Lol..... I think you need to realize that TL is not *that* big of a deal. I know, I was one for years.
What did I do differently from a TM? Not much. I still zoned, worked stray, etc.
IMO, the main difference between a TL and TM is accountability..... not "authority".
What do I mean for that? TLs own departments. That means you are accountable if anything goes wrong. For example, lets say I was on vacation for a week. While I was gone, toys goes completely to ****. I had nothing to do with it - I was off. Think that matters? Nope. The second I clock in, an ETL would be on my ass about it.... and if I didn't fix whatever the issues were, even if I had nothing to do with causing them, my ass was getting written up.
Now, if you are a TM, does that happen? Hell no. TMs are accountable for nothing unless *they directly cause* the problem. If you walk in the door as a TM, is an ETL going to be on your ass about domestics when you haven't worked in domestics for a whole week? Absolutely not.
That - IMO - is the key difference between a TM and a TL. TL's are forced to worry about specific parts of the store no matter what. There is basically no excuse. If your department has issues, your ass is on the line even if you had nothing to do with causing the problems. As a TM, you basically are accountable for nothing that you didn't cause to be wrong in the first place.
As far as authority goes? TLs have a few token "powers". Yea, we could tell TMs to go work on a task.... but honestly, that was about it. Everything else we had to partner with an ETL with when it came to "authority" for the most part.
IMO - this definitely does not warrant requiring a 4 year degree for TLs. That is a complete joke. Now, if Target gave TLs actual authority - like, for example, the ability to terminate a TMs employment - then *that* would warrant needing a degree. Why? Because a TL that screws up (i.e. fires someone with a racial reason) is risking the entire business. Obviously, you want someone educated who likely is going to know better than doing something stupid like that. As it stands right now, TLs are really not in a position to do much damage to the company as a whole.
Also - no one with a 4 year degree is going to work for the pay/benefits a TL has. Absolutely no one.