Archived Mobile TM wants me to use their speed ID?

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A mobile TM at my store (she's actually the mobile manager for my store and a couple others) to use her speed ID whenever I sell iPhone cases or fitbits or a few other items because their penetration rate is down? She said she was gonna print out a bunch of speed IDs for the electronics TM's to use? I told her I would without even really thinking about it, but does this seem sketchy or is it just me? Not sure if it's something I should be letting an ETL know about or if I should just do it?
This is common in a lot of stores. Since electronics is covered in cameras it's easy to verify who was responsible should an issue arise at a register.

Mobile TMs get paid on a commission rate along with base pay (which is low in comparison to target)
From what I've seen marketsource DMs don't really frown on it. (Their company is run pretty crappily)

So ultimately this varies from store to store with leadership. In some stores target tech essentially runs electronics. If you don't feel comfortable doing it just don't. No big deal
When I cover electronics the mobile Tm just sits on his phone the entire time at the boat and whenever he notices any phone accessories he tells me to do it under his speed ID. After reading this thread I now realize how sketch that is lol. Our mobile tms suck ass. Literally have never seen any of them do anything besides sit on their phones and take 90 minute lunches.
When I cover electronics the mobile Tm just sits on his phone the entire time at the boat and whenever he notices any phone accessories he tells me to do it under his speed ID. After reading this thread I now realize how sketch that is lol. Our mobile tms suck ass. Literally have never seen any of them do anything besides sit on their phones and take 90 minute lunches.

There DM is terrible.... Ours just got a new Dm. Never in my 5+ years had I seen mobile dm. New one is in weekly firing and training the mobile techs on promoting cartwheel+selling phones.
In my old store, our mobile techs would cover the boat while the electronics TM did guest pulls, pushed/zoned books and movies, went to huddle, etc. hence why our ETL AP didn’t mind. If an issue occurred, it would be easy to look at the cameras and see who was the person who rang up the guest.
In my old store, our mobile techs would cover the boat while the electronics TM did guest pulls, pushed/zoned books and movies, went to huddle, etc. hence why our ETL AP didn’t mind. If an issue occurred, it would be easy to look at the cameras and see who was the person who rang up the guest.

Actually mobile/tech have their own 8 digit tm numbers and can work the register themselves.

This is strictly about them trying to boost their commision.
That happens to me a lot, it doesn't take but 20 seconds to get back into the system..
This happens a lot at my store, but a lot of times it never seems to go through. And it seems like whenever it happens, there's not someone around who wants to fix it/can fix it.

That being said, I'd definitely say something about it.
Actually mobile/tech have their own 8 digit tm numbers and can work the register themselves.

This is strictly about them trying to boost their commision.

If Tech have TM numbers to log into a register, it seems kinda sketchy that they'd want to use an Electronics TM's numbers...
When I cover electronics the mobile Tm just sits on his phone the entire time at the boat and whenever he notices any phone accessories he tells me to do it under his speed ID.

So basically he can continue to sit there on his phone while YOU work to get him a commission!
If Tech have TM numbers to log into a register, it seems kinda sketchy that they'd want to use an Electronics TM's numbers...
No, they want us to use their numbers.. not the other way around
So what should I do when my ETL/HR tells me a new tm does not have numbers yet and will have to use another cashier's number for cashier training?
So what should I do when my ETL/HR tells me a new tm does not have numbers yet and will have to use another cashier's number for cashier training?
For cashier training is completely different, I don't think that really matters... I would just worry about letting a TM actually ring up guests on a TM's number... and hell, why not just create a training number or something? I don't really know if that's possible or not, but why couldn't there just be like a universal number used for TMs without a number?
That being said, I'd definitely say something about it.

Meh. The problem is that I'm not in a position to do backup very often, and it's my lack of cashier activity that's triggering it. Guest services knows this happens, so getting someone to log me back in is easy.
Our cashier training is the new TM watches another cashier for about a 1/2 hour then they cashier watches them ring people up for about an hour then they are pretty much on their own.
as far as ive been told they dont make commission through accessories and shit but it goes towards their numbers similarly to attachments and protection plans for electronics

i mean ik its still wrong to use someone elses speed id but theyre not making anything off it
Target tech works off of a points based system from what I remember. I believe it’s got every $100 in accessories, they get “1 point”. X amount of points equals X amount of commission.

The target techs at my old store and I’m assuming my current one would ring out anything an electronics TM would get credit for, such as a switch with a game or go pro with an sd card under the electronics TMs speed ID so the electronics TM would get credit for it for their metrics. In turn, an electronics TM would ring out anything a tech would get points for, such as phone accessories or Apple watches under the tech’s numbers so they’d get credit it for it. Is it against policy? Yes. Is it hurting anyone? Maybe only MarketSource since they’re paying commission to the target tech, but as far as target goes, not sure why it would hurt them.
Typically at my store during the evening, target tech does most of the register. I usually am out on the floor with other things that have to be done or have been assigned. Frankly, I don't really give a flying you-know-what about who is on the register. I am never bothered about sales or RedCards. Probably because they know that having one person covering Electronics, MMB, Toys, and Seasonal is quite a bit of work.
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