Archived Nearly 400 hours of Setting (Decor/Home)

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Today I set a POG that was literally just organizing the remainder of the outdoor / patio clearance. Brand new POG. Dated for this week. Didn't print over 2/3'rds of the labels because nearly everything is clearance.

Brilliant use of time there, Target.

Also, the new POG print-outs are terrible. Sure, printing on both sides of the paper is cool, but did you have to alter the format completely? I can't read where any of the peg labels go because the graphics overwrite the peg numbers. I'd use the line listing to map it out but you got rid of that too. Guess I'll just waste more time getting the POG printout I'm used to in the fixture room, thus wasting the paper you were hoping to save.

Agree new pogs are terrible. Wish it still had product line listing.
Oh these new Pog plans are terrible. They leave a lot out. I knew they were coming, but I didn't know when. I would be happier of they were more like the SPL Pog plans. At least those have line listings.
Today I set a POG that was literally just organizing the remainder of the outdoor / patio clearance. Brand new POG. Dated for this week. Didn't print over 2/3'rds of the labels because nearly everything is clearance.

Brilliant use of time there, Target.

Also, the new POG print-outs are terrible. Sure, printing on both sides of the paper is cool, but did you have to alter the format completely? I can't read where any of the peg labels go because the graphics overwrite the peg numbers. I'd use the line listing to map it out but you got rid of that too. Guess I'll just waste more time getting the POG printout I'm used to in the fixture room, thus wasting the paper you were hoping to save.

We were condensing and decided to attempt setting. The fill percentage was 46%. And that might include the on hand clearance that is carried forward in that Pog.
Guess I'll just waste more time getting the POG printout I'm used to in the fixture room, thus wasting the paper you were hoping to save.

This is what Corporate does. It's no about actually making things better, it's about the appearance of having made things better (while actually making them worse).
Now I see why Lamps are at a totally new section. Yeah, guests are coming to me just as lost as I am with all the new changes. 😳
Oh these new Pog plans are terrible. They leave a lot out. I knew they were coming, but I didn't know when. I would be happier of they were more like the SPL Pog plans. At least those have line listings.

We could set purely from the line listing if they really wanted to save money, but that would require a lot of specialized knowledge which corporate has a hard on for eliminating to "save payroll".

Not like most of the POGs are worth a damn these days, seeing a POG without some kind of issue is a damn event.
We could set purely from the line listing if they really wanted to save money, but that would require a lot of specialized knowledge which corporate has a hard on for eliminating to "save payroll".

Not like most of the POGs are worth a damn these days, seeing a POG without some kind of issue is a damn event.

^THIS! During my last two weeks (late July-early August) we had SO many messed up POGs. I had several POGs that had shelves and pegs there was no schematic for the pegs, no surprising since the whole section wasn't pegged. What WAS surprising was that the location letters for the pegs (think J 54) were listed out of alphabetical order! Say everything was 54 up then the letters would be like B, Q, H, T, M. One of those weeks all of our POGs were sent without line listings at all for a set that most days we ended up really needing the line listings. At a time when Target is expecting team members to do so much work while we are open and trying to get away from having specific teams that are experts in one work center sending out half-a$$ed instructions seems extremely counterproductive! At the rate that Target (at least my former store) is losing experienced team members this could turn into a very ugly $hit show.
Well obviously Target saved enough money with the new POG plans, that they were able to pay contractors for work the PMTs did and to send duplicates and triplicates of furniture displays nobody really needed. <eye roll>
^THIS! During my last two weeks (late July-early August) we had SO many messed up POGs. I had several POGs that had shelves and pegs there was no schematic for the pegs, no surprising since the whole section wasn't pegged. What WAS surprising was that the location letters for the pegs (think J 54) were listed out of alphabetical order! Say everything was 54 up then the letters would be like B, Q, H, T, M. One of those weeks all of our POGs were sent without line listings at all for a set that most days we ended up really needing the line listings. At a time when Target is expecting team members to do so much work while we are open and trying to get away from having specific teams that are experts in one work center sending out half-a$$ed instructions seems extremely counterproductive! At the rate that Target (at least my former store) is losing experienced team members this could turn into a very ugly $hit show.

