I did my first shift yesterday for eight hours as a cashier at Target. I've worked at Home Depot before, so retail is nothing new.
I have to tell you, I did not leave happy.
Most of the team members I saw didn't want to talk or shoot the breeze at all. Only two or three said anything to me. Is Target such an unhappy place all the time?
Some of the other team members were very cliquish. They ignored me totally and only spoke to their friends. They literally acted like they could not see me. What a way to treat a new employee! One of the (many) reasons I left my old job was because of the bullying and cliques, now I've walked right back into it!
Then there's my shift. What a madhouse!
The customers were all very nice, but they came by the billions! I'm a cashier, and I felt like my head was going to explode it was so busy!
How are we supposed to look under the bottom of the basket when we can't get out from behind our stations, by the way?
Towards the end of the night, I scraped some skin off my hand and it started bleeding. It took ten minutes for someone to get me a bandaid, and one guy asked if I was bleeding, saw my hand, walked away and never returned! Yeesh!
Honestly, if the other team members had been more friendly, I think I would have had a much better (though still stressful) time. But most of them weren't. If I say "hello, my name is so-and-so", it's only civilized to introduce yourself back. Don't just say "hi" and then ignore me.
Is this the common experience for most stores? I know things will calm down after Christmas, but I felt so discouraged leaving. Only three team members really took the time to be friendly.
Input is appreciated.