Archived New Flow TM, first day tomorrow!

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Run!!!! Don't walk!!! Get out before you start!!!

If your store is anything like mine, you'll be treated like garbage. You def. will get crap training.

When I was training, I was told once that my training time was lost because I responded to backup. Yet, in the job description it says SF team members must respond to backup in 60 seconds.

If you enjoy being lied to, kicked around, treated like garbage, while making minimum wage. You'll love spot!

I've been hear a year (tomorrow) and am looking for the door.

I don't understand why people stay at jobs they're miserable at. Y

Get used to folks talking to each other in whatever language they are most comfortable with.
In my store it was about nine different varieties of Spanish but we had people who spoke French, Polish and Russian.
You get used to it pretty quick and you might even pick up some of the language.


Some of our best members are folks who don't work for Spot anymore.
I've gotten great advice and perspective from them.
I haven't always agreed with them but that's fine we don't have to.

I just find it kind of rude to speak to a different language in front of people who can't understand what you're saying. Clearly everyone working there speaks English or they wouldn't have gotten the job in the first place. I guess common courtesy isn't as common as I would like it to be. Oh, well.

At my store some of the TMs command of English was really limited.
The ETL would use a translator to get across really complicated concepts.
But my wife, who taught in an urban school where 75%of her students were Hispanic, liked to say it's not about politeness it's about speed of thought and culture.
They come from areas where sometimes 3 or 4 languages are spoken.
If they are speaking to you they do you the courtesy of speaking in your language.
If they aren't talking to you, why should it matter?
I'm curious why you still post here? Are you not with Target anymore?

I am no longer with Target but this isn't a current employee only forum. Actually I found a lot of helpful tips here when I was considering Target for employment. So here I am, giving my view from an ETL Log perspective to help others looking to work at Target.

I still have friends that work for Target ( STLs, ETLs, and TLs) and I am often asked to be a reference for former TMs. I hear a lot about what's still going on in stores.

Also I like to hear TMs complain about how tough their lives are at Target and how unfair their paychecks are. Because everyone in the world stocking shelves or cleaning guest toilets should at least be making $20 an hour for their hard to find skill set.

I do admit, there are some awesome TMs that post here and should be the ones running processes.
OK so today went much better than I thought it would.

Our ETL gave us a rundown on using the PDA, labels, etc. spent some time opening up boxes with a handful of other new hires. Then we pushed some product for a few hours. Pushing SL was the worst. Why are there so many different types of women's jeans and sizes?!

After all the product was pushed within about 6 hours we were given the option to go home or continue with some other tasks. I decided to stay and a couple of us moved some pallets of shelves to the back room then was trained on how to back stock.

It's not a mindless job... and every job serves a purpose otherwise there's no point of having the job. Anyways, maybe it's because the store has only been staffed since May but I was pleased with the training that went on today.

I started at 6:30a so I didn't get to unload the truck and I won't this week but I'm assuming that's fairly straight forward. Anyways, that was my day 🙂

PS everyone (well short of one or two guys) are really friendly but what the hell is with certain folks speaking in their own language all the time? Some of these people I'm not even sure know how to speak English

See, you did well. Nothing to be worried about. Training can sometimes be nonexistent but you'll pick it up and improve your speed/accuracy over time. When looking for more hours, knowing how to backstock can come in handy. Good luck!
Glad your first day went alright! Also you got to use a PDA and backstock? Dang. Took me a few weeks before I got near the PDAs and only just learned backstocking (sort of) a few weeks ago.

does anyone know what available means on the schedule?
Means you're not scheduled to work that day but you could be on a later schedule, or if they need hours covered that week they might ask you if you want to come in.
thanks so much didn't know if I should show up or not.
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