Archived My time 2.0

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For many, that is the only way they can check their schedules because they have other obligations and aren't at Spot as much.Not saying they can't look at the posted schedule at their store, just not as frequent as others.
I have to ask yet again, have other VMs lost their privilege to override at the time clock?
In my store, only SRTLs and above are able to do that.

Technically any TL can override too. That's why they can show up early for their shifts and clock in. But best practice is for a senior or etl to do the overrides
Down again...

Yeah they closed mytime down completely last night and then from Oct 24 to November 1 hr teambers can't do vouchers or historical edits. This is kind of a debacle.

Make sure your timecard is correct next week if it's not working they can't fix it.
Yeah they closed mytime down completely last night and then from Oct 24 to November 1 hr teambers can't do vouchers or historical edits. This is kind of a debacle.

Make sure your timecard is correct next week if it's not working they can't fix it.
When is Target going to learn that they should not be upgrading or starting new apps or systems so close to Q4? Wait till Q1 when you have less to deal with and have it work as it should before Q4.
When is Target going to learn that they should not be upgrading or starting new apps or systems so close to Q4? Wait till Q1 when you have less to deal with and have it work as it should before Q4.
They want to have the better scheduling system in place for Q4. Obviously in an ideal world Q1 would be when to launch but sometimes things aren’t ready then.
They want to have the better scheduling system in place for Q4. Obviously in an ideal world Q1 would be when to launch but sometimes things aren’t ready then.
But that's the problem, theoretically it will be better, but in practice it won't be until most of the bugs have been uncovered and resolved. TMs who have been working with the current/old system have learned the quirks of that system and any work arounds to them. In Q4 you don't want anything new introduced that will require fixes, patches and a learning curve. Target repeatedly rolls out initiatives chain wide (original myDevices, E2E) before they are ready to, at best, unimpressive results. At a month before the beginning of Q4 most things should set and ready to roll.
But that's the problem, theoretically it will be better, but in practice it won't be until most of the bugs have been uncovered and resolved. TMs who have been working with the current/old system have learned the quirks of that system and any work arounds to them. In Q4 you don't want anything new introduced that will require fixes, patches and a learning curve. Target repeatedly rolls out initiatives chain wide (original myDevices, E2E) before they are ready to, at best, unimpressive results. At a month before the beginning of Q4 most things should set and ready to roll.
And with all these new people on boarding from different leadership to all the new team members, seems to me like a receipe for disaster. NOT the way to retain people Spot. Bad Spot, Bad!! 😡
Technically any TL can override too. That's why they can show up early for their shifts and clock in. But best practice is for a senior or etl to do the overrides

At my store that hasn't been the case since late June. Everyone who wasn't a SrTL or above lost the ability to do overrides at the time clock when they lost the ability to edit the schedule in myTime.
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