Archived New in role GSTL.. how to better my front end and store?

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Jul 18, 2018
Hi guys. I am a new TL and I’m in a tough spot right now. My new team is super disfunctional and I just recently onboarded not too long ago. During my first few weeks I did a lot of seek to understand and really tried to improve my team.. now, I am reaching my limit. I have team members who are late EVERY SINGLE DAY. And we are not talking 3,5 minutes late... like 15+ minutes. Cashiers who constantly loaf and I have given warnings. Cashiers not asking about red card benefits nor engaging with the guest in a positive matter. Miscommunication and leaving bad hand offs for the other GSTL which reflects on me as being a bad leader. My store is also very tasky.. and I hate it, because we can be in guest first (literally 10 guests in line and two cashiers) and my ETL or LOD will tell ME (the fucking GSTL who is supposed to be developing my team and being there for the guest.. like my last store we would get In trouble for grabbing go backs)to grab go backs and not call for guest first (because we are not allowed too.. what what do I do when I have no one else and my cart attendant is not cashier trained and I can very rarely pull from starbucks if I’m lucky) and just let the lines get longer and longer because we have “no one” when there is several team members on the floor doing jack squat. No one seems to care about this either and it really breaks my heart for our guests because I truly do care. My old store during my GSA tenure was never like this and was all about the guest coming first.. now as a GSTL at this different store I am absolutely baffled. And also about these team members... some of them have the worst rbf’s and they also loaf a lot in the break room or with mobile. I’ve about had it with my own team and have started coaching left and right and am in the process of dishing out three correctives. My other GSTLs don’t really seem to be with the coaching culture at all and are buddy buddy with these team members. What do I do guys. This is a very frustrating situation and all I want to do it be successful. My store doesn’t seem to understand that long lines and an LOD who refuses to help causes for unhappy guests and an unhappy GSTL and an nps score that is down the shit hole.
Start holding your TMS who are late accountable. You have your seek to find. Try to offer help to get them on work, "will it help to schedule you later?" Then if it continues then partner with your ETL and start the CCA process. Explain that you will do everything possible to help them but they have to make the effort to show up on time. Hold your cashiers accountable for red cards. Stand with them when they check out and pitch it with them. Talk to your other GSTls and come up with a plan to take the TMS accountable. Maybe you take on red cards, another takes tasks and another does coaching.
I don't know about you guys but I would first find out whos your best cashier and put that person in SCO everyday then partner with your team GSA GSTLs LODs HRs to just observe how that person handles the front during the shift times sched then makes it weekly there you go you have yourself the best fix for the front lanes. Service Desk nonexistent is the way to go for me others might see diff.
I get that cashiers not the best thing but thats where everyone see first and last most importantly keep your best tms happy.
Strong GSAs and Guest Service team members who can handle tasks without needing you with make your life easier in the long run. Invest in training them how to complete tasks, and once they’re trained set expectations for things that they should be accomplishing. Partner with your ETL-GE re: any issues you’re having with getting additional cashiers up front to help our guests. Remind the rest of the team that the expectation is 1+1.
Observation cards really helped at my store. Put together a list of expectations for your TMs and categorize by position (e.g. cashier, sco, service desk, brand/cart attendant). Use the store's modernization guidelines as your base. Spend some time every day (10 mins) observing 1-2 TMs. Make notes about what expectations they did/did not meet and pull them off stage to have a quick chat. Make it very clear that it's not a coaching convo, rather a chance to go over new expectations with the team. Make sure to praise and recognize good behaviors as well as going over opportunities. Check for understanding and ask if there's anything you can do to help them. In the 1st week of doing this I had one TM turn around a recover hundreds of dollars worth of potential shortage for concealment. I had another cashier whose redcard numbers grew once I sat down with him 1v1 to practice redcard scenarios. And we have a lot fewer blinkies to handle (older TMs are stepping over to help with alcohol overrides; more TMs are reading the fine print on coupons and explaining to the guest why it's not applicable instead of immediately calling for the GSTL; etc.)
First off, congratulations on the promotion!
Second, I couldn’t agree more about having strong GSA’s and Guest Service team. That can make a world of difference. My store is currently working through issues with both and I can tell you that the impact of underperforming teams in those areas is felt immediately by the guest and requires immediate attention.
I feel your pain with peers being buddies with the team. That is a tough one to navigate and if you’re not careful can come back on you. Speaking from experience (a bad one), leave the GSTL’s to the ETL-GE. Coach and lead by example the rest.
Lastly, communicate and then some with your peers and GE. Make sure your peers are aware of what is happening and that you stick to the performance facts. When the team sees that you are being fair and consistent, they will either come on board or find something else.
I would also not forget about the ones that are doing well. They may be feeling frustrated at not being recognized. It’s really easy to see what’s not happening, so those that are doing well may be feeling ignored.
Lastly, (I really am not an expert, just another struggling GSTL who is going through what you are), if you end up having to replace any GSA’s, do not let anyone tell you that someone who is good with Redcards will be good as a GSA. That is not always the case. Speaking from experience here.
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