Archived MySize Elsa/Anna doll

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I'm totally screwed!!! I'm scanning that day and it's a full shift!! FML :'( Our store got called to save 2 Anna's and 2 Elsa dolls and put them in TMC yesterday. We still need 1 more of each. lol
So I'm not sure what this frozen event is, but I think it makes me incredibly glad I'm off that day.
Oh joy, that's a truck/instocks day for me. And since I've been with Target, our store has not done any sort of "event" that I've heard of. So I'm guessing nobody's really prepared for the ensuing madness.

Either that or we'll be a ghost town guest-wise. But how likely is that?
Thank god I come in at 3 PM that day. Closing, would hate to be opening.
Oh thank Jesus, that's my off rotation weekend.

Praise mytime for not screwing me over for once.
I'm working Hardlines that day, yet I've not heard of that event at my store. Hopefully I get assigned to CAFs, or hell, I'd take HBA over that business. Although sounds like it's a softlines deal.
4 Elsa and 2 Anna OTW when I scanned earlier.

Oh yea, madness in Black Thursday, here I come.
I always wonder how much Target buys these toys for. I mean we sell them for close to 100 bucks a piece, I can only imagine how much money we make from them...
I read an email today that told us to pull and hold any that we have to support the Frozen event!
We aren't even getting any more in at my location, that I know of. Was hoping to get them as Christmas presents for my nieces. It's Ridiculous. I've been calling target stores all over the nation where I have friends and relatives to try and get some shipped to me. It's like tickle me Elmo all over again
I don't understand the appeal to them. Granted, I don't have kids- but the first time I saw them on our toys focal it was major uncanny valley for me.
We got 4 Elsa and 2 Anna this morning.

They didn't last 1.5 hours. Would be less if the second location is near the dolls aisle and not 12 aisles over by sporting goods
And here I was thinking nobody would buy something so dumb when they first set.. boy was I wrong.
One of my fellow tm's saw the Elsa doll on the shelf after lunch. She got me after I clocked out and I got it for her and gave it to her the next day cause she was on the clock. That doll spent the night in my trunk in the garage. Kinda freaks me out a little bit
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