Archived No more ETL HR?

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Not sure about that last statement just because of the paycut.

You probably cut 10 hours a week but lose 15-20k a year depending on how well your state pays.

I'm not saying people have to accept the offer, but I'm sure it will be an option instead of the possibility of getting laid off. Their hourly rate wouldn't really change, they would just get less hours. If you translate an ETLs salary into hourly, taking into consideration how many hours they work, ETLs really don't make that much. Someone with a 60k salary working 50 hours/week is making 23$/hr, which is basically what I make as a SrTL.
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We are such a year round hiring need store this will never work for us. But it could be fun.
My wife's an ETL-HR in my neighboring district but she's on track to be an STL in the next year. Outside of that, she says she knows she won't do anything outside of HR or being an STL. Sucks!
Prior to my Target days I worked in a grocery store. We had a store manager and two assistant managers. Those were the only salary people. The rest were hourly and departments had their versions of TLs (we called them department heads). Some areas also had assistant department heads based on needs. We were pretty high volume and the store ran just fine. In my opinion Target would benefit going to something like this.

Most cuts are done via attrition anyway. I don't see them forcing ETL HRs to take a TL position. They will simply move them into other ETL roles. The rare exception would be those that want to stay in HR.

Also HR will never be completely cut from stores. I'm not sure where people are getting that from. The role will just be a TL instead of ETL.
I'm not saying people have to accept the offer, but I'm sure it will be an option instead of the possibility of getting laid off. Their hourly rate wouldn't really change, they would just get less hours. If you translate an ETLs salary into hourly, taking into consideration how many hours they work, ETLs really don't make that much. Someone with a 60k salary working 50 hours/week is making 23$/hr, which is basically what I make as a SrTL.

To be honest most ETL HRS wouldn't have a hard time finding jobs outside of Target. HR and AP are the jobs that translate best to work outside of retail.

As far as sr tl vs. ETL. You have to remember with vacation and comp days they still make more per hour then seniors. An ETL salary per hour comes out closer to 30 dollars per hour.
This is happening at my store. We will have HRBP that will service the stores that lose HR ETL, which would be fine if my store wasn't almost 100 miles away from all the other stores in the district. And yes, the HR ETL has the option to go SrTL which is a lot less stress, but also a huge paycut if they haven't been with the company long. I feel so bad for ours, she works very hard and this is a slap in the face. Because we have a great BTS, she loses her job? What a crock.
I had ETL-HRs who were very active in store personnel and some who basically showed up to only make decoration crafts for the breakroom; leaving the real work to Clerical/HRTM.

The ETL-HR is supposed to be advocate for TMs who can't approach direct leadership on personnel or sensitive matters. Provide information on benefits and TM services. Provide counseling for TM situations which need be handled delicately. such as sexual/mental/physical harassment. Provide support for transfers.

My sister in law manages an upscale grocery chain and they have a district HR rep who travels and rotates between stores. There are so many issues she has to push to HR because she has to recuse herself or she can't provide what they need. If its something like that it may work for smaller districts or store volumes. But larger markets you would need store ETL-HRs.
As far as sr tl vs. ETL. You have to remember with vacation and comp days they still make more per hour then seniors. An ETL salary per hour comes out closer to 30 dollars per hour.

TLs accrue vacation just like ETLs so I'm not sure how that's different. While ETLs get comp days because they are salary, TLs get paid a free 8 hours for the same holidays that ETLs get to comp, so that's a wash.

ETLs around me start around 45k or 17$/hr, SrTL start around 15$/hr. It would not be that hard to sell 40 hours/week vs 50 hours/week for a comparable hourly wage and less responsibility to ETL HRs who want to stay with the company.
This is the big announcement you and @glo were talking about yesterday eh?

Yeah I can't see HR completely going away but I can understand it disappearing from lower volume stores. Many low volume stores already have HR and AP combined.

My ETL HR makes our store run but we are an A+ volume store. To be honest I have always felt it's a waste for ETL HRs and ETL APs to take LOD shifts and I know at ultra high volume stores they simply do not. It makes much more sense for them to focus on their process and so I have always thought out loud that a store can get by with an APTL and HRTL.

Does anyone know if they are doing this by attrition or by reassignment? We dropped org charts and are losing our TLs by attrition but our execs have to go by the end of this month.

The announcements appear to vary in severity depending on where your district is standing with headcount already. I believe the goal is to get rid of all ETL-HRs and ETL-APs (outside of high risk/red team stores) in most situations, but bring back an APBP and HRBP per district again (a net savings but having a true expert within each tree). However, where we are seeing the announcement that "its only ULV" for most stores are areas where the the store is already over on headcount.

If you are in a district and have 20 ETLs without a department due to over-hiring or position cuts, it makes sense to allow 10 stores to retain their ETL-HR for this year since there is no way you are dropping 20 ETLs in one year. Its easier to just leave 10 ETL-HRs in role for one more year and deal with it in 2018 when hopefully some of them have promoted/left.
I realize this move is going to help Target's bottom line, but it's really going to stink at our store where a salary position that was covering LOD shifts is now going to be an hourly position that will eat payroll.
This is the big announcement you and @glo were talking about yesterday eh?

Yeah I can't see HR completely going away but I can understand it disappearing from lower volume stores. Many low volume stores already have HR and AP combined.

My ETL HR makes our store run but we are an A+ volume store. To be honest I have always felt it's a waste for ETL HRs and ETL APs to take LOD shifts and I know at ultra high volume stores they simply do not. It makes much more sense for them to focus on their process and so I have always thought out loud that a store can get by with an APTL and HRTL.

Does anyone know if they are doing this by attrition or by reassignment? We dropped org charts and are losing our TLs by attrition but our execs have to go by the end of this month.
Our store actually was selected for a pilot. We didn't hear much about HR. I made a thread that I will update later after work about the pilot.
I'm staying tuned for this topic tough
I have also heard from my ETL-Hr at another store that the ETL AP/HR will no longer exist and that it will be replaced with a Sr. HR TL and a AP TL. Only one is opening up in my district, my HRBP said some thing about it to me three weeks ago about a new position opening up and that she saw me being a good fit for it. I am now assuming that this was the position. Not really sure what I think about it...
While the change seems odd, remember that this is honestly probably for the better.

Think of how PMT's current setup works. They get their own bucket of payroll for 40 hours and a PMBP they answer to (ETL-LOG helps oversee). They do their own thing and get their work done because they do not backup cashier, do not generally get pulled (or are the last ones to), and they are experts at their business.

Now look at the HR and AP fields. These workcenters usually struggle because when they are ETLs, the opposite of the above happens. An ETL-HR is pressured to be a good ETL before an HR generally, so wastes time on things they shouldn't have to do (while being paid PG13 pay to do it). Same in AP.

What is honestly better is to bring back APBP and HRBP for every district (instead of them being far away or covering 3 districts so never knowing what is happening) and having an STL (paid) like person in these roles who really really cares about these areas. They can be experts in AP or HR in their 10-15 stores and have "reps" that are hourly in each building. This is how many businesses operate and you can have an APTL focus on AP and not an ETL-AP who gets pulled all the time, and the TL as a BP nearby to help them when a higher scope is needed.
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