Archived New Paygrades

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Set me straight here if I'm wrong, I'm not sure I understand the Job Differential thing.
PG30: $11
PG30*JD: $11.01-11.49?
PG35: $11.50?
Set me straight here if I'm wrong, I'm not sure I understand the Job Differential thing.
PG30: $11
PG30*JD: $11.01-11.49?
PG35: $11.50?

The guide doesn't say how much job differential is. I believe it's 50 cents so it would be the same as a pg35.
Then why not just make those workcenters PG35? The image said something about the wage needing to be slightly higher to be competitive, but not enough to put them in another paygrade. Unless they mean between PG35 and PG40; but then it would still make more sense in my mind to go PG30, PG35, PG35*JD, PG40, etc.
They essentially eliminated the SR APS position. It's now grouped in with regular APS. Same thing with SR TPS.

Looks like I now have incentive to go for APTL though.

In my opinion TPS, even with the restricted roles, should be PG 40. To group them in with electronics and food avenue TMs is a joke to be honest. APS should be PG 45. AP brings a lot of responsibility that other positions in the store just don't have.
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Then why not just make those workcenters PG35? The image said something about the wage needing to be slightly higher to be competitive, but not enough to put them in another paygrade. Unless they mean between PG35 and PG40; but then it would still make more sense in my mind to go PG30, PG35, PG35*JD, PG40, etc.

Right my theory is they will give minimum pay to GSAs and logistics unless the person tries to negotiate a higher wage.

In my opinion TPS, even with the restricted roles, should be PG 40. To group them in with electronics and food avenue TMs is a joke to be honest.

Eh, a TPS definitely doesn't deserve team lead pay. I know you're bias to the position but they stand by the door now.
Right my theory is they will give minimum pay to GSAs and logistics unless the person tries to negotiate a higher wage.

Eh, a TPS definitely doesn't deserve team lead pay. I know you're bias to the position but they stand by the door now.
Maybe not TL pay. But for the results expected they deserve something better than some of the other positions in that group. They aren't even eligible for job differential.
Now that I see AA will be considered "specialty", I am not agreeing that they should be making more money compared to other positions in the store. Next time I am asked to help sort their reshop or work on their defectives I will keep this in mind.
Yep, I wanna see 'em come over & make one of any number of drinks, prep pizzas/pastas, break down & clean food equipment, etc when we have a call out.
So as the HR team member who's been with Target for several years, I see how Target "values" my position and role. So the 16 year old softlines team member I had during orientation last week will now make more than me.

WTF. Why am I not surprised?
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They essentially eliminated the SR APS position. It's now grouped in with regular APS. Same thing with SR TPS.

Looks like I now have incentive to go for APTL though.

In my opinion TPS, even with the restricted roles, should be PG 40. To group them in with electronics and food avenue TMs is a joke to be honest. APS should be PG 45. AP brings a lot of responsibility that other positions in the store just don't have.
If pog is cashier level than so is tps. To me it looks like any job they don't want new tm in that they are trying to transition to different job positions got dumped in the bottom.

After all pog/ pricing isn't supposed to be something we hire. It's on the style/ market/ electronics/ cosmetics team to do that. With the addition of a home team member specialty we can eliminate everything but seasonal from pog/ pricing workload by dividing up the store. This makes it harder for stores to ignore that and hire at crap pay.
So as the HR team member who's been with Target for several years, I see how Target "values" my position and role. So the 16 year old softlines team member I had during orientation last week will now make more than me.

WTF. Why am I not surprised?

I've heard at my store talking about how the emphasis from higher up is sales, sales, sales. "If you can't sell, what good are you?" is what was paraphrased to me. Which if that's true, it's a short-sighted view to me.
I'm also confused about the AA and softlines. So softlines isn't a thing anymore, every softlines TM is called an AA? And getting paid like a specialist? I'm a hardlines TM and they occasionally put me in softlines - so they're not supposed to do that anymore since I'm not trained for this specialty position? And not getting the pay for it.
Also I had thought the beauty TM's would be getting higher pay but the ones at my store can barely do the minimum, much less sell a thing. I swear they just pulled the 2 girls in the store that wear the most makeup for that position.
My store is above $11/hr, does this mean I won't be seeing many of these changes anyway?
Bwahaha, they'll never let my team know that. I can't even imagine how utterly, utterly fucked the order would be if our more checked-out TMs had to do the PA duties.
Lol we had a grocery TM do the order last week...she just ordered one of everything.

Sooo...the VMTL has been reduced to VM? They’re no longer a TL? Nice!
We've had one since earlier this year. It's still a leadership position, but the "team leader" part of the title is gone since they don't have a team. Similar to how the PMT operates.
A lot of positions are getting screwed here, but I think the Signing TM is being screwed the most. No signing TM will get a raise, and any who were right around the $11 mark will be making about the same as cashiers and less than softlines TMs.

Good luck convincing anyone to become the signing TM in the future...
Any snapshot of this page for all TLs?

There's is not yet. I'll let you know if I see one.

I'm also confused about the AA and softlines. So softlines isn't a thing anymore, every softlines TM is called an AA?

Correct the new title is apparel and accessories team member. If you are not able to sell merchandise to guest you are expected to change workcenters. We moved 5 AA tms back to flow

My store is above $11/hr, does this mean I won't be seeing many of these changes anyway?

At a 12 or 13 dollar store. Beauty and AA pay will raise 50 cents. Regular hardlines, no change.
We've had one since earlier this year. It's still a leadership position, but the "team leader" part of the title is gone since they don't have a team. Similar to how the PMT operates

Sounds about right. My ETL HR said they are not allowed to coach team members anymore.
So how much would current speciality positions get? No raise right? Is this just for new speciality positions?

If I'm right... sorry
So how much would current speciality positions get? No raise right? Is this just for new speciality positions?

If I'm right... sorry

Yeah as electronics you're already 50 cents over base.

I’m surprised they think so lowly of the HRTM. Ours does quite a lot and is the store leadership team’s right hand.

Pretty sure these raises or cuts are coming from someone who has never worked in a store.
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