This is going to sound cold, but, no one cares. No one above the POG tl cares. When I bring up problems with Pogs or pricing or signing to anyone above tl, all I usually get is ... make it work. Never mind how much extra time it takes to "make it work."
Well obviously Target saved enough money with the new POG plans, that they were able to pay contractors for work the PMTs did and to send duplicates and triplicates of furniture displays nobody really needed. <eye roll>

Exactly. I wonder how much money Target is losing over this contractor nonsense. Push hard on the PMTs and Presentation TMs, who doesn't see any benefit whatsoever from it, and contractors still get paid?

Exactly. I wonder how much money Target is losing over this contractor nonsense. Push hard on the PMTs and Presentation TMs, who doesn't see any benefit whatsoever from it, and contractors still get paid?

I bet the thinking was that PMTs would have enough on their plates with the furniture builds and rear seasonal gondolas.

Our contractor was able to finish everything in the end, and it looks great. But he was supposed to do other stores too, so I have no idea how he had time to do those after spending a week on ours...
lol all of the construction contractors that were supposed to take care of the gondolas and whatnot in the area (like 4 stores i know about) decided not to show up. Our PMBP was pissed about it.
Come on, its easy to tear down a gondola. It only takes a couple of hours. 😱
We got all the transitions & no place to go.🙁
I hate hate hate that feeling. We fortunately because of the weather and unforeseen circumstances got ours done on time and correctly. Then again considering there are those 3 stores that need to be rebuilt on the inside, fucking us over would be a really bad idea.
Going to actually pull up our Project 62 set. I sware it sounds like walmart plano and that never had line listing etc.
At this point, I simply print out the visible shelf guide and set the shelves (and pegs to the product) I honestly no longer give af about waht the label says about facings or inches. I fit the shelves to the product. That ALWAYS looks nicer.
This is going to sound cold, but, no one cares. No one above the POG tl cares. When I bring up problems with Pogs or pricing or signing to anyone above tl, all I usually get is ... make it work. Never mind how much extra time it takes to "make it work."

AND that is why I decided to set some sections the way I felt it looked. When I got to the pet beds looked at the images they said read that it wanted me to remove shelves but give me more beds, I said nope went to SF ETL told him that it would look nicer and be easier to zone if I left the shelves in, and that was it. he signed off on it.

I edited the shelf strips to make it work. I adjusted the pegs to make it work where nothing touches anything else and it looks nice. Yes all the shelf numbers on the dog collars are all over the place. I match them by dpci anyway. It all looks good and since no one above me actually cares let alone demands that it be done the way the papers say, it has become a suggestion on how to do it.
Anyone else get 3 Pallets in of Floor Lamp displays? A lot of them are the same as previous, but working models for lighting.

I got 3 Pallets of them in and wondering why there are doubles and even triples of the same displays? lol

So are all stores getting working models? Cause that's what I took away after reading the transition, but an ETL told me no.
I've done overnight two days and I have more Plano days coming up. I own the area, yes, but by myself I have to do all these sets? It's insane. Not to mention the 3rd party came in and it looks like complete disaster. Didn't do the job they were paid for and NOW I just have to "work with it". -_-
I have 2 or 3 and even 5 of the same display and I can't figure out why. At first I thought maybe it was for Home Innovation but they aren't. I legit have 30 extra displays that I don't know what to do with, besides maybe light up the fixture room with them.
I have 2 or 3 and even 5 of the same display and I can't figure out why. At first I thought maybe it was for Home Innovation but they aren't. I legit have 30 extra displays that I don't know what to do with, besides maybe light up the fixture room with them.

You should be able to sweep them back granted you didn't open and assemble them.
Does everyone have enough Project 62 product to actually fill the shelves? I helped with the reset today and wow it was tedious but we don't have near enough product.
This is going to sound cold, but, no one cares. No one above the POG tl cares. When I bring up problems with Pogs or pricing or signing to anyone above tl, all I usually get is ... make it work. Never mind how much extra time it takes to "make it work."

Well, what do you expect them to say? Don't set it and leave it empty? If there are issues with POGs, your POG TL needs to mysupport it.
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