Archived Newbie

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Nov 9, 2017
Hello everyone. Just got hired 2 weeks ago for SFS but have been put in a few other locations to help me learn the ropes. So far I'm really enjoying it. Only frustrating part for me is learning how the labels on the shelves work. I've had a couple ppl explain "their version" of it but I'm still stocking blind lol.
Greetings and salutations.

Welcome to The Break Room.
Welcome, if you have questions don’t hesitate to ask them. You’ll do great!
Welcome jump on or get off before the train pulls out in full force on Black Friday
Welcome. Never be afraid to ask questions. This site is VERY helpful and you will probably get the majority of your training here. Hands on stuff will be at your store, but fundamentals will probably be answered here. Good luck and work smarter, not harder!!😉
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