At my store, we have 12 self checkouts, 4 on GM side (GMSCO) and 8 on Grocery side (GSCO). We also have SCO keys and whoever is at GMSCO or GSCO has a set of keys to get into the ATM/Receipt printer We always close GMSCO around 8pm and have it rebanked around 8:20/8:30pm depending on the day or who is at GMSCO. GSCO closes at 10pm when the store closes, but that gets banked between 9pm and 10pm. We bank GSCO without closing the area, as guests are still checking out, and let guests keep using them after being banked, like New POS registers can be.
Just a note, we have the Old Standard NCR ATM SCO machines, and do I hate them. Even tho I've done exclusively OPU/GS/MCO in the past four months, I ending hate those machines and software and can't wait for New POS to hit SCO. Also really want the new NextGen SCO machines that newer stores have.