Archived No more M-F plano/pricing??

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I was just looking at POGs 6-2:30 M-F schedule and was really jealous. No wonder they never quit or move up to TL.
Yeah, no kidding! I've asked a few of my clearly capable TMs why they never tried for TL, only to find out that two of them are prior TLs who didn't like the responsibility, and one who didn't like how the TLs are treated by both TMs and ETLs. I wish there were a way I could go back to being a regular TM but keep a full schedule.
Unless you're a guinea pig store like mine that's being tested for high volume stores going to 4AM. We do between 60-70M, and in February we went to 4AM. It sucks. Really bad. There are SOOOOOOO many people in the store and backroom from 7AM to 11AM it's beyond hilarious trying to get anything done. Especially with Back to School right now. Overnight Backroom (well, "early morning" now), Flow, Dayside Backroom, Plano, Pricing, Instocks. The equipment situation is B. A. D. BAD.
Unless you're a guinea pig store like mine that's being tested for high volume stores going to 4AM. We do between 60-70M, and in February we went to 4AM. It sucks. Really bad. There are SOOOOOOO many people in the store and backroom from 7AM to 11AM it's beyond hilarious trying to get anything done. Especially with Back to School right now. Overnight Backroom (well, "early morning" now), Flow, Dayside Backroom, Plano, Pricing, Instocks. The equipment situation is B. A. D. BAD.

That's why i wish you could buy your own, or maybe target can set up an app on peoples phones. I hate coming in when i am scheduled for instocks and can't find equipment. A lot of people are stingy when it comes too pdas/lpdas
Our plano team started at 5:30 in a B+ store that one year was golden.
The problem beyond never having equipment, was that I was praised and held up as an example of creating Target culture (later called Vibing --shudder --) but than with the other hand beaten up for not getting my work done fast enough.
Which one is more important, selling the lady a $450 vacuum cleaner or putting up some fake wood toppers?
I asked our AP why we can't get an app for our smart phones to replace the PDA. He said it would be too hard to keep intellectual property confidential. I think if it ran on the same secured network that the PDAs run on, where we have to log in and out, it wouldn't be an issue. I'm sure they could keep it secure if they put in the effort. Of course, it took until this month for them to move beyond Internet Explorer, so even if they were working on it, by the time they rolled it out we'd probably have newer technology anyway! Today was one of those days where I gave up my PDA, so the things I could have gotten done with a PDA didn't happen.
Planogram team has to be scheduled all seven days here in my area some are Sunday to Thursday and some are Tuesday thru Sat. Mon to Friday thing is way in the past.
At my store, plano is overnight and they work four 10-hour nights from Sunday to Wednesday.
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