ETLs around me start around 45k or 17$/hr, SrTL start around 15$/hr.
I love my ETL-HR and I hope we keep the position. There are weeks when I don't even see my STL.Apparently there was an announcement today from headquarters that my store and potentially several others will no longer have an ETL HR. The STL will take on the HR tasks. Has anyone else heard this?
The thing that worries me is that moving down will be hard. You cant expect an hourly employee to do the same amount as a salaried person, but if they are in the same role essentially, they will almost certainly be expected to do that.
My HR ETL can either look for a job outside Target or take on a different ETL position somewhere. .
Looks like you'll be aspiring for a while🙄hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha good luck keeping good STL's!! dear god corporate is dumb
What does the ETL HR actually do? All The ETL HR seems to do in my store is hide in his office.
Since I have worked at target the hiring process has gotten hard, and the quality of people being hired has decreased.
I feel like target stores have too many management types, and not enough workers. Every department in the store does not need a ETL. Its a waste of payroll and creates too much red-tape.
I feel like this will cause HRTLs to end up with overtime quite frequently. Need to do an interview towards the end of your shift? Hopefully it doesn't go too long. A Flow TM cursed out their TL on the sales floor and walked out? Looks like you'll need to come in early tomorrow so you can fire them if they show up.
HR is not something where you need to be constantly checking the time and rushing things to avoid OT.
Wow! Reading this really drives home just how awful my ETL-HR is! She does a terrible job of hiding her contempt for all of us and is the last person we can go to with anything.I know as an HRTM this is a unique opportunity for me and like LUR99 I can only see my hours going up but I will say our ETL HR is going to be a huge loss.
Aside from being the store mom, she has talked numerous TMs out of quitting, told several overzealous ETLs not to have unrealistic expectation of TLs and has helped several of our TMs with personal issues (Verification for food stamps etc) she is the one who would tell me not to key that absence as a no call no show when the LOD overreacted to someone didn't call them back. She would always keep us one step ahead with hiring needs, posting an opening for a closing cashier when our crappy one was days from getting termed.
She also made it so the ETLS pets didn't get all the hours but rather made it relatively fair that everyone got hours.
Yes a TL can do a lot of those things but in some stores the ETL HR is the number two in command and so what they said carried a lot of weight.
My ETL HR is the one executive people could go to and trust she would advocate for them. Even though ETL HRS are forced to spout a lot of the company party line BS , I always felt the best ones did it with dignity and class. Gonna miss mine.
I feel like this will cause HRTLs to end up with overtime quite frequently. Need to do an interview towards the end of your shift? Hopefully it doesn't go too long. A Flow TM cursed out their TL on the sales floor and walked out? Looks like you'll need to come in early tomorrow so you can fire them if they show up.
HR is not something where you need to be constantly checking the time and rushing things to avoid OT.
Wow! Reading this really drives home just how awful my ETL-HR is! She does a terrible job of hiding her contempt for all of us and is the last person we can go to with anything.