Wow! Have they done any kind of planning? Are you ready?
I don't think there has been any planning. I am ready, I was without an HR ETL for a couple of months before. It's not the 4th quarter so I am not really worried at all.
Wow! Have they done any kind of planning? Are you ready?
Ok, here is some info... No changes will be made to existing hourly HR team member payroll. 40 hours of weekly payroll will be allocated to the Sr. HR TL and will be scheduled a maximum of 2 LOD shifts per week. The HRBP owns posting the role for Sr HR TL in JAS. However, HRBP's will determine the appropriate time to post the job for each store based on ETL - HR transition timing. The Sr. HR TL will have access to all of the same systems that an ETL - HR has access to, expcept Team Views. The Sr. HR TL position is a PG17 🙂
Thanks for breaking it down. So is every HRTL position a SRTL position? I would love the HRTL position but don't have the availability to be a senior lead.
A store in my district is losing their ETL-HR. As a result, they'll only have an STL, ETL-Log, and ETL-SF/GE. They already have an APTL. They currently have about 6 or 7 TLs with three of those being seniors. Volume is about $35M and risk level is low.
I think this is the direction Target is going long term for store structure. Fewer ETLs and marginally more TLs. Financially it's a net positive to eliminate ETL roles and just allow stores to have more seniors (extra couple dollars per hour) as necessary.
That store sounds similar to mine and we always have a free for all with overtime in Q4 anyways.Makes a lot of sense q1 2 and 3. Q4 those senior tls are going to get an awful lot of overtime.
What was the confirmation, is this real?
What was the confirmation, is this real?
Any way to know when we'll be losing our ETL-HR? I'm slightly curious when the change comes to my store, but I don't want to walk up to her and ask "Hey, when are you gonna leave?". I haven't really seen her in a positive mood at all ever since news broke out about this, which makes me believe she'll be pursuing other opportunities outside of Target soon.
Just to ask your hrbp. It varies my region and district. It appears 90% of stores in region 100 and 200 still have theirs. Almost all the positions on JAS are region 300 and 400
Yep, its difficult to say who is losing and who is not officially as of right now. I know its not just "ULV" stores as I have one nearby that is losing theirs. I seriously believe its a LARGE cut to ETL-HRs, but depending on the staffing level of the area they may have been allowed to make an exception to the new guide. Again, if your district is already over by 20 ETLs right now, you might as well just let the ETL-HRs stay in role (so they don't all quit) until they move out on their own and just replace them with HRTLs when the time comes.
The way this is rolling out makes me think that there was probably a great deal of input by field HR leaders as to which stores would get cut first. The lowest volume store in our district isn't losing their ETL and it likely has to do with how many major HR issues they have all the time.
Ultimately I think most positions will go away, but it's going to be a gradual process.
Yes we are in an awkward transitional period right now. There are major changes coming down where the ETL-HR cuts will make sense, but they aren't in place yet so it seems just like a straight cutting across the board (which it is cutting, but its a change in workload for stores as well).
That is sad I actually like our ETL-HR but being an ETL I guess they could move inside the company depending on the path they want to go on.
I would really like to see consumables split between a dry grocery and p-fresh TL. Our dry grocery has simply gone to hell with as much time that is spent on just stocking the truck unloads.Well they are not getting fired! You will still have an HR Rep in the building, but it will likely convert to a TL. The ETL group will currently be grossly overstaffed, but I am pretty sure there is more district level positions being created to support the store teams in areas where there used to be ETL support.
For example, AP, HR, and PM already have their BP positions (2 of those are now 1 per district). I could see Logistics earning one when ETL Log goes away and just a TL stays in role to manage item merges, sweeps, receiving, deliveries etc... I could also see one for Food in some regard depending on the amount of Supers.
I would really like to see consumables split between a dry grocery and p-fresh TL. Our dry grocery has simply gone to hell with as much time that is spent on just stocking the truck unloads.