Archived New Paygrades

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Yeah, I see a whole lot of bitterness and resentment in Target's future. There's more to a store than "sell sell sell." Personally, I hate shopping at messy, poorly stocked stores, and my store is getting to be more like that. Some valleys aren't being zoned for several days running, "work clean" means nothing anymore, product is placed in wrong places. (In my state, if a guest catches that a $14.99 product is stocked over a $5.99 shelf tag, we have to sell it at the lower price plus pay a "bounty." Some lovely guests have figured out how to game the system and it really adds up.) Cause bitterness and resentment among TMs who are long-termers and it's going to get even worse than it already is.
I've heard at my store talking about how the emphasis from higher up is sales, sales, sales. "If you can't sell, what good are you?" is what was paraphrased to me. Which if that's true, it's a short-sighted view to me.

We had a similar huddle earlier this week about sales. But didn't necessary use the quote you did but kinda in a different context
Now that I see AA will be considered "specialty", I am not agreeing that they should be making more money compared to other positions in the store. Next time I am asked to help sort their reshop or work on their defectives I will keep this in mind.
reason they are specialty is because they now push the truck, do pricing, research, ptm, set pogs and spls, merchandise and set vmg's, and now need to sell in their departments on top of reshop and zoning. this is the same for electronics and beauty. this lack of understanding is going to be what causes people to be upset. i consider it an ok move to line up with E2E. it was unfair earlier when they made the Apparel tm's do all that with base pay from their softlines days.
I've heard at my store talking about how the emphasis from higher up is sales, sales, sales. "If you can't sell, what good are you?" is what was paraphrased to me. Which if that's true, it's a short-sighted view to me.

I am unclear as to HOW they measure how much any team member is "selling". Anyone have any ideas on how they propose to "score" this?
I am unclear as to HOW they measure how much any team member is "selling". Anyone have any ideas on how they propose to "score" this?
rolling out this 4th quarter mydevices will be launching with credit card readers, we can now sell from the floor mostly stuff that counts as sales for the store, it will be expanding to purchasing from in store too without going to the cashier. So i expect this to be a way to track tm's selling.
I'm also confused about the AA and softlines. So softlines isn't a thing anymore, every softlines TM is called an AA? And getting paid like a specialist? I'm a hardlines TM and they occasionally put me in softlines - so they're not supposed to do that anymore since I'm not trained for this specialty position? And not getting the pay for it.
Also I had thought the beauty TM's would be getting higher pay but the ones at my store can barely do the minimum, much less sell a thing. I swear they just pulled the 2 girls in the store that wear the most makeup for that position.
My store is above $11/hr, does this mean I won't be seeing many of these changes anyway?

My store doesn’t have the brightest Beauty TMs either. The one who does Cosmetics is actually good but HBA isn’t so bright. She isn’t the friendliest person so not sure how well that will work
I am unclear as to HOW they measure how much any team member is "selling". Anyone have any ideas on how they propose to "score" this?
Every Leader in our store has a grid of TM's with scores 1-4 on performance and guest experience. If our DTL were to ever ask how TM's are doing and sees "Ohh SoSo from food is level 4 for service! Let's move them over to Beauty/Apparel/Electronics"
Instocks tms are to be rekeyed as hardlines.

Brand attendant is now cart attendant.

Fitting room and operator are not positions antmore. Everyone is now an AA TM

Our store has moved away from having an Operator for awhile at least being at the Fitting Room station. They have a portable phone now. But now the operator responsibilities have been pushed to HR and AA is only backup
Two thoughts: with flattened paygrades, anyone who was N07 before has nowhere to go but TL now if they want more money. My initial reaction is that this kinda stinks.

