MEGATHREAD New POS (post-cutover)

Scan to login only works if a device isn’t unattended from a TM for any length of time. There is at least one thread that lists what the passcode for the device is.
I assume when vendors use our devices and login it’s a separate account that can’t login to registers or do other things
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Can regular lane mode (human cashier) get search for produce like SCO has? I hate looking for a sheet (which disappear frequently even when enough are made) for produce and washing time when SCO is much more efficient
Can regular lane mode (human cashier) get search for produce like SCO has? I hate looking for a sheet (which disappear frequently even when enough are made) for produce and washing time when SCO is much more efficient
i’ve asked for this since forever ago. idk why they haven’t added it.

Scan to login only works if a device isn’t unattended from a TM for any length of time. There is at least one thread that lists what the passcode for the device is.
right but. finding a device (within it being logged into) is significantly harder than watching someone enter their pin.
Yours isn’t SCO? Do you still have Pizza Hut?
I meant SBUX.
Cut power when store is open. Has power when closed. Obviously on when attended
Not at all a good, let alone a best, practice.

The registers get their updates overnight and this would cause hella problems with them.
they wouldn’t be off overnight. just from 8-10. (when registers are unattended.) Then overnight can install whatever updates it wants.
Can we please get either the ability to use our Zebra as a scanner and/or the ability to make a barcode in MyDay from the DCPI? It would be useful for large/heavy items that are in the cart and the hand scanner doesn't reach. It would be faster and more accurate than typing in the DCPI or worse the UPC

Please fix the banking app to OPEN the drawer when requesting refills. I don't know why they removed that feature when they switched from having the cashier do the math vs just counting by one for each bill that's added

Please let TMs (possibly TL+ if needed) make custom login screen text on a register to show what's not working so we know to use it or change what it's used for.

Exchanges: Please make this happen. The easiest way I can think of is to do a return but instead of refunding it to a card/cash it gets refunded to the item. The service desk would scan the new item for the refund like a gift card and a new receipt (different from the return one) would print out.

Not a POS feature but related. MyDay should have a return policy section for each item
Also now POS has the screen about printing a speed ID every time you use your TM number to log in. It doesn't actually print one, but there is a noticeable lag.
Can we please get either the ability to use our Zebra as a scanner and/or the ability to make a barcode in MyDay from the DCPI? It would be useful for large/heavy items that are in the cart and the hand scanner doesn't reach. It would be faster and more accurate than typing in the DCPI or worse the UPC

You could print a upc barcode, if you are at GS. The registers should have the looooooong hand scanners. They can reach a whole lot. At GS, if someone has a huge thing I can't scan from the register, I'll sometime take a pic of the barcode and scan my phone LOL
As of today May the Fourth 2023 you can’t sign in without either a Speed ID or Zebra. To get a Speed ID select Print Speed ID then it prints.
As of today May the Fourth 2023 you can’t sign in without either a Speed ID or Zebra. To get a Speed ID select Print Speed ID then it prints.
i dislike that.

Although it’s rare sometimes the scan to login doesn’t work.

I HATE to say this but. If they wanted to leave the pin to login but only use it when needed. They need it to take longer and they need it to make it a metric.
Idea for price matching
What if it was done automatically through scanning the wallet barcode?
Each time you see a lower price than in store on the app you scan it and it adds it to the barcode (for 24h) to make the POS edit the price automatically. It would make them much easier and also work without interaction at SCO.
If you didn’t scan the item on your app you would pay the in store price unless you tell your cashier or SCO attendant(s) and we verify it.
It won’t be coming back
I know, and that's the stupidest thing ever. They could easily allow you to sell from the Guest Service App. But the amount of times I've had guests get mad at "This is the 2nd time I've had to refund this item, I know this receipt says I paid with a gift card, but I initially paid in cash and you guys don't do returns so you made me get it on a gift card to buy the new one, and now you won't give me my $500 back in cash??" and it's quite annoying, especially when I could probably merge the 2 apps myself with an 8 hour period.
We got the EloPOS Pack (small black square) registers a few weeks ago and still have keyboards attached. Can we remove them or not? @versionDefect The vendors said that they have to reattach everything that was attached with the old beige ones that wasn't an upgrade. No one in my store knows. There is at least one store in my district that doesn't have keyboards because it opened after the new POS was rolled out.
The leaders that (would be the ones to tell us what to do with them) don't know if we need the keyboards want them kept plugged in for now.
Is there anything on Workbench that says we can get rid of them?
Where do they go, CRC? Should we keep at least one just in case? Keep all?
@versionDefect The vendors said that they have to reattach everything that was attached with the old beige ones that wasn't an upgrade. No one in my store knows. There is at least one store in my district that doesn't have keyboards because it opened after the new POS was rolled out
My store isn’t the best at following direction like that LMFAO. Probably CRC electronics recycling.

But you absolutely can remove your keyboards. we’ve had ours thrown away since 2020 and the extra space is perfect.

if your NEW system needed keyboards then your new system would’ve included them lol.
Do the EloPOS Pack (small black square) registers beep when you scan an item that has a protection plan? If so where does the sound come from? My store doesn't beep currently. It did beep on the old beige ones.

Can we have our PML "wall" mount them with the mounting bracket to the metal wall? It's the red wall behind the NCR line display in the attached image. Our NGSCO registers have it "wall" mounted to the inside of the cabinet with extra parts to keep it locked in. It doesn't use the mounting bracket to attach it. You just unscrew the part and pull it toward you and it comes out.


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