Archived My first day was bad!

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Eh, I mean it's a rough time right now. I wouldn't expect everyone to be as friendly as they normally are. Everyone is stressed and overworked right now. Then there are people whom just aren't social. I'm like that. I realize it means I'm kind of rude and cold, but socializing just isn't that important to me at work. Don't take it so personally.
I've made friends with normal hires who have been "let go" after their 90 day review which made me upset so I try not to get too friendly with seasonals since I know for a fact over half of them aren't going to be here next year, some of them quit or are "let go" within a month.

P.S. as cart attendant I've gotten in trouble for making smalltalk with cashiers, the GSA/GSTLs yell at me for distracting them. 🙄
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We always keep band aids and painkillers at the service desk.

I'll admit I'm guilty of not being particularly outgoing. I don't think I'm rude perse, or at least not intentionally so, but I don't typically go out of my way to introduce myself to every new TM. I come to work to work, if a new TM asks me a question, I do my best to help them, but the only time I really go out of my way to introduce myself to them is if they are someone I am training.
There's this one guy at my store who talks to everyone there except me. I have no idea why and I can just tell he doesn't care for me it's the vibe I get. He never tells me hi, never even smiles at me, hell he never even says thank you when I hold the door open for him. It's just one of those mysteries in life and not everyone is like that. Everyone else though talked to me pretty much the very day I arrived there and are just really friendly people. It sucks but you can't force them to be friendly unfortunately.

There's a guy like that at my current full time job. It sucks, they're just bullies who do generally do that.
I did my first shift yesterday for eight hours as a cashier at Target. I've worked at Home Depot before, so retail is nothing new.

I have to tell you, I did not leave happy.

Most of the team members I saw didn't want to talk or shoot the breeze at all. Only two or three said anything to me. Is Target such an unhappy place all the time?
Some of the other team members were very cliquish. They ignored me totally and only spoke to their friends. They literally acted like they could not see me. What a way to treat a new employee! One of the (many) reasons I left my old job was because of the bullying and cliques, now I've walked right back into it!

Then there's my shift. What a madhouse!
The customers were all very nice, but they came by the billions! I'm a cashier, and I felt like my head was going to explode it was so busy!
How are we supposed to look under the bottom of the basket when we can't get out from behind our stations, by the way?

Towards the end of the night, I scraped some skin off my hand and it started bleeding. It took ten minutes for someone to get me a bandaid, and one guy asked if I was bleeding, saw my hand, walked away and never returned! Yeesh!

Honestly, if the other team members had been more friendly, I think I would have had a much better (though still stressful) time. But most of them weren't. If I say "hello, my name is so-and-so", it's only civilized to introduce yourself back. Don't just say "hi" and then ignore me.

Is this the common experience for most stores? I know things will calm down after Christmas, but I felt so discouraged leaving. Only three team members really took the time to be friendly.

Input is appreciated.

Sorry you had such a bad first day! Target TMs are usually pretty friendly, maybe you just had a bad bunch to work with. Keep saying hello & being friendly and you'll run into some nicer TMs. The people I work with are the absolute BEST thing about my job!

I assume that during your cashier training they mentioned BOB (bottom of basket) & LISA (look inside always). I'm surprised that they didn't let you know that you can look at your guest's BOB by using the stainless steel skirting on the register to your left. If you see that there is something there you can ask the guest about it or take your hand scanner around & ring it up. Hope this helps. Welcome to The Breakroom!
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I agree with most of what's been said. I'll admit as a new seasonal hire, I was not one to take initiative and say hello to everyone else. At that point, I had little idea about who was who, who else was new, etc. and it was a little intimidating. Give it a few days and I'm sure it will get better. I've found almost all of the other TMs are friendly - they just may need to see your face around a few times to start chatting.
For me, I'm at work to work. Not be social and make friends. I'm a PA and I have too much shit to do to spend time being friendly. When I'm on break or lunch though, that's a different story. I'll greet anyone that walks in the break room. Even vendors. 🙂
For me, I'm at work to work. Not be social and make friends. I'm a PA and I have too much shit to do to spend time being friendly. When I'm on break or lunch though, that's a different story. I'll greet anyone that walks in the break room. Even vendors. 🙂

Vendors in the break room? Never seen a vendor come anywhere near our breakroom or TSC. Only area they come in that is off the salesfloor is the backroom.
Sorry you had such a crap first day. 🙁 *hugs* It's an incredibly stressful time of year for everyone involved in the retail experience [guests and team members alike] and seasonals are all over the place. Some may leave willingly before the seasonal bit is up in January, and some may get the boot early for whatever reason, so maybe your team is waiting to see if you stick around?

I was lucky to get a great team. My trainer was super friendly; we chatted almost non-stop while working, and she even managed to cover just about every base there was to softlines. Even showed me how to print labels and answer the phone, as well as write in the log book after checking through the fitting rooms. There are times when other team members are social, and there are times when they would just rather keep to themselves, and I definitely respect that. I've even hammed it up with other cashiers and hardlines folk, and said hi to a couple of fellow team members outside of work when I run into them. Also, while it didn't really affect how a couple of them interact with me, my husband came into work with me one day to do a bit of clothes shopping and I discovered that two of my co-workers are buddies of his from his previous job or high school!

Edited for: Totally forgot to say; keep your chin up! I was assigned Softlines when I started my seasonal bit, but I'm being thrown on the register a lot. It definitely gets easier as you do it more often. I started out kind of withdrawn socially and stumbling over my words, but now I greet every guest with a smile, ask them how their doing, I've gotten 3 redcards today for the first time, and I have so many vibe moments with guests it's unreal. I have at the very least 10 vibe moments a day, ranging from talking about movies to pets to makeup and nail care.

A tip that will perk some customers up; if your coupon machine spits a coupon at you for something they're ringing up and you haven't hit total yet, scan it! Keep an eye on your screen when you do; sometimes it won't say anything at all and take the coupon, sometimes it'll pop up with a notice saying that the coupon can't be used as there aren't any qualifying items [example, had a few today for a certain amount off two purchases of the big Kleenex bundles when guests were only buying one], or it'll just say "Hit accept if the item is in the purchase". I've made quite a few people happy with that.

And as for checking under the cart; most of the time I've found guests will push their cart forward so they can access the card reader, or they are nice and move their cart so I can reach over our tiny gap and place their bags in the cart. That's a good time to keep an eye out for misplaced items. Check the inside of those massive makeup bags too, but mostly just ask the guest if they want the paper kept in so they don't get the impression that you're being nosey and suspicious of them. As for the massive kid carts, offer their young ones stickers! More often than not I'm leaning over the counter to hand them their sticker/s and it's a good time to check the seats. Don't mind the incredibly awkward stare the really young toddlers give you, I don't know what that's all about.😵
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I am sorry you had a rough first day but like everyone keeps saying: You are there to get the job done. Just give it some time, maybe on break start up a little small talk with people. Good luck!
Only in retail would the words bullying and clique come up. This is a job, not a social experience. "Good morning" and "how are you today" is about as social as I get. Other than that lets get this shit done and go home. Less talking and more pushing!!!!
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