Archived No more birthday cake?

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As far as I know we still have cake on the calendar, but we're no longer allowed to have peanut butter and jelly in the breakroom. They haven't been allowing qmos'd stuff from pfresh or FA/Sbux in there either (which seems like a waste IMO).
I actually saw the 50th Anniversary sign/poster around TMSC the other day, from what I know, we will be ha ving BBQ!
Your going to laugh, but its because it's discriminatory against those who don't have "birthdays". In some certain religions birthdays are not celebrated and the term "Birthday" is almost a curse word. Even though I am all for respecting everyones beliefs, this is a bit out stretched. I also heard that they did a break down of how much money is being spent on cake at the store level, easy way to cut down that expense, I guess.

ok... I guess my store missed this! Usually if cake or cupcakes or something is done for a birthday or anniversary, it's a team member that's made it and brought it in. It's pretty rare outside of fourth quarter that we have food of any kind that the store paid for.

They changed the methods of us getting cakes. Now we get two small ones instead of one big one.

One says "Happy" and the other one says "Birthday".

As a side note, if you have a free tube of frosting, do not put a question mark next to the "Happy".
since i've been at my store we don't have birthday cakes.. we get a card and a candy bar. We often have cookies, cakes, chips, candy, and fruit in the break room and sitting at tsc at close for the closing team.
We also have a redcard store goal every month and if we meet it we get a store party. This month if we meet it we're having some huge party because last month our score was HORRIBLE.
I don't know about your stores, but at my store we had two huge birthday cakes last week (plus two boxes of cupcakes) and this week we had three huge birthday cakes for celebrating Targets 50th birthday. So I think our store is not cutting back on Cake.
Honestly, I'd just be happy with a big tub of frosting. Of course, that's non-red, non-brithday-related, non-making-a-very-few-people-somewhat-uncomfortable frosting, but frosting nonetheless
This reminds me of last year. Usually we have a monthly birthday cake for the team. I had a 12am shift right after my birthday and was called to come to the overnight huddle (which I usually don't go to because I'm signing)

The entire team sang happy birthday which was HILARIOUS. If your overnight team is anything like ours it consists of old men who hate everyone, little old polish ladies, creepy/awkward younger guys, and others who only speak spanish. All of them singing awkwardly/out of harmony and presenting me with a full size sheet cake was like an awesomely bad movie. I loved it and I especially love my OWN cake!

(Also: slightly scary because cakes of that size with a name on it are usually reserved for people who are leaving. aka omg im fired)
wait! You get the qmos stuff?????

Since I've already admitted I'm "Target illiterate", I'll assume "qmos" means "stuff that's about to expire"??? We sometimes get that too, but if it's put back there before a "certain team" has left the building (and no, I don't mean Elvis, although I think some of them might think they're him~LOL!), it's gone before anyone else can get their hands on any of it.....

For example, last month (April), they put the "birthday cookies/cupcakes" (5 packages) in the breakroom around 9 am and they were COMPLETELY gone by 9:15!!! A local "fast food" place brought "samples" down around lunch time a few weeks ago AFTER that team had all clocked out for the day and there were STILL some left when I went on "lunch" at 5:30 PM!!!
Since I've already admitted I'm "Target illiterate", I'll assume "qmos" means "stuff that's about to expire"???

When non-consumable merchandise is not sellable (broken, stained, it just doesn't work, etc.), it gets defected out of the system and it is either tossed, donated, sold to closeout buyers, or sent back to the manufacturer for recycling/refurbishment. Food items are QMOSed instead (if possible). The majority of QMOS items get tossed because they are not considered safe for consumption.
QMOS - quantity mark-off system - is for items:
out of date (expired or about to expire)
out of temp (perishable left out too long)
out of time (expired in FA hot case before being sold)
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