Archived Is any other Pricing team seriously behind?

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My pricing team is one of my areas that's struggling along with my pricing/Plano leader who is on her way out. I'm hemmorraging payroll trying to keep up with a 4 person pricing team but I think they are just moving slow. They average 600 tickets per person in an 8 hour shift. What's the standard you guys have? One thing I have noticed is they go down an aisle and then hit the end caps after, if they don't find something they move to another area. Thoughts?

Is your pricing team pushing the clearance as well? I had to argue with my ETL-LOG just so he would understand that pushing clearance is not in our forecast, and neither are labels. My TL checked our numbers out. I did 7,000 tickets one week, and the next I only got 3800 done both working 40 hours. It depends on what's going clearance. 600 rulers from the backroom pull can be done a hell of a lot faster than the 5 hours it says it would take. But if it's 600 tickets on the floor for an 8 hour shift? That's not bad. Considering 15 minute breaks, any huddles, fast service, remerchandising racks, pushing clearance that is being done.

Could you tell us their forecast and how many hours they used last week? Or message me it. My store (C volume) just did. 11,000 tickets with just me and one other person working 40. Plus another 25 divided across 5 days. So right at the mark. But we were pushing too. So if anyone questions how slow I was moving I can walk them to all my clearance sections and show them how crammed full they are.
Our 2 man pricing team has been having every able bodied flow team member who isnt maxed on hours working price change the past 2 weeks.
There's just so much clearance. And the idiots telling us when to set these POGS aren't giving enough time for clearance to sell. Our BTC plastics were reset over a month ago and they JUST NOW went clearance? Our fan wall was supposed to be reset (3?) Weeks ago and they all went clearance this week. If my POG team didn't have a heart and decide not to reset it until they do fireplaces I would have been screwed! They need to discontinue and clearance these items sooner. It's bad enough we are fake tying and staging saleaplanners in the backroom to keep clearance on the floor and our numbers halfway decent
We had 2 people from flow help us about 20 hours across 5 days to get everything ticketed and the stuff that was non-bulk pushed. My ETL-LOG was suprised on Friday when I asked for help and i told him "everything's ticketed but there's 3 pallets in the steel and 6 vehicles on the line. Do what you want but I'm at 40 and I'm going home" 🙄
There's just so much clearance. And the idiots telling us when to set these POGS aren't giving enough time for clearance to sell. Our BTC plastics were reset over a month ago and they JUST NOW went clearance? Our fan wall was supposed to be reset (3?) Weeks ago and they all went clearance this week. If my POG team didn't have a heart and decide not to reset it until they do fireplaces I would have been screwed! They need to discontinue and clearance these items sooner. It's bad enough we are fake tying and staging saleaplanners in the backroom to keep clearance on the floor and our numbers halfway decent
We had a red TWT score last week because we didn't set a ton of sales planners due to clearance. I made the decision not to set an aisle in domestics this week to continue using it as a clearance aisle. They can't expect us to sell all that crap at 30% off in a week or less when we have to set the new POG's. Either don't send us so much or clearance it out faster.
We had a red TWT score last week because we didn't set a ton of sales planners due to clearance. I made the decision not to set an aisle in domestics this week to continue using it as a clearance aisle. They can't expect us to sell all that crap at 30% off in a week or less when we have to set the new POG's. Either don't send us so much or clearance it out faster.
I did the same thing, I had a yellow score. I didn't set 10 sales planers due to clearance.
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