Hey guys. So have a question to ask. What is typical for a first day? Will be missing it cause I have my other job to go to. Hired for softlines so any help and/or guidance will be appreciated! Thanks 😀
If you are calling out on your first day because of another job, you may not be there for very long. If you arranged this ahead of time, your first day will still be your first day.
Well I told them beforehand in my interview, I had another part-time job. They still gave me the position. I do have a schedule for Friday & Saturday so hopefully I'll be ok. If not, nice meeting you all lol 😵
If you have another job, I would maybe call out there as to not miss your first day at this job. they'll probably be more understanding if you say you're sick or something. missing your first day for any reason whatsoever looks terrible on your part
If you have another job, I would maybe call out there as to not miss your first day at this job. they'll probably be more understanding if you say you're sick or something. missing your first day for any reason whatsoever looks terrible on your part
This^^ especially since it's your very first day on a new job. In the end, we can only give you our thoughts, feedback and advice. YOU have to do what's best for yourself and your family. Welcome to the Breakroom!!! 🙂
I was gonna post my opinion earlier last night when this was posted but figured everyone else would say it for me. I do hope your store was aware you had to work and it was just a simple mistake on their part. Also, yes, welcome to TBR! I do hope to see you stick around in the mean time! It's always nice to see newcomers.
My STL who is definitely a target savage. We had a team member call out for their first shift black friday because of their other job. She told him over the phone not to come back.
Thanks guys! Will keep you updated if I get hours after this week. Hopefully since our store is brand new and not even open to the public yet, it will be ok. Great to have insightful and honest feedback 🙂