SCO i gotten my AP team lots of recoveries basically became a god I also never need my GSTL help they trust me with keys also I can handle the problematic guests thats like GSA but I don't want that shyt my store needs them to learn SB/FA anything involving Food Service I tend to stay away. Also bathrooms no comment
My store also likes to fken give me to much hours.
I'm even given sales floor tms a break. Instead of pulling cafs, when asked if there any I tell them someone else grabbed it. Since we switch to Move, cafs drop in all night and flow leaves a lot so and the CAF report doesn't print anymore so fuck it
I go above and beyond everyday I'm clocked in since day 1 as a cashier to SCO ambassador then crosstrained in consumables/logistics/HBA/SFS and i did a little hardlines..
As a cashier i learned lots during the holidays then when I became SCO i gotten my AP team lots of recoveries basically became a god I also never need my GSTL help they trust me with keys also I can handle the problematic guests thats like GSA but I don't want that shyt my store needs them to learn SB/FA anything involving Food Service I tend to stay away. Also bathrooms no comment
My store also likes to fken give me to much hours.

All that, yet you still probably make minimum wage. Target could benefit in doing permanent raises every 1000 hours or so to keep good workers on. instead there's little incentive for hard workers to invest in the company. Target is a great stepping stone to better employment opportunities.
I give enough fucks to put me somewhere in the middle. A lot more than minimum but less than 100%. #justDIOthings

If I wasn't on such good terms with the leads I would probably stick with the minimum and give zero fucks, but it's not quite that bad yet.

Whenever I catch myself caring too much I just remember that the only people who are actually paid to care are the leads, and I'm not one. If they, the paid carers aren't caring then there's no reason I should care more than they do for one fourth of the pay.
I used to go above and beyond. Put a ton of effort into my job, showed up early, stayed late, came in on my days off, finished my work quickly so i could go to different areas etc. Ever since I found out how unappreciated I was, by a shitty review last year, being scheduled one day a week since the beginning of this year, and being told there’s nothing anyone can do about it, and I have to suck it up...I stopped and barely even do the bare minimum.
I'm probably hovering around 80% most days right now, and I'm okay with it because it's still leaps and bounds more effort than most of my identically paid coworkers.
Typically if my TL needs me then I'm there no matter what, even if it's my day off. But it's taking a toll lately.. So I dont think I'm giving 110% lately. I dont have it in me right now.
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