However, I wonder if the flattened paygrades will allow store leadership to more flexibility to leverage merit raises to retain high performers, instead of just throwing pennies at everyone and shrugging their shoulders. Before, if you had a great TM in a low paygrade and worried about keeping them, you had to pigeonhole them into handful of workcenters. But with that incentive gone, they'll need a new carrot. Maybe I'm being far, far too optimistic, but I hope more stratified merit raises are the solution.
A&A is not just sorting reshop and zoning anymore. They do price change, push truck, set POGs and adjacencies, do research/RFID, and put up their own signing. I'm sorry if you don't think this is worth more than entry level, then you're crazy. I'm not saying other positions aren't worth more, but quit shitting on A&A.
I wish with e2e process they would have laid the whole plan out. I am sure the stls and higher knew of the plan. Obviously this was planned out long ago to be in line with e2e. As a leader I could have maybe supported this process better if I knew the end game. I definitely would have pushed my rock star tms to the workcentefs where their pay would have been the best. Maybe it was all laid out and I missed it...
Correct the new title is apparel and accessories team member. If you are not able to sell merchandise to guest you are expected to change workcenters. We moved 5 AA tms back to flow

Lol. They're gonna be shuffling everyone around in my store. Some of the people in my sl dept are not personable with guests at all. The tls aren't even good at it tbh
Pretty sure baristas & cafe TMs won't see a dime either.

Cafe is getting a 25 cent raise to catch up to Starbucks. I heard cafe will be out of all stores by the end of 2018 though.

reason they are specialty is because they now push the truck, do pricing, research, ptm, set pogs and spls, merchandise and set vmg's, and now need to sell in their departments on top of reshop and zoning. this is the same for electronics and beauty. this lack of understanding is going to be what causes people to be upset. i consider it an ok move to line up with E2E. it was unfair earlier when they made the Apparel tm's do all that with base pay from their softlines days.

This is actually a turning back of end to end in some ways. At my store flow is doing the breakout again, price change is still working in softlines. Backroom is backstocking since they effed up our BRLA.

Rather than work end to end the new focus is sell sell sell. Certain team members are being told to let flow push the truck while they guest service.

I have nothing against AA it's not an easy job, my issue is the raise is all about attracting people from other retailers at the expense of team members we already have. One would be naieve to think this is about satisfying existing team members.
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reason they are specialty is because they now push the truck, do pricing, research, ptm, set pogs and spls, merchandise and set vmg's, and now need to sell in their departments on top of reshop and zoning. this is the same for electronics and beauty. this lack of understanding is going to be what causes people to be upset. i consider it an ok move to line up with E2E. it was unfair earlier when they made the Apparel tm's do all that with base pay from their softlines days.
That's not true for all stores, though. Mine added pushing the truck and occasionally finishes backstocking (usually incorrectly because it's such a high turnover department), but pog sets their pogs, pricing does their pricing, etc, and that's not likely to change until next year at this point.
Since they recently dropped electronics to base pay, will we see an extra $0.50 when we switch to the new pay grades, or will the $0.50 just cut into our current pay?
You will not see any cuts but if you are not at the minimum, you will get increased to that minimum.
Two thoughts: with flattened paygrades, anyone who was N07 before has nowhere to go but TL now if they want more money. My initial reaction is that this kinda stinks.

However, I wonder if the flattened paygrades will allow store leadership to more flexibility to leverage merit raises to retain high performers, instead of just throwing pennies at everyone and shrugging their shoulders. Before, if you had a great TM in a low paygrade and worried about keeping them, you had to pigeonhole them into handful of workcenters. But with that incentive gone, they'll need a new carrot. Maybe I'm being far, far too optimistic, but I hope more stratified merit raises are the solution.
It depends when they do the future minimum wage bumps though. It will get bumped up another dollar or two next year, wiping out any merit raise.

A&A is not just sorting reshop and zoning anymore. They do price change, push truck, set POGs and adjacencies, do research/RFID, and put up their own signing. I'm sorry if you don't think this is worth more than entry level, then you're crazy. I'm not saying other positions aren't worth more, but quit shitting on A&A.
Yeah they do hardly any of that at my store. They push the truck (Flow breaks it out), and they backstock (poorly). They generally don't do any pog, signing, price change, or instocks. The closing team is made up entirely of teenagers who stand around gossiping and act like helping guests or doing work is an inconvenience.
Whereas they may roll this out....based upon comments on this website alone, not to mention the shock of 100K plus workers who have yet to see this, I am assuming some of this will be 'tweaked' no matter how minor. I understand where corporate is coming from but it still sounds like another bonehead idea sent down from corporate!
Cafe is getting a 25 cent raise to catch up to Starbucks. I heard cafe will be out of all stores by the end of 2018 though.

I hope so our Cafe looks like crap and tried to get our floors replaced for years but corporate leaders don’t seem to care. And we have an ICEE machine that we can’t seem to get replaced because it’s so old.
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