Archived Leadership in a 4am Store?

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Jul 14, 2016
Apparently my store is going from a 10pm to a 4am store. Anyone who works at a 4am store how does the ETL leadership change/do they cut the flow leaders/presentation leaders? Combine them? What happens during this process?
Apparently my store is going from a 10pm to a 4am store. Anyone who works at a 4am store how does the ETL leadership change/do they cut the flow leaders/presentation leaders? Combine them? What happens during this process?
I'm guessing that currently you have 2 flow TLs, 2 backroom TLs, and probably separate Logistics and replenishment ETLs. That's all going to be condensed to one. 1 flow TL, 1 Backrrom, 1 LOG ETL. That's what happened at my store years ago
We have 4 flow leaders 1 presentation leader and 1 ETL logistics.(overnight) we did away with the back room leaders and replenishment leaders about 4 years ago. We have 1 GE, 1 Hardlines, 1 soft lines, 1 operations, and 1 HR ETL in the store(dayside) and 3 softlines(1 senior) leaders and 3 hardlines(1 senior) leaders. We also have a price accuracy leader and logistics leader aka backroom leader for dayside(2 seperate people). We have 1 VML, 1 Starbucks and 1 food ave leader, and 1 HR leader and 2 GSTL's. I just want to know who they usually cut first also does it have anything to do with reviews or is it the department they run? I wonder if they are going to combine a hardlines leader to run the presentation team or something similar.
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We have 4 flow leaders 1 presentation leader and 1 ETL logistics.(overnight) we did away with the back room leaders and replenishment leaders about 4 years ago. We have 1 GE, 1 Hardlines, 1 soft lines, 1 operations, and 1 HR ETL in the store(dayside) and 3 softlines(1 senior) leaders and 3 hardlines(1 senior) leaders. We also have a price accuracy leader and logistics leader aka backroom leader for dayside(2 seperate people). We have 1 VML, 1 Starbucks and 1 food ave leader, and 1 HR leader and 2 GSTL's. I just want to know who they usually cut first also does it have anything to do with reviews or is it the department they run? I wonder if they are going to combine a hardlines leader to run the presentation team or something similar.

Sounds like you are dropping in org chart, same issue at my store. We were like you

ETL Ops, log, hr, ap, hl, sl.

Had 2 flow TLs, 1 br overnight.

Switching to 4 am we dropped ops - and one of our flow TLs will have to leave the store. Also losing a pricing tl I hear.
We have 4 flow leaders 1 presentation leader and 1 ETL logistics.(overnight) we did away with the back room leaders and replenishment leaders about 4 years ago. We have 1 GE, 1 Hardlines, 1 soft lines, 1 operations, and 1 HR ETL in the store(dayside) and 3 softlines(1 senior) leaders and 3 hardlines(1 senior) leaders. We also have a price accuracy leader and logistics leader aka backroom leader for dayside(2 seperate people). We have 1 VML, 1 Starbucks and 1 food ave leader, and 1 HR leader and 2 GSTL's. I just want to know who they usually cut first also does it have anything to do with reviews or is it the department they run? I wonder if they are going to combine a hardlines leader to run the presentation team or something similar.
It depends on if you are dropping an org chart level (which would cause the store to need to cut a bunch of TL and ETL positions) or if you are just one of the stores that is moving to 4am due to corporate setting a higher bar to get overnight.

You will almost certainly be losing 3 of the Flow TLs (or 2 and the dayside log TL) and the ETL-Ops.
You are one of the 80+ stores going from Overnight to 4AM this year. This also comes with a cut in Org Charts as a 4AM stores can run on far less leaders than an O/N Store. Overnights take more leaders to run (as the ETL-LOG is overnight and unable to watch over dayside workcenters AND it is very difficult to run an O/N as a solo leader, so two sets of rotations are required with 2 leaders one each).

You can expect to lose 3 ETLs this year is my guess (HL/SL combined to SF, AP will likely go away unless you are high risk, and OPs goes away when the LOG goes dayside). You can also expect to lose 6+ TL positions. A+ and above stores had POG and Pricing separate (those combine), you will go down to 1 Flow TL (instead of 3 O/N leaders), you will lose your HRTL (only O/N stores earn this one), and a handful of SFTL positions. You will also likely lose (these are calculated on Food sales, so depends on your volume there) the FATL if you have one, and probably combine down Bakery and Deli.
You can expect to lose 3 ETLs this year is my guess (HL/SL combined to SF, AP will likely go away unless you are high risk, and OPs goes away when the LOG goes dayside). You can also expect to lose 6+ TL positions. A+ and above stores had POG and Pricing separate (those combine), you will go down to 1 Flow TL (instead of 3 O/N leaders), you will lose your HRTL (only O/N stores earn this one), and a handful of SFTL positions.

You nailed exactly what is happening at my store except we get to keep our ETL AP.

Also we were an overnight store with no HRTL.

Is there a certain requirement for HR TL besides overnight?
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my store just had a meeting with all the TLs yesterday, we are losing (3) ETLs and (5) Tls as a result. Many positions are combining into one.
We went through that a few years ago. We lost everyone through natural attrition. It was an adjustment to be sure.